Renee's daily journal.....comments welcomed

WOW! its been a while, I really need toget comitted again!
today was so bad............ first dad house is having problems with closing! then I figured out my insurance company is jerking me around and the car was smacked up while I was working!
Would have been a great day to cheat but, i didnt.......... I didnt eat much but didnt cheat!
drank all my water and ate dinner at about 9:30 this evening........
chicken pizziola! no or very little carbs!
Got home and had a atkins ice cream bar!

going to bed till tomorrow hopefully
I'm ready to get commited again with you (hopefully not at the insane asylum!!) :crazy:

No cheating is wonderful! That's a positive! Best of luck to you getting back on the wagon!
thanks des...............can use all support I can get!
Anyway yesterday was good.............
got up late so didnt have breakfast.........
for lunch we had mickey dees.......... two double cheese burgers no bread or fries............
FOr dinner about 10 last night I over did it but no carbs involved...........
Had a salad with chicken then some sea bass...........
I got home and had a piece of cheese cake sugar free!
drank all my water
till tomorrow

Another non cheat day!
had bacon and eggs for BK
artichoke and spinach dip on LC tortilla for lunch
this evening, i had a hamburger with a side salad at work!

and an atkins ice cream bar just now!

Good job, Renee keep it up! Sounds like you're off to a great start.

Have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks jodi~
Today was good till this eveing then I over did it a little
This morning I had eggs and bacon LC bread...........
lunch, I had spinach dip and a half sandwich on LC tortilla
This eveing at work, I had a burger with a salad but on the way home had a friendlys chocolate shake and a bag of swedish fish.............
Bad I know but its all over now............. tomorrow is a neww day!
today was good until this evening........
i did good all day stayed on plan then I went a little nuts with the swedish fish!
Anyway....gonna try again tomorrow
Hi Renee! You were up late last night. Sounds like you had a good day until you were heading home. Have you tried keeping legal snacks around? You are looking good! And we all have those moments where nothing will suffice except for a chocolate shake! ;)

Today was Ok I guess, i ate a hamburger for lunch, no bread no ketchup. and three hot wings, i didnt get another chance to eat, work was busy so I came home, just got on line and ate a few swedish fish...... a small handfull and nothing more...............
till tomorrow......
Wowo I havent been on in a while..........I am sure I had a few bad days in there.yep come to think of it, Sunday was a bad one and I belive monday was as well........anyWHO........ today is wednesday and i did Ok..i had my usual breakfast 2 eggs baonc and tow slices of LC toast one with sugar free jelly and cream cheese....... then I cheated a little, kids made a really big chocolate cookie.......... had a little piece a very little piece of that......
Went to work and chef made me some chicken and a salad.......
thats all for today.I have maintained as far as weight this weight, just wont budge........
Got to lose some before I go to FL.......... in about 17 days.......
till tomorrow...
back again........ been a few days.......... and i have been bad until today.........

Skipped Bk but had burger king for lunch with kids...
doule whopper no bread a few fries.....
Drank all my water.
at work this evening I had a salad and chicken.........
I also had an atkins ice cream bar ( actuallly 2! ) little slip up but not too bad......

till tomorrow hopefully I will get on line.
Today was a good one.
hubby made breakfast early so I had two eggs bacon and a slice of atkins bread and then another slice with cream cheese and sugar free jelly.
For lunch, I had hlaf of a LC tortilla with ham salami Etc. and a piece of chicken.
this eveing at work, I had a hambuger no bread and a small salad and a few quesidillas on LC wraps...... just got home and had a atkins ice cream bar.........
Best news today is a ran on my treadmill 5 miles in 60 minutes......
gonna do it agian tomorrow.........

till then
Renee, sounds like your days have been more good than bad, always a good sign! Even on the bad days, you haven't been THAT bad! I think you're doing pretty well!

Just reading about your 5 mile / 1 hour run yesterday made me tired! Way to go! That exercise should really help!

Hope you have a wonderful day! :sunny:
WOW you are doing fantastic!!! I sure wish I would have not fallen off the wagon. My jogging probably would have been right up there I think too by now. :(

You sound like you're doing everything right! Keep up the good work!
thanks doe and des........... Ilove when you all stop by......
anyway today wasnt so great but not total failure....
morning was an early one and hetic!
Had no choice but to hit mickey dees with kids this morning.........
I order a sausgae egg and cheese muffin....took one side at least of the bread off........and didn't have a single bite of that hash brown..........

We skipped lunch and it was our family night out..........
Went to a seafood joint......
I had a 1 1/2 lobster a few clams steamers and mussles.......... no starch excpet a few of DS fries...........
then we went bowling there is where I screwed up!
I had some m&m's and a hershey bar............
Came home and did 60 minutes on the treadmill couldnt jog it though legs were hurting big time form yesterday 5 mile jog.I manage to walk 3.3 miles in 1 hour.............
Its now past 12:30 and once agian I got hungry so I got out a lc tortilla and put some salami and chees............ but I am once again craving chocolate.I am trying to fight the urge but if worst comes to worse Ill have a atkins bar..............
Although, I think I am just gonna shut down comp and hit the sheets...........
Like always, drank all my water..........
till tomorrow................going to a big BBQ............. wish me luck
today was ALRIGHT!
it was hectic I was very busy today!

Anyway I didnt eat breakfast ( not done on purpose ) and wound up not eating lunch, again not delibrately..........
I did go to a BBQ this evening and slipped a little probably because, I was soooooooo hungry.....
I ate a burger no bread, 2 cx wings, a little rice, 2 pieces of a hero snadwich, ( one with one side of the bread, the other with no bread) I also had a few chips and a few nachos,,,,,,,,,,, then I had about 5 cookies..........
O my so I got home and got on the treadmill...I walked cause legs still hurt, I walked at 3.8 MPH for one hour and finished 3.8 miles in that time............
anyway, that was my day tomorrow. its back to work and I have no car so I will stuck in the house all day!
till then
Today was a good one!
I ate breakfast at home with kids. eggs bacon and LC bread.....
I didnt eat lunch but did get on the treadnmill and did 5.9 miles in 60 mintes!!!!!!!!!
This evening at work, I had a salad with grilled Cx.
Just got home and ate an atkins ice cream bar.........
anyway, till tomorrow

Renee, your exercise is GREAT!! Keep it up, girlfriend!! ::yes::

Looks like yesterday was a great day for you all around! HOORAY!

Do you feel like celebrating?? I'm throwing a WISH party on the healthy living road today! We've got the music goin' and our dancin' shoes on! We're havin' a ball, laughin' and smilin'!!

:rockband: "Celebrate good times, come on!!" :rockband:
hi thanks doe.........
Today was a good one. I had MCdonalds for lunch no bread a few fries.....
Had no breakfast and for dinner this evening, ( at work( I had one scallops shrimp and mussles, a small salmon salad and 3 quesidillas on LC tortilla..........
I just had an atkins ice cream bar BUT, had literally no time for the treadmill.........Howver, tomorrow, I will make time!

till then

So this is my weekend update and its not a good one..........
Saturday, I did alright, till I got to work!
That eveing, I had a fe piecews of bread, a chocolate shake and some swedish fish,
Last night was even worse!

the day started out good I did my 60 minutes on the treadmill..
and had a LC breakfast but last night, by the t ime I was done working, i was so hungry!
My boss made us pasta, I havent had pasta in no joke, about ayear!
so I ate it....... then he treated us to chocolate cake.,........
on the way home, I also bought swedish fish!

Horrible, I know........
Anyway I p lan on sticking to plan today and doing my exercise.......

till tonight ( which I will hopefully, have good news)



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