Renee's daily journal.....comments welcomed

today was a good one!
This morning I got up early, I had a ham and cheese sandwich on atkins bread.......
For lunch, well it was about 4 oclock, I had some spinach dip and a lC tortilla........
Went to wrk and about 10 oclock, I had a salad with grilled cx.
I have not exercised all week, I am finding it hard on the days I work and I am working a few days in a row but, work is definitely exercise in itself............
till tonight.
NOt a good evening!
no breakfast, I had lunch about 11 oclock mickey dees two cheese burgers no bread a few fries.........
I didnt get to eat dinner, I went straight to work, I ate about 10 this eveing, I had two pieces of italianbread........ and then we were fed pizza on focacia bread! OH MY the carbs!!!!!!!!
But I did work my butt off!
Anyway, I am hoping tomorrow will be better........
OH YEA, had a choclate shake onthe way home!

Got to really be good the rest of the weAkend!
Till tomorrow


WOW not a good weAkend!
This is gonna be tough! Working and staying on plan...........
Working in a restaurant where we are getting fed all the time, have access to food the whole time!
Anyway............. I cant even remember all the junk I ate yesterday! BUt so far today has been good, I have not yet exercised but I am gonna get off line now and do that!

Till tonight


Yesterday was a good one! Although, I am in this exercise funk... just cant seem to get myself on the treadmill!
With work and softabll, I am so tired...........
no breakfast yesterday
(l) Bk double whopper no bread no fries............
(D) spinach dip with LC tortilla
(S) atkins icream bar
drank all my water and only one cup of decaf

til tonight

Renee, working around food is TOUGH!! Can you eat during your shift?? If you wait until 10 PM you'll be STARVING and you'll eat whatever is fast & easy - usually full of carbs! The only way to head that off is to eat a protein based snack BEFORE you get really hungry. Can you eat a handful of nuts or some sunflower seeds or some string cheese while you're on the go?

Summer is coming - will that make things easier for you?? I hope so!

Keep the faith, Renee! As long as we don't give up, we're still in the game! ::yes::
Hi thanks doe......and yes, it is very hard! working around food. but, I have actually been doing alright....
I have my days however, I mean we do have access to all sorts of food all the time. Like BREAD....... we give italian bread to every table so its there us whenever we want it!
But I have been skipping it.
I had a good and bad day, bad, because I did not eat until about 5 oclock when I got to work.
I was honestly so busy, as I was driving to work, I realized that I hadnt eaten!
So I got there and asked the chef to make me a cheese burger no bread.
I ate that and a salad with blu cheese.........
I worked hard last night but rather than eat again when i was done I waited till I got home and had some spinach dip with LC tortillas.......I did have a cookie...... hubby and kids made cookies and they were ont he table whenI got home, I couldnt resisit!

So far today, I have only eaten once again I do plan on eating later again.I have just been so busy, yard work and backyard projects!
So I ate about 4 oclock, I had sausage and peppers and a salad, then I had an atkins ice cream bar........

NOW, exercise, I have not gotten on my treadmill in about a week.
It is so hot now and I have been doping so much outside work and back at work, I dont seem, to have the time!
I am literally so tired.. the next few days will be hell as well!
I am working the next four days and daughter is getting her cast off and I have to chaperone 2 school trips! UGHHHHHHH till tomorrow

WOW have I had a bad weAkend!

I cant even begin to remember all the crap I ate....... but it WAS indeed all CRAP!
thats not the worst part of my weAkend, thursday, I had a seriously bad allergic reaction to what?, I really dont know all I know is I thought I was a goner.
I drank a diet pepsi and a corona one with lime one with ,lemon both of which, I have had before, and had to be rushed to the hospital! then again on friday night, had another reaction but much milder........
anywa, I am up a few pounds and have not expercised in about 2 weeks!
I really have to get back on the wagon this week.................
I am so tired now. till tomorrow
Today was Ok......... I honestly was not hungry most of the day, so I didnt eatuntil about 5 oclock.........
I had a salad and some spinach dip. I did not get to exercise, howver, I am going to try and force myself to do so after this entry!
I did drink all my water.
till tomorrow

WOW I cant believe it has been 6 days since my last entry! I have been so busy working! I feel like I am never home!
I have been pretty good lately as far as eating but no exercise, I am so tired fromworking that exercise is so far from my mind. Work is my exercise, I really have to get a pedometer for work, I must walk at least 4miles in the time I am there!@
Anyway today was good so far, I had some spinach dip and LC tortilla. I have drank 50 OZ of water so far and have had 4 cups of decaf. i will write again tonight!
till then
yesterday was good!
Busy as usually so I didnt get my exercise in........
but I did work so that is exercise in itself, anyway, yesterday I ate mickey dees for lunch double cheeseburger no bread..........
last night on my way to wrk, I stopped at blimpie... and grabbed a LC tuna snadwich..........
drank all my water and no coffee..............
Till tonight,
Yesterday was good,
I had Bk for lunch a whooper no bread.
FOr dinner had to stop again on my way to wrk, I had half of a subway LC wrap gave the other half away!
After work, had a salad with grilled chicken and cheese.
drank all my water, did not exercise but, I did work and it was busy, so did alot of walking!
Working agian tonight hopefully I can post this evening!
till then
Yesterday.friday was OK
Went out for lunch so I had taco bell only ate a order of nachos. not in the plan but not too bad!
For dinner, I had a few wings and a salad with grilled chicken,.
On the ride home, I splurged, had a bag of swedish fish ( a small bag) and then ate a chips ahoy cookies when I got home.
will write again tonight!
Just wanted to check in and say :wave2:, I know it's been a while since I've posted! Keep up the good work!
thakns des..........
today is monday, I had an ok weAkens eating anyway..........
Saturday, I had a salad for dinner.(cant remeber what I ate that morning)
Yesterday (sunday)
A friend and I went to houlihans....
we ate exclusively off the LC menu!
We had wings and then a steak and faux mashed pototoes.........
Later at night at work, I had a burger No fries or bread and then I splurged, not once but twice!
We split a piece of chocolate cake ( 3 ways) and on the way home, I caved and had some swedish fish!

Today, so far, I had no breakfast and had the second half of Houlihans meal half of the steak and faux potatoes......... I also ate a LC wrap and some spinach dip! I am full!

Till tonight
Keep up the good work Renee,

It's ok to slip up now and then, as long as the good days outnumber the bad days. I too, used to semi-unconsciously eat junk all day, junk at work, fast food on the way home, cookies or chips at night...then I'd wonder why I had heartburn all night and couldn't sleep. :crazy:
Since I've been trying to eat healthier, I notice much less gas, bloating and heartburn. I think eating smaller amounts more frequently is helping...and at night I try to eat minimally close to bedtime.

Good luck on your continued journey!
I really screwed up tonight..............
did good all day eating regualr meals but hit the snacks this evening and I really over did it!
Had some raisinettes...then some cookies and some popcorn~!
Ugh and boy does my tummy hurt!
got to get back on track tomorrow
till then
Renee, today's a new day!

I'm happy to see that you're eating more than once or twice a day. For a while there I was worried about the small amount of food you were eating.

I definitely think you should count your work as your exercise for the day. There is no need to do any other exercise on your workdays. Maybe you can just try to get on the treadmill or take a walk on your days off.

Now that summer is here, is the pace of your life slower? I hope you're finding some time to just sit back and relax and recharge your batteries. No need to try to beat the Energizer bunny - you just can't keep going and going without some down time. Pack up a picnic and take the kids to the park or something!

Hope today is a good one! :sunny:
Wow I feel like I have no time to even write in this journal anymore, i havent been on in a few days.........I have done alright up ntil yesterday
Started out bad, I had friendly for breakfast and then it went down hill from there...........
anyway, today is a new day and I have started all over again!

dont think I will get to my goal for the 4th but I did lose a few pounds.............
anyway, I will try and begin to write again tonight!
till then

Boy! I had an awful day!
all around.............
work was horrible got into a fight and the customers were just all very unreaasonable!
Anyway i didnt eat much,
I had a salad for lunch and some spinach dip with LC tortilla....
a atkins ice cream bar for snack and had another ice cream this eveving!

Anyway, gonna to bed now so I can forget this day ever happened....will try and write tomorrow

Wow, I havent post in a few days...........
I have had a few good days since..........
the week end has not been hard anymore, its my days off from work which are now monday and tuesday!

Anyway I know I did not cheat friday saturday sunday (yes even at july fourth parties) Monday, I went out on a date with hubby.........
I had a good dinner, lobster shrimp scallops clams steamers etc............
All in a bowl with no pasta or carbs,............

However, i did have cheesecake for dessert and at the movies, I had swedish fish and goobers............

Yesterday, I had another off day..........
started out good we ate at BK double whopper no bread and a few fries...........bu in the evening, I had a few cookies and then the biggy!!!!!!!!!! o but it has been so long!
I ate a half a slice of pizza with the crust!
and was still hungry so I ate two slices of LC bread with cream cheese and sugar free jelly!

Today although, its about 4 oclcok, I havent eaten anything but a atkins ice cream bar! not intensionally just the way it worked out!
I will be headed out to work soon, I think ill try a blimpies LC meal!

I will definitely get back on tonight and post!
till then



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