Renee's daily journal.....comments welcomed


I can't wait till tomorrow....why? because I get b
Sep 2, 2003
I have decided to start this journal for daily puposes. I am going to try to get to it every evening and write down everything I ate ( I mean everything) and also remind my mysellf of things I would like to do and try, such as foods and different exercises.
I am currently 168 pounds my ulimate goal is to be at least 140 by April 1st. I started out 203 and still can not believe that I am in the 160's. Although, I think thats really great, I still don't feel that much thinner. However, I just returned from my vacation and I did notice the weight loss in the pictures, which was a great feeling.
I do have a few resolutions that I would like to jot down so that I don't forget them.
----I would to start going to bed alot earlier. I have this habit of staying on line late and getting to bed to late. This really screws up my whole day. I am very tired the next day which doesn't help with the kids in the morning.
----I would also like to start trying new foods. I have seen alot of great recipes on WISH and would like to try some of them. The problem being that I hate to cook! lol. BUT, I do like adventures so I think if its food I have never had or made before it may be interesting.
----I am interested in this WDW 1/2 marathon. I think that getting ready (training) for something would be great incentive in my crusade.
----I would love to try these pilates and possibly yoga.
----of course the usually routines which I have already incorp. In my life which are.....
--no eating after 6.
--drinking 100+ ouces of water daily.
--Curves at least 3 times a week.
--WATP at least 4 times a week (twice daily)
--sticking with low carbs.

Which brings me today.
For breakfast I had one scrammbled egg with bacon and cheese and two slices of low carb toast and a glass of cystal light lemonade.
Thats about the only meal I had ( i know I know very bad...just very busy)
I did snack on 2 mozz cheese sticks and about 4 slices of salami.
I drank 6 24 ouces of water.

Tomorrow will be meuch better and of course when the kids return to school I can get back into routine.
Till tomorrow.
So today was a good day... although it is not over yet I have few minutes to write and might not get time later...
I had my usual breakfast.
--One scrammbled egg ham and cheese on two slices of low carb bread and a glass of CL lemonade.
--2 cups of decaf with half anf half and spenda
--For dinner I had a large salad with bacon olives and chicken
--So far I have had 3 24 oz of water I expect to drink two more
--For a mid day snack I had 2 Atkins peanut butter cups saving one for later
--And the best part of my day was the discovery of breyer low carb ice cream ( must be sure not to eat to much of this lol)
This ice cream was so good!!!!!!! I can;t get over it!
--I did a 2 mile WATP tape and went to curves and expect to do one more WATP tape this evening before bed.
So far so good.
I am seriously thinking about doing WISHCON 2005 1/2 marathon.
Also one very important goal I have not written down has been to quit smoking!
Smoking and exercise don't mix!
Once I reach my ideal weight which is about 135 I will then defintely give up the smokes.
Till tomorrow.

Wow, Renee, I think you're doing great. That is a big weight loss you've accomplished already. Good going!! I too am a smoker for the last two years, and I told my husband that I can't diet and quit smoking at the same time, so since we both have weight to lose, I made him a promise that whichever one of us reaches our goal first, 20 lbs for me, and 25 for him, I would then quit cold turkey. Hopefully we'll both reach our goals at about the same time.
Hi Renee,

I just read your entries. It sounds like you are off to a great start. Your initial weight loss is such an accomplishment - good for you! I look forward to reading more about your weight loss journey. Take care!
Hi Renee :wave2: Wow! You have been doing great! You are already over 1/2 way to goal!! And it sounds like you have some great ideas for the New Year on how to get there. (I need to do that getting to bed earlier one, too.)
HI.. thanks......I was actually hoping someone would read because then I am actually reporting to someone. lol.
Anyway as much as I would like to NOT write about what I ate today I will be completely honest (even though it hurts)
I started out fine......
my usually boring breakfast
1 egg scrammeled with ham and cheese on 2 slice of atkins bread and a glass of CL lemonade.
Did my WATP 2 mile.
I never eat lunch....
For dinner, I had prettymuch the same thing without the egg a ham a cheese grilled on atkins bread and a small salad.
BUT THEN........
my friend came by and I have not been out of my house bue to all of us being sick!
She invited me out ( and we never get an oppurtunity to go out with out kids) so we went to fridays.
I had a diet soda and we order nachos ( I think the only bad thing about that the actually nacho) the rest if the ingredients are cheese meat tomatoes jalopenos etc. we also ordered potatoe skins but only had one.
But then we ordered dessert.
I had half a brownie sunday!
Well of course I do try to rationalize this and I still feel that ever now and then I will live a little and splurge but I thought about it deeper and came up with that whole theory about associating food (bad food) with having a good time.
Kinda like when I was younger and thought I had to get DRUNK everytime I went out to have a good time! lol
Anyway I am gonna work on that
I am not totally bummed about this because over the past few months during my weight loss I have kinda gone easy on myself on the weekends. Although, I would not like to do this, it is not a total set back.
Anyway when I got home I did another WATP 2 mile and finished my water count for day 100+ ounces.
Tomorow will be a challenge as well... we are going to the movies......
My statagy will be to eat before we leave and maybe Ill have a little popcorn.
Anyway until then
So today was good! Won;'t write too long cause it's 10 and got to get to bed go back to school tomorrow.
Anyway once again started out with my boring breakfast although, I have to say I do look foward to it @ night lol
--One egg over medium one slice of atkins toast 3 slices of bacon and a glass of CL lemonade. I also opened a pack of my atkins peanut butter cups and had one of those. 2 cups of decaf.

My hubby took us on one of his many adventures, when he gets bored he like to get us all in the car and not tell us where we are going. I think sometimes, he doesn't start out knowing himself.
Anyway we headed West and then the kids were screaming that they were hungry . At this point a little panic set in becuase I knew we would be stopping somewhere to eat and probably fast food due to money shortage. lol
They decided on Mc Donalds! dummm da dumm da!
I immediately started thinking O boy! this will be a challenge. BUt rather then think too much about it I didn;t at all and just went right in and ordered the salda with low fat dressing! And I know I promised not to lie so I did have about 8 fries ( they are Americas favorite fries you know lol)
I also had a diet soda and bought a bottle of water on my way out.
--So we finally reached a destination Manhattan.
--Thatwas cool we saw the tree and visted Toys R Us and rode the famous ferris wheel.
--All the smeels of the street vendors was too much so I got cup of decaf at dunkin donuts...
All the kids got donuts and I didn;t proud.
I got home and finsihed my other two peanut butter cups and am currently on my fifth bottle of water.
So to sum it up just yesterday I was saying that I feel I associate food with having a good time, today was proof that I don;t have to.
Till tomorrow
So today was a good one, and Ill start as I usually do with of course my usually breakfast
--One scrambled egg 3 slices of bacon 2 slices of Atkins bread and a glass of Cl lemonade...2 cups of decaf.
---I did not have lunch but had my 3 Atkins peanut butter cups early in the day around lunch time.
---For dinner I had a chicken ceasar salad and a diet snapple ice tea.
--We went out and bought some pepperoni so I had some of that with cheddar cheese right around dinner time.
--After dinner I had a cup of low carb breyers ice cream.
I did not make it to curves again but I did do my WATPs 2 mile tape.
I am currently drinking my 6th 24 ounce bottle of water.
till tomorrow.
SO... I did well all day until about 20 minutes ago.
--Breakfast one scrambled egg ham and chees on 2 slices of atkins bread and a diet snapple tea.
--No lunch just a snack. pepperoni and cheese
--For dinner I had a half tuna sandwich ona atkins bread.....small salad and some steak and a diet snapple.
Also had my third peanut buttercup.
--Five 24 oz water bottles.
AND THEN...............................
I just hubby and kids made chocalate chip cookies!
O my the smell.......
I had three big ones and a glass of milk!
UUUUUUGH o well cant stress this. I did my 2 mile WATP tape but did not get to the gym once again because of hubby getting home late. Tomorrow i will have to make up for this. I will do the three mile go to the gym and then do the 2 mile in the evening.
Till tomorrow.

Well its about 9 pm. I did good today.
I didnt get a chance to eat breakfast and for
-- lunch I had a half tuna sandwich and fiver peices of pepperoni and cheese and a half of diet snapple.
--Dinner was the same.... i was doing a project with my daughter so dinner was a small portion of creamed spinach and a very small salad (didn;t finish that).
although I swore not to eat after 6 I just sent hubby out for a subway low carb sandwich.
I am justreally hungry and have to eeat somthing and nothing in my house will do.
I did my 3 mile WATP tape did not get to the gym because of daughters project but I will do my 2 mile WATP after i eat.
till tomorrow.
So its about 11 oclock now. So ill be fast.
--breakfast one egg scrambled ham and cheese on 2 slices of atkins bread and 1/2 a diet snapple.
--For lunch I had my other half of subway wrap and 2 peanut butter cups.
--Dinner I had a half of tuna sandwich
-- i overdid it on the snack tonight......had a few pepperoni and cheese slices and breyers low carb ice cream.
I had my 6 24 oz of water and did my 3 WATP tape.
I really need to get to the GYM!
Havent had that opportunity this week. Tomorrow is the day! WWWOOOHHOOOOOO
renee :crazy:
OMG what a bad day for me....... made so many bad choices........
started out good my usually breakfast
--one egg scrambled bacon and cheese atkins bread 1/2 diet snapple tea and about 3 cups of decaf.
--For lunch I just had a snack pepperoni and cheese.
--For dinner I had sausgae and peppers on atkins bread.
But then all hell broke lose.....
my friend and went to Dunkin Donuts..mind you I never eat donuts!!!! and it was my idea!
I ate a chocolate donut then half of a jelly donut, then finished my daughters donut and a few hours later I had yet more more donut and a small helping of sausage and peppers on a small picec of italian bread.
Needless to say, my stomach hurts and I totally regret it!
My stomach is actually rumbling........I totally binged.
Ill talk more about it tomorrow.
I drank all more but did not exercise at all.
till tomorrow.
I alomst ashamed to write what I am about to! lol
These past wo days I have been bad.
Saturday and sunday I did not excercise nor did I follow a good eating plan!
Hopefully, I can remeber it all as much as I would like to forget it.
--No breakfast
--Lunch- Mcdonalds double cheese burger I eliminated on side of the bun but ate the fries! diet soda.
--Snack went to a party and ate one pig in a blanket and two small beef patties.
--Dinner at about 9 oclock i had three tacos and some nachos with a diet soda. then went to the movies and scarfed done a hershey bar and diet soda

--no breakfast
--Lunch i had a ham and cheese on atkins bread
--Dinner I ate two slices of pizza
--Snack we hit dunkin donuts again!!!!!!!!
--I had two boston cremes and at about 9 00 I had yet another slice of pizza. How horribel!

Today is Monday and so far not bad I will write later when I know I am done eatig for the day........also on my way tpo the gym.
talk later
tODAY WAS AN ok DAY. Didnt start out tto good byt rather than say to myself I screwed up may as well throw the day away I didnt!
We had a very busy morning and my only chance for breakfast was a bagel store egg scramble with baconand cheese on a roll but I took one side of the roll off. and a diet snapple.
drank all my water and had a snack of salami and cheese.
Seriuoly just not hungry today
I also did 2 miles WATP and went to curves
registered for WDW marathon.
till tomorrow.
Today was good.
--Breakfast one egg scrambled bacon cheese on atkins toast
and a peanut butter cup
--didnt have lunch breakfast was at about 11:30
--Dinner creamed spinach (i made from a recipe from WISH)
and a salad with grilled chicken
---snack salami and chees and just had ice cream
--did 2 2 mile WATP and went to curves!
till tomorrow.
Hi Renee,

I'm just stopping by to check on you. It sounds like today was a good day. You have done so well so far and I know you can make it to your goal. How about joining our cheat free challenge? That will give you something to shoot for and maybe help you along your way. Just a thought. I also wanted to say way to go on the exercise front. Some people (I can be guilty of it too) forget that we need exercise to help Mr. Scale go down down down and you managed to exercise twice in one day! Good for you.
HI zebra........
Thanks for checking on I feel like when I know people are looking thats a good thing for me. I believe you were the one who posted the fake french toast thread.........Which I made this morning........
So ill begin........
--Breakfast faux french toast and LC syrup
--Lunch creamed spinach and 4 pieces of salmai and 4 pieces of cheddar with 1/2 diet snapple.
--I ate 3 pringle chips then stopped myself.........
--dinner...................OK HERES WHERE I GO INTO EXPLINATION!!
We are pretty much out of food and I havent gone shopping I had no meat but did have this frozen already made LAZANGA
thats right.....I had lazanga.
It had lots of carbs but it was GOOOOOOOOOOD.
I had that with the other half og my diet snapple OH and one piece of atkins bread.
For snack this evening I had 4 pieces of salami and chees a few pistachos.......( didnt realize how high in carbs they were until about a minute ago).
I drank about 150 oz of water
6 cups of decaf
and ate my 3 peanut butter cups after each meal
I did one 2 mile WATP
and went to curves and will be doing my other WATP 2 mile when I am done writing this.
WOW I thinK I ate alot maybe too much.
O well..........
tomorrow will be better
Good news is that I went to the gym and and weighed in at 168
Monday I was 172. it seems I lose weight in bulk.......
I have formed this pattern, I weigh everyday and for a few days the scale won;t budge but then all of a sudden 3 4 pounds is gone. No complains here.
till tomorrow

:crazy: :crazy:
Not that good of a day. So my reasoning for that is (as if I should have one) is we hada snow day here... everyone was home and that is like weekend to me......which is when I get weak! I call them weakends....... egg scrambled bacon and cheese on atkins with a diet snapple.
--Lunch.....well no lunch but hubby did make cookies.........Bad choice I had 4 cookies and milk.
---Dinner--to lazy to cook so we had left overs which wre lazagna.... although I had a small piece still not good. I had that with a piece of atkins bread and a diet soda.
--I ate 6 cheese nips and 2 pieces of salami.
--4 cups of coffee and I am only on my 3 24oz of water.
I did however get to the gym even with this weather and I did one 2 mile WATP tape.
So now I am gonna do my other tape ( the 2 mile) and finish my water. Wont be a total waste of the day.
till tomorrow
A so/so I guess, I didnt do my exercises. I could say cause the kids beign home again but I do manage to do them the day before.....AHYWHO....
--Breakfast agg scrambled bacon chees on Atkins bread and C/L lemonade.
--No lunch.
--Not really dinner either.
I picked alot today from what I can remember.
About 3 bites of lazanga (what my son didnt finish) I really need to get rid of that lanzaga. 3 slices of pepperoni and cheese. 3 peanut butter cups (atkins) 4 pork rinds and about a small hand ful of Gobers....(BAD) Oh! also about 6 pistachio nuts.
I also had about 10 cupsof coffee. All of this throughout the day. Bot a good day I'd say once I look at it!
BUT, I did go food shopping and I got all the ingrediants to about 4 low carb recipes. I am looking forward to making them this weekend, Hubby is going away and it will give me something to do. After this weekend, Ill see how new recipes on saturday and sunday work, maybe this will help keep me on my diet on the WEAK ends.
Till tomorrow.
hey renee, i know weekends can be tough! but don't let it get you down. you can get through it. don't worry about not exercising yesterday. just try to get it in today. it's a new day and the possibilities are endless. keep your chin up, i'm sending some sunshine your way :sunny:


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