Renee's daily journal.....comments welcomed

I was bad again!!!!!!!!!!
O boy my job is really getting in the way! they are spoiling me big time!

I did good even up until, I ate my food, I had a burger no bread and a salad then my manager brought out the cake!
Not only that, I got home, still had swedish fish left over.
needless to say, I went a little over board!

no exercise, i was shopping all day and then went stright to work, I plan on doing 2 hours tomorrow to amke up for the past few days!

Lord! I have been soooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad
We went to friendlys today and I went nuts!
I cant even write allt he junk I ate! and they have a LC menu!
I just was misbehaving today!

Anyway, gotta make up for this............
till tomorrow
Renee, no reason to "make up" for anything. Just start making the healthy choices again, one choice at a time.

Maybe you should talk your manager into carrying low-carb cheesecake on the restaurant menu!! Then you can have dessert guilt-free!! :teeth: :crazy:

Hope you're having a wonderful day! :sunny:
Renee, I'm just popping in for a quick hello! :wave2:

I hope all is well and life is treating you kindly!
My goodness, I don;t even know where to begin! I haven't been on for about 6 weeks and boy, have I been screwing up! I went on vacation in August and seems I still am as far as food is concerned! Anyway, I am proud to say that today is day 3 of being back on track, well, sort of........ I have been sneaking a cheat a little but food and meal wise, i have been good!
I feel horrible about this past month! but, I am back on it now, i just have to fit exercise back into my plan. I go this marathon in a few months, and just have not trained at all!
My job will be slowing down this next week and I will be home more so I am gonna have to fit in the treadmill......... till tomorrow,
Back again.....its been about a week!
I had a few good dasy as well as bad...........I just cant get back into the swing........ Today was one of my bad days.didnt eat much but what I ate was bad.............
Anyway gonna try tomorrow as well as the treadmill!
Till then
So, I have been real good eating wise...........
last two days I have been cheat free! with no desire to cheat! I think the less I think about cheating the less I do it...........
kinda out of mind theory............
yesterday, I had an egg with bacon and cheese on LC bread and quesadillas on LC wraps for dinner........ I drank all my water and 100 oz of water...........

Today, I had one egg bacon and cheese on LC bread........
for dinner, I had cheesburger no bread and a side salad.........

Now, I just have to fit in the exercise.................
perhaps, tomorrow

till then
today has been good so far.......... getting ready to leave for work.......
but so far so good...........
I drank 100 oz of water already and some decaf coffee.........
for lunch I had cold cuts on a LC wrap and then had the other half a few minutes ago.........
I plan on eating either a ceasar salad or a grilled cx salad after work this evening...............
till then

So, I slipped up just a little tongiht..............
I ate what I had planned on a salad with cx breast..........
but I had a handful of popcorn and a small piece of strawberry tiramisu.............
my boss made it it was actaully mostly fresh whipped cream and not to sweet........
either way I didnt do what I normally do like OOOOOOOPppps I slipped up let me eat everything in sight now! lol
Anyway, till tomorrow

Good news and bad.I was a bit bad the past two days but today got back on track and finally got back on the treadmill!
I jusy finished 2 miles! this is the first day of my training for the marathon...........
anyway ver excited yet tired till tomorrow

Yay, Renee!!!
:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc 2 BOUNCES FOR 2 MILES!!!!

I've just recommitted to training for the half marathon too! Amanda and I are both getting back on track. Yesterday was a 2 mile day for both of us as well!! Are you doing the training schedule that Amanda posted on the main WISH board?? I think we're doing 2 miles Wed., 2 miles Thurs. and 3 miles on Saturday. Hopefully we can help each other stay motivated!! ::yes::

You're doing just fine with the food too! It will get easier once we get in the groove!

Hope you have a fabulous Tuesday!! :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:


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