Official 2011 Princess Half Marathon Thread - Link to new thread Post 3703!

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Happy Holidays Everyone!!!

I have been MIA, and been sort of a mess. Finally got the ALL CLEAR to run after my stress fracture in August. But honestly, I was scared that I was not going to be able to run again - so I delayed everything.

The good news is that I did run and although SLOW, I still did it. So my gift to me this holiday was my registeration and airfare down!!

I am only staying Sat night and flying back home Sunday night, dont want to miss work and incur more expenses because I love the EXPO and DISNEY and staying down there just costs more money :)

Needless to say, I am running for me and not against the clock. Last year the princess was my first half and I did it in 2:46. I did the Diva in NY with a stress fracture in as long as I am under 3 hours, I am good!

Its all about the journey not about the time on the clock!!

Disney Princess here I come, ready or not ..................because I am doing my best regardless of what that might be that day - LOL

hi everyone! i haven't posted in a while (sorry!) but wanted to check in quickly. my training is not going so well. i'm having a hard time getting out there! and this blizzard we just had didn't help things. i ran 7 miles on christmas eve and my hips are still hurting me.

anyone have experience with sore hips? i never really had this before. sore knees, sore feet, sure. but not sore hips.

i've got to get my weekday runs in. i'm not going to be able to move up in the mileage injury free if i don't!

hope everyone had a nice christmas!
hi everyone! i haven't posted in a while (sorry!) but wanted to check in quickly. my training is not going so well. i'm having a hard time getting out there! and this blizzard we just had didn't help things. i ran 7 miles on christmas eve and my hips are still hurting me.

anyone have experience with sore hips? i never really had this before. sore knees, sore feet, sure. but not sore hips.

i've got to get my weekday runs in. i'm not going to be able to move up in the mileage injury free if i don't!

hope everyone had a nice christmas!

I have hip issues!!! I'm fairly certain mine are hereditary dad, grandfather and grandfather's sister have all had hip replacements. My left one has given me small bouts of pain since college but really off and on...more so in the last several years. I was worried about it when I started running, and as my mileage has increased, so has the hip aggravation. I KNOW I need to have it checked out but I'm waiting until after the Princess. Is yours more of a muscle pain or like a joint pain? Mine's definitely joint/bone in the hip and pelvic area...espacially for at least a day after a long run, sometimes longer if I haven't rested enough after a long run. If I even twist or move the slightest bit the wrong way on those days, it literally will take my breath away for a second....OUCH! Fortunately I haven't felt it much during a run...maybe just the slightest twinge a time or two, but usually works itself out after I've warmed up. Sometimes I try to describe it to other runners I know and they always seem to think I should stretch more, but I can't seem to make them understand it's not a muscular thing. I'm concerned about how much walking I'll be able to do after the Princess...I want to remain active after the run so I don't stiffen up...and because I want to have some fun!!! I'm hoping it won't be too bad that weekend.
Just got back from the ortho and he gave me the ok to start running again. I must say I'm so scared to start back up. He said go slow and see how I feel but he said there is no reason why I can't move forward with the 1/2 in feb.... so wish me luck.... here I go again.:wizard:
Just got back from the ortho and he gave me the ok to start running again. I must say I'm so scared to start back up. He said go slow and see how I feel but he said there is no reason why I can't move forward with the 1/2 in feb.... so wish me luck.... here I go again.:wizard:

Congrats on getting the OK from the doc. Don't stress, just take it one step at a time. :)

I had to take amost all of December off from any work out, Now that I am on the mend, I am just upping my miles 1 mile a week. I did 7 this past week, and this coming I will do 8, this plan should take me to 13 miles 2 weeks before the princess.
Just got back from the ortho and he gave me the ok to start running again. I must say I'm so scared to start back up. He said go slow and see how I feel but he said there is no reason why I can't move forward with the 1/2 in feb.... so wish me luck.... here I go again.:wizard:

Here's to hoping mine says the same tomorrow!! :goodvibes
Everyone is doing so well...and those of you on the mend seem to be healing up well too! I have a feeling we'll all be ready in February!

I did get my 8 miles in yesterday (finally) after about three weeks of no true long distance. I did a few 3-milers here and there and spent 9 days wandering around WDW (that counts, right?) so I was definitely out of practice when I hopped on the treadmill yesterday. I did get to watch it snow while I was on the treadmill though, which was very cool.

I can't believe the Princess is already over 85% full and it's under 60 days away! I'm really excited. I'm not completely certain I ever truly thought it would get here. Last year when I decided I was getting off the couch and learning to make my body go 13+ miles at a time so I could participate in the Princess in 2011, I'm not sure I ever thought I would actually do it. I'm so proud of myself for sticking with it!
I have hip issues!!! I'm fairly certain mine are hereditary dad, grandfather and grandfather's sister have all had hip replacements. My left one has given me small bouts of pain since college but really off and on...more so in the last several years. I was worried about it when I started running, and as my mileage has increased, so has the hip aggravation. I KNOW I need to have it checked out but I'm waiting until after the Princess. Is yours more of a muscle pain or like a joint pain? Mine's definitely joint/bone in the hip and pelvic area...espacially for at least a day after a long run, sometimes longer if I haven't rested enough after a long run. If I even twist or move the slightest bit the wrong way on those days, it literally will take my breath away for a second....OUCH! Fortunately I haven't felt it much during a run...maybe just the slightest twinge a time or two, but usually works itself out after I've warmed up. Sometimes I try to describe it to other runners I know and they always seem to think I should stretch more, but I can't seem to make them understand it's not a muscular thing. I'm concerned about how much walking I'll be able to do after the Princess...I want to remain active after the run so I don't stiffen up...and because I want to have some fun!!! I'm hoping it won't be too bad that weekend.

i know i should know the answer to this but...i don't know if it is muscle or joint pain. i just know my hips are still aching after that 7 miler. maybe it's the lack of stretching? don't know. i'm hoping to get out for a run today if i can convince my cousin to come over and watch ds for an hour for me.

i too can't believe we are so close to the race. two months away! i'm beginning to freak out a little about my mileage. but at the same time, who CARES what my time is?? the longest race i've ever run is a 5k and a few months ago i was a lazy poop on my couch so even if it takes me over three hours to finish - at least i did it! :banana:
Just wanted to encourage you first-timers...keep training, keep moving. The northeast snow will make it hard to get any running in outside for a few days at least. Do some shoveling and get to a gym if you can. I know we all can do this. When I was training for the 2009, it was this week that I went into panic mode because I had my kids home, couldn't get my runs in, it was freezing---total discouragement. BUT...I did it and I really was a total couch-to-half-marathon (over 8 months!) beginner.

(ok...I have to admit that I wrote that whole paragraph to give myself a boost ;) but I hope it helps someone else too)

Thank you for this. I am so feeling exactly like that this week. Kid home from school, 12 inches of snow, and no treadmill. I am definitely going to join a gym for jan/feb, and maybe that snow will melt quickly and we'll be out on the streets before we know it.

Hope all of you who are recovering from injuries are back out running real soon. I am so inspired by all of you here and your training. Keep up the good work. We can do this!!:cheer2:
... i'm beginning to freak out a little about my mileage. but at the same time, who CARES what my time is?? the longest race i've ever run is a 5k and a few months ago i was a lazy poop on my couch so even if it takes me over three hours to finish - at least i did it!
Don't freak out over your times Nancy. You're doing this for you, not to smash any time records. My only time training is just to make sure I stay ahead of the sweepers! ;)
Don't freak out over your times Nancy. You're doing this for you, not to smash any time records. My only time training is just to make sure I stay ahead of the sweepers! ;)

exactly! thanks! i ran today. got in 4 miles and my time was the slowest in a long time. the last mile my right hip was killing me! i don't know what's up with the hip. grr!

but, whatever, i got my 4 in even though i wanted to stop after 50 ft!

i'm still waiting for this running thing to get easier. even at 2 miles i pretty much always feel like i'm going to die.
Just got back from the sports med doctor and she pronounced the shin clinically healed.

I have a training plan to get back into running, but it is looking like I will be walking most of the Princess. This week I start with elliptical.

She liked my shoes (ASICS Gel-2150), and said I didn't need orthotics for now, unless the pain starts to recur.
Just got back from the sports med doctor and she pronounced the shin clinically healed.

I have a training plan to get back into running, but it is looking like I will be walking most of the Princess. This week I start with elliptical.

She liked my shoes (ASICS Gel-2150), and said I didn't need orthotics for now, unless the pain starts to recur.

GOOD FOR YOU! That is exciting news! I too am thinking that most of mine 13 will be walking, so I will probably take you up on your previous offer to "join" your group.:banana: I just can't seem to get the hang of this running . . . just headed out to walk at the local gym (it's freezing here in MI).

Hope the elliptical and training routine start out well.

Just got back from the sports med doctor and she pronounced the shin clinically healed.

I have a training plan to get back into running, but it is looking like I will be walking most of the Princess. This week I start with elliptical.

She liked my shoes (ASICS Gel-2150), and said I didn't need orthotics for now, unless the pain starts to recur.

Yeah!!:yay: I'm so happy for you! Even before I was "hurt" I figured I would do alot of "walking" in this race, so I will probably be with you as well!!
Just got back from the sports med doctor and she pronounced the shin clinically healed.

I have a training plan to get back into running, but it is looking like I will be walking most of the Princess. This week I start with elliptical.

She liked my shoes (ASICS Gel-2150), and said I didn't need orthotics for now, unless the pain starts to recur.

Congrats on the good news!!!

I will be walking right along with you
I can't believe the Princess is already over 85% full and it's under 60 days away! I'm really excited. I'm not completely certain I ever truly thought it would get here. Last year when I decided I was getting off the couch and learning to make my body go 13+ miles at a time so I could participate in the Princess in 2011, I'm not sure I ever thought I would actually do it. I'm so proud of myself for sticking with it!

I feel the same way, last year when I told my DH I was going to do this race he just about laughed at me. And now I am less than 60 day away..
OMG!!! :scared1:
I feel the same way, last year when I told my DH I was going to do this race he just about laughed at me. And now I am less than 60 day away..
OMG!!! :scared1:

My DH laughed at me also and said some other things I can't repeat. Can't wait to see his expression when he notices that i am signed up, flight, hotel and transportation is all booked! He will have to get off of work to stay home and take care of DD! :rotfl2::rotfl2:
Since this is my first time ever, does anyone know what time the shuttles start running from the preferred hotels? we are the disney's movie resort (I think that is what it is called). i am almost scared to call the resort directly.
Hello all!! I haven't posted in a while but need to get back into the swing of things. I haven't run/walked in a little over a month. My last run was Thanksgiving morning in a 5K. I am getting a little stressed because the Princess half is right around the corner. My question for the experienced is that since I have been so lazy for the last month is it feasible for me to be able l to do the Princess half? :confused3 I feel like I am starting from scratch. I joined a running group the end of July and was very consistent until Thanksgiving. My longest run was 12 miles and it was a little longer than 16 mm. Any tips, advice, comments, anything would be appreciated!! Thanks!!!
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