Off-topic randomness - a place to ramble?

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JeanJoe said:
Notes to self:

1) if you are trying to get your almost 2 yo to perform in front of guests, singing the refrain to It's a Small World, it is not wise to use the words "hit it!!!" as the cue that she should start singing, unless you wish to be bashed in the face.

2) when choosing between the "banana boat ice cream sundae" vs. the "JUMBO banana boat ice cream sundae", the argument "it's only a $1.50 more for twice the ice cream!" is not a good reason, unless you want to have all the customers at the counter wondering who was dumb enough to get the monster sundae. Also, loudly saying "OH MY!!! THAT THING IS HUGE!!" when the nearly one foot tall monstrosity arrives at the table causes people to point and laugh loudly at you.

Corollary: it is very difficult for 2 adults who have just finished a large dinner to eat ~8-10 scoops of ice cream (with hot fudge, pineapple sauce, and strawberry topping, along with a lot of whipped cream, a pair of bananas, a tower of whipped cream, and a couple of cherries), without experiencing significant physical pain.

Hopefully the ice-cream headache took down the swelling from "Hit it!" :lmao:

qruthie (the 'q' is silent)
OK, I challenge anybody to find something, anything, geekier than this...

It takes your Mac laptop, and turns it into an elegant jedi weapon, from a more civilized time... Sort of...

Recent Mac laptops have a motion sensor. Somebody coupled that motion sensor to a light saber noise generator. Wave around your laptop, and make light saber noises. Cool!

Now that you've spent entirely too much money on your fancy sudden motion sensor equipped Mac laptop, I predict you'll soon be swinging it around like a loon.

Introducing MacSaber 1.0 Beta. Using your Mac’s sudden motion sensor, this software turns your computer into a Jedi weapon almost worthy of taking on the real thing by making authentic lightsaber sound effects. It senses speed for the lightsaber movement sounds and acceleration for different levels of striking sounds.

I wanna try it, but my laptop is too old...
Cool !

:smooth: :smooth: :smooth: :smokin: :smooth: :smooth: :smooth:

but :sad2: why ? wouldn't your fingers hurt if the lap top closed up on them ?
JeanJoe said:
OK, I challenge anybody to find something, anything, geekier than this...

It takes your Mac laptop, and turns it into an elegant jedi weapon, from a more civilized time... Sort of...

Recent Mac laptops have a motion sensor. Somebody coupled that motion sensor to a light saber noise generator. Wave around your laptop, and make light saber noises. Cool!

I wanna try it, but my laptop is too old...

(Trying to picture CL_Be running around the room waving a laptop yelling "let the force be with you" to the kids) :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Sending a request for prayers and pixie dust. It appears my sister's brain tumor is back. She should get the results of her MRI later this week. I am so worried about her, but she does not want to talk with anyone about it. I believe the prayers are what got her through it last time, so I would appreciate any that could be sent her way.
So sorry to hear that. Best wishes, and my thoughts are with you.
JeanJoe said:
OK, I challenge anybody to find something, anything, geekier than this...

oh i have seen worse. My sister's bf is a computer geek, my dad is a computer geek....When they both start talking about computer..i swear nothing is geeker!!! and now they ichat each other about computers. You should see them when apple comes out with something new, kids in a candy store i tell yeah! :rotfl2:
Positive thoughts, prayers and pixie dust coming your way. Consider having this as a separate thread, more folks will see it and more prayers sure can't hurt!

Beherenow said:
Sending a request for prayers and pixie dust. It appears my sister's brain tumor is back. She should get the results of her MRI later this week. I am so worried about her, but she does not want to talk with anyone about it. I believe the prayers are what got her through it last time, so I would appreciate any that could be sent her way.
Oh Friend, I am so sorry to hear about your sister. You know you and your sister will have my thoughts and prayers, along with the rest of your family. :hug: girl friend
Beherenow said:
Sending a request for prayers and pixie dust. It appears my sister's brain tumor is back. She should get the results of her MRI later this week. I am so worried about her, but she does not want to talk with anyone about it. I believe the prayers are what got her through it last time, so I would appreciate any that could be sent her way.

Prayers and pixie dust heading her way... :tink:

My thoughts are with you and your family.

Oh FRIEND!!! I will say a prayer for your sister, you and all of your family.....Keep us posted and be well!!
Beherenow said:
Sending a request for prayers and pixie dust. It appears my sister's brain tumor is back. She should get the results of her MRI later this week. I am so worried about her, but she does not want to talk with anyone about it. I believe the prayers are what got her through it last time, so I would appreciate any that could be sent her way.

Prayers are coming from this part of the country Friend !

My thoughts are with you and your family.

:guilty: :guilty: :goodvibes :guilty: :guilty:
Out of curiosity, anybody interested in playing boardgames?

I came across a site a week or two ago,, which allows people to play boardgames with other people, over the internet. They have Backgammon, Chess, Checkers, Battleship, Connect 4, Othello, Pente, Go-Moku, and Scrabble, and variations as well.

The cool thing is that both players do NOT need to be logged in at the same time -- so, you can just make a move a day. Or, you could both be on at the same time and play a game in real-time. You can send PM's with each move, if you like, so people can use this as a way to keep in touch too.

Anyhow, it's free (to make up to 15 moves a day).

I'm partial to backgammon, because most of the other games make me think too much and make my brain hurt. Backgammon is good, because I can always blame the dice ;)

If anyone's interested, check it out and invite me (username 'bezoar' there) to a game. I look forward to getting my butt kicked :)

ps - I'd recommend that you NOT check out their message boards, which seem to be filled with a bunch of people flaming and cursing one another... Sort of why I'm not that excited about inviting random people _there_ to a game...
LOL, I didn't know they still made board games. :rotfl: jk...

Actually, I play a mean game of backgammon...I'll take you on. :teeth:

JeanJoe said:
Out of curiosity, anybody interested in playing boardgames?

I came across a site a week or two ago,, which allows people to play boardgames with other people, over the internet. They have Backgammon, Chess, Checkers, Battleship, Connect 4, Othello, Pente, Go-Moku, and Scrabble, and variations as well.

The cool thing is that both players do NOT need to be logged in at the same time -- so, you can just make a move a day. Or, you could both be on at the same time and play a game in real-time. You can send PM's with each move, if you like, so people can use this as a way to keep in touch too.

Anyhow, it's free (to make up to 15 moves a day).

I'm partial to backgammon, because most of the other games make me think too much and make my brain hurt. Backgammon is good, because I can always blame the dice ;)

If anyone's interested, check it out and invite me (username 'bezoar' there) to a game. I look forward to getting my butt kicked :)

ps - I'd recommend that you NOT check out their message boards, which seem to be filled with a bunch of people flaming and cursing one another... Sort of why I'm not that excited about inviting random people _there_ to a game...
JeanJoe said:
Out of curiosity, anybody interested in playing boardgames?

I came across a site a week or two ago,, which allows people to play boardgames with other people, over the internet. They have Backgammon, Chess, Checkers, Battleship, Connect 4, Othello, Pente, Go-Moku, and Scrabble, and variations as well.

The cool thing is that both players do NOT need to be logged in at the same time -- so, you can just make a move a day. Or, you could both be on at the same time and play a game in real-time. You can send PM's with each move, if you like, so people can use this as a way to keep in touch too.

Anyhow, it's free (to make up to 15 moves a day).

I'm partial to backgammon, because most of the other games make me think too much and make my brain hurt. Backgammon is good, because I can always blame the dice ;)

If anyone's interested, check it out and invite me (username 'bezoar' there) to a game. I look forward to getting my butt kicked :)

ps - I'd recommend that you NOT check out their message boards, which seem to be filled with a bunch of people flaming and cursing one another... Sort of why I'm not that excited about inviting random people _there_ to a game...

Backgammon? Backgammon?

I seem to remember playing a game called Backgammon ....but it was BC (before children) and now, sadly, the only thing I remember about it is that there are little black and white chips involved!!!! :lmao:
Hmm.. I will definitely check this out and get into a game with you. :woohoo: I absolutely love playing these games online with friends in real time. Sounds interesting to have the opportunity to not have to be available at the same time! That has been a hindrance many times.

(Backgammon and cribbage are my faves, and irl, before VMK, I even played in tournaments for either game, here and "down south" in CT.)

BTW :rotfl2: I totally agree with you, that the dice are to blame!!

JeanJoe said:
Out of curiosity, anybody interested in playing boardgames?

I came across a site a week or two ago,, which allows people to play boardgames with other people, over the internet. They have Backgammon, Chess, Checkers, Battleship, Connect 4, Othello, Pente, Go-Moku, and Scrabble, and variations as well.

The cool thing is that both players do NOT need to be logged in at the same time -- so, you can just make a move a day. Or, you could both be on at the same time and play a game in real-time. You can send PM's with each move, if you like, so people can use this as a way to keep in touch too.

Anyhow, it's free (to make up to 15 moves a day).

I'm partial to backgammon, because most of the other games make me think too much and make my brain hurt. Backgammon is good, because I can always blame the dice ;)

If anyone's interested, check it out and invite me (username 'bezoar' there) to a game. I look forward to getting my butt kicked :)

ps - I'd recommend that you NOT check out their message boards, which seem to be filled with a bunch of people flaming and cursing one another... Sort of why I'm not that excited about inviting random people _there_ to a game...
Yes Mint! Join us!

I've already been called an "old fart" (or something to that effect) by some young whippersnapper on the DIS, who shall remain un-named, for playing these "board game" things..

I mean, where do you plug it in? And how to you hook it up to the monitor?
JeanJoe said:
Yes Mint! Join us!

I've already been called an "old fart" (or something to that effect) by some young whippersnapper on the DIS, who shall remain un-named, for playing these "board game" things..

I mean, where do you plug it in? And how to you hook it up to the monitor?

I wish I could!!!! I am embarrassed to say that I dont remember HOW to play backgammon......wish I could "watch" for a while though as I am sure it would come back to me!

PS...I think we should post our id for over there or pm them to each other so we can add us to our buddy lists!! Checking the site out now and it seem I "may" be able to "watch"......
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