No Flash Pictures Please --- Redux

I am figuring not, actually. For there is not one day, I would bet anything, where the pirates do not get flashed at some point, and on many occasion as well. It is a nice idea though, regarding people actually not taking flash pictures, nor doing anything else annoying to others around them.
This is a pet peeve of mine! So annoying. I also hate it when people have those flashing light necklaces that are sooo bright, and refuse to shut them off during the ride:furious:
This is a pet peeve of mine! So annoying. I also hate it when people have those flashing light necklaces that are sooo bright, and refuse to shut them off during the ride:furious:

oh that is a good one. i guess i am guilty at one time i did ride btmr with mine still going.. sorry :guilty:, i will remember to turn mine off :thumbsup2
Flashing, blinking jewelry is most definitely included in my anti-flashing sentiment.
Just a reminder.... No flashing of any kind please.... this is not Mardi Gras in the French Quarter.
I was quite pleasantly surprised on my visits with the pirates last month. For I only noticed a couple of people taking flash pictures during different voyages. I could not say anything about it, because they were too far ahead from me, in another boat. But otherwise, everyone behaved themselves. I was pleased.

How about your experiences? I don't care if it was yesterday, or last year. I am always interested in reading new tales.
Is this the thread about people raising shirts on splash mountain?

How about your experiences? I don't care if it was yesterday, or last year. I am always interested in reading new tales.

Before I go into my story, I have to say that the biggest reasons why people flash their cameras (in areas restricted from flash photography) are:

1. They simply don't know how to turn the flash off. Yes, some people are genuinely that camera-ignorant and don't know the basic functions of their camera. It's either on and taking pictures in full-auto mode, or it's off. Telling them to turn the flash off is like saying, "Would you mind setting your exposure value to +1/3 and ISO to 400? Thanks KBAI!"

2. Language barrier. I'd love to see some illustration with a flashing camera in both the cars and illuminated at the queuing station. This image is universal and anyone who has eyesight gets the gist of it:

3. They are an anatomical part. These are people who feel "No" is for everyone else, not them. I met a #3 on my last trip and this is what happened:

DH and I rode POTC (first row) and two rows back was a woman with a huge DSLR and mounted flash with a fast recycle time, so we're talking lots of strobe effect. She kept taking pictures of every single aspect of the ride. We both told her to stop using the flash, and so did the couple behind us (one row in front of the 'flasher'). Our pleas stopped her for about 15 seconds, then she'd begin again. And it wasn't like she was just taking pics side-to-side: she aimed her camera dead-ahead too, so we would catch the flash from our perepheral vision, temporarily blinding us.

We had HAD IT.

Since no CM announced a "no flash pictures" to our boat (were they sleeping?), we in the first two rows devised a plan.

As everyone got off the boat, we waited (with cameras in hand) at the gate. As the flasher-woman approached...our cameras were ready. We all took aim and flashed our cameras into her face. And then we turned around and left. The end. :goodvibes :lmao:
I'd like to add that people who forget to turn their flash off, and then turn it off after seeing it go off, don't count. Accidents happen. I'm griping about whole-ride flashers.
Thank you for sharing your experiences. How truly annoying that had to have been. It would make one feel like accidentally bumping that camera into the deep blue bayou. I like what you and the other guests did. And I hope that she realized why.
I very much like the universal sign for no flash photography. I wonder why it is not utilized by Disney?
That sounds like a good plan. We also had a flasher on the haunted mansion. A man cut me off in line to get to the ride, he was busy video taping. Then, all along the ride were flashes from the back. It was very irritating.
This is a quote from Mama Who's mini TR

"(One family had an inability to control a badly behaved child but once a guy who *has* to have been retired military barked, "Stop turning those lights on, young man! You're being rude to everyone!" the matter was settled. I heart that man, wherever he is.)"
I'd like to add that people who forget to turn their flash off, and then turn it off after seeing it go off, don't count. Accidents happen. I'm griping about whole-ride flashers.

I've done that a few times.....I always say "Oh no, I'm sorry everyone" when I do it! lol I love your solution...I will have to remember that one for sure! :)
This is a quote from Mama Who's mini TR

"(One family had an inability to control a badly behaved child but once a guy who *has* to have been retired military barked, "Stop turning those lights on, young man! You're being rude to everyone!" the matter was settled. I heart that man, wherever he is.)"

I love that! Probably a Marine Drill Sargent.

I've done that a few times.....I always say "Oh no, I'm sorry everyone" when I do it! lol I love your solution...I will have to remember that one for sure! :)
That is understandable. After all accidents can happen.

That sounds like a good plan. We also had a flasher on the haunted mansion. A man cut me off in line to get to the ride, he was busy video taping. Then, all along the ride were flashes from the back. It was very irritating.

That is very rude! I would have said something to that flasher, if and when possible.
Just for the record, it clearly states in that map that Flash Photography is not allowed on ANY attraction. There may be some attractions where they will specifically allow it, but you must be told that it is allowed.

I just got the Panasonic DMC-TS3 and it takes AMAZING photos in low light (works great on Little Mermaid). I am still working on the setting for HM though.

Bottom line is any P&S camera that runs around $300 should be able to take low light pictures very quickly. Yes, this is the higher end for P&S cameras, but that means you get a better camera.
Thank you for your post. As well as gracias for everyone as well. Your camera sounds very nice. I cannot wait until I can afford to purchase a camera. There are so many on the market though, that I end up getting confused. In the meantime, I have.............wait for it......... but a lowly camera phone to use. Which actually takes fairly good pictures considering the source. But still ......

Maybe the maps need to be printed in different languages, at least the policies anyway.


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