New Year, New Me...Liz's 1/2 Marathon Preparation (Comments Encouraged)

Hi Liz,

I hope you rocked on the interview! They must ealize what an incredile person they would be hiring.

Great job with the walk. Congrats on making 100 miles this year. Onward to the next!

Keep up the good work,
Beth and Tracy, thanks for your encouragement!! I did quite well at the second interview......and I should know sometime Tuesday afternoon...either way!! The waiting in killing me!! I did get an email form the guy who first interviewed me ( he was also there for the second interview) and said the boss was impressed......I can only HOPE that means I have the position!

Anyway, to busy myself, I decided a little retail therapy is in order. So off to the store I went......actually I have been looking over the course of the past few days, but haven't found much I wanted to try on. I made Greg go out with me....he is a huge voice of reason for me... and we found some nice clothes. And they were really nice because they were all size 24......shirts and bottoms!!!!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc I have not worn clothes form Kohls ever, as I have never been able to fit into their womans sizes ... :guilty: but today, I kissed all of my 28/30 shirts buh well as all of my pants that are over a size 26 that have not yet been altered! Of course I will keep all the clothes in the nice little (OK not so little) Kohls bag until I hear about the job...but hey, I will be so ready for my first day! So I have 4 new pairs of pants and four new shirts so long as I get this job!! It is a place to start anyway!!!

My new wardrobe will definately keep me working towards my they fit perfect. I think a few extra pounds in them would be a horrible thing! I am also hoping they last for a while now too! I am thinking 22's are in my future....just not my very near future!!

Just had to off to find some lunch!!
One week away from my first 5K.....I am anxious and scared and who knows what else!! Funny how a little walking can get so competitivie!! Can't wiat to pick up my registration packet and goodie bag. I really just hope I am not the last person to cross the finish line...although that is a good possibility!!

Still waiting to hear about the job situation. This is really getting on my nerves. Got the new clothes all hung in my closet....but they are going back to the store in the event of not getting the job. Let's hope that does not happen!!

Life if good...walked 18 miles last week and did pretty good with food! Gonna work on much of the same this week!!

Whoo hoo.....onward and downward!! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
Well today is the day!! The day I hear if I got the job or not!!! I am one nervous nelly. So far, I have been able to avoid the kitchen, not sure how much longer I will be able to put that off. Had a wonderful dream about eating a cadburry cream egg.....and yes, know I want one, or two, or heck maybe even three.....

It is supposed to be a beauftiful day here. Later in the day it is to be 75.....I was thinking about walking when it was a bit warmer...butif this dang kitchen craze keeps hitting...I may be doing A LOT of walking!!! Have a 5 miler planned, but bet I go tfarther than that today!!!

OK, I am off and running to get in my walking clothes...the sooner I do that, the sooner I will get away from the kitchen....and of course I will take my cell phne so I can get that call!!

Wish me luck!!!!!!!!
Hi, Liz! Good luck on the job! How exciting that you were able to buy clothes that you love in a smaller size. Very impressive, girl!

I will keep my fingers crossed for you this afternoon, as you await your call. Congrats on avoiding the kitchen, too.

BTW, don't worry about being the last to cross the finish line at the 5K -- the awesome fact is that you are doing it! I finished last in my first 5K walk and afterwards just was pleased to have finished it. My goal then was to improve my time each time I do one. I have another one coming up this Saturday. I will be thinking of you. Good luck!
As promised....I am posting...and I have.......

GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!

Looks like I will be starting my new job on the 18th of April. They are working on my offer and should be presenting to me on the 11th. Of course we all know, there really isn't an offer I will refuse at this it is all good!!

Thank you for all the well wishes and :wizard: !! It is much appreciated!! I am glad the waiting is over and that I will be amoung the employed in the very near future!!

So, that is my good news for the day!! Off to grab a bite to eat and then out to see about getting a few more outfits!!! Even managed to get a very quick 2 mile walk in today too!!!

:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Congrats on the New Job!! What a relief. I hope you are celebrating.

Take care,
Hi honey! Thought I'd peek and see how things are going for you. I'm always thinking of your journey and hoping that you are moving along the path. Great news about the clothes. Don't buy too many. You need to save for the next size down too. Keep on going! One step at a time.

Don't you have a 5k soon? I wanted to pop in to see what the date is. I will go looking. Anyway hope it goes great for you.
You are cracking me up!!! Yes, I have my first 5K Sunday!!! I will be headed to pick up my packet this morning!!! I am excited and scared.....and I have a bum bum bum.....seems when I went speed walking (ha, for me anyway) the old glutes were not too happy!! But little by little they are feeling better and I am sure they will be all ready for race day. Can you really call a 20 minute mile a race?

No worries about the clothes. Not hoping to stay in these too long!! I agree, they need to get smaller!! I do like being able to shop in places liek onward and downward for me! I am hoping life at the new job will help with healthy eating as I will not have access to the fridge all day. O am sure I will have some fruit in my dest drawer to munch on...and good news...there is no vending machine in sight!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

First day of work is in less than a week now!!!! I am excited and nervous. Man, has this been a long time coming. But I am so glad to be gegtting back to work. I bet I say that again and again on payday as well!!

Anyway, that is the scoop here! I will be sure to check back after my race on SUnday. It isn't til 1, but I promise to stop back by here when I get home. Don't go WISHing that I come in first place :rotfl: I am hoping to under an hour...even if it mean 30 seconds under an hour. I have such lofty goals for myself you see!!! :teeth:

Thanks for checking up on me!! Hope all is going well with your training!! Are you registered for Disney yet....and ya know I am gonna continue to bug you about Chicago......alwasy room here for one more!!!

More tomorrow........ :goodvibes
Hey Lily, I found myself :rotfl2: and I am going to be wriing in this again soon....I promise!!
Thanks so much for all the wonderful good luck wishes! In all fairness, I have to tell you, I never made it all 13.1 miles. I made it 9. Regardless of how many miles I did finish, I am please with myself. The realization of getting this done was overwhelming. I have NO idea how I would have ever gotten through what I did without each and every one of you!

Now for those of you reading thinking you can’t do this, you are WRONG!!!! You could NEVER be more wrong. You can do this. If I can get out there and do it, anybody can. I can assure you of that. However, be true in your training….each and every step counts…and counts big. Lily, you can say I told you so! It is so true; you have to put the steps in. Although I made a great effort to train, I did not do what I was supposed to do and that indeed made a difference in what I did do and what I could have done.

Now, going back a few steps……OK a lot of steps….but I really wanted to share my experience. Thinking back to January, when I got this crazy idea to do a half marathon, I thought it would be a fun thing to try. Now mind you, I generally give up on everything very early into it. Well, guess what, I didn’t give up this time. Why? The support found here is absolutely incredible… is the journey form start to finish.

When I first started training, I had time! Lots of time! My walks were fun. Some days were easier than others and having the ability to train whenever I wanted to made a HUGE difference for me. Once I started working and the training got a little more intense, that was not so much fun. But one thing that NEVER changed was the encouragement I got from this board and all of these people. The good, the bad and the ugly…….it all helped in some way shape or form. Hearing the big dogs and what they could accomplish was amazing…something to dream about, for those that were just starting out like me, it is fun seeing and sometimes measuring my own progress….and for all the others in between, it is nice knowing there is a middle ground. This is truly a sport that anyone can do.

Now about my journey… started with a thought that maybe I am just crazy enough to try this. It was A LOT of hard work. Work that I have never dared to try. No only was it a physical thing, it was a mental thing. Knowing when to press on and knowing when to stop before injury. Sometimes you stop and sometimes you are just stupid!!! Looking back at January and not ever walking a mile at a time, it is an accomplishment to have walked 9 miles in a sport that there are so many levels to. No matter what your level, there really is no other place when so many can join in once common sport and race. Sure, there are those that are racing against a clock…..and let me tell you, we all are in some way, shape or form…..and then there are those who are out the for the sense of accomplishment. No way, no how I ever thought I could ever get on any playing filed like that.

Many of you will remember my incident with the “shoe man”. The man who almost convinced me I was too fat and not in shape enough to even try this. Thank goodness, there were so many of you who let me know otherwise. I do want to tell you that Saturday I had the pleasure of seeing this man! I let him know I was here to run my race and no matter what I was going to get my medal…..and I did!

Of course before seeing the “shoeman”, we ran into John Binham. He is a great man! A man of MUCH encouragement. He believed in me…much like so many of you believed in me. I knew then that I needed to believe in me. With The Penguin, I was honest about my fears of finishing. I was even so bold as to ask if he would keep the course open just an hour longer. He assured me I would get it done….and even told me a little secret. He said if there was a fear of not getting done in time…find a good place to cut across the course and make it back in time to get my medal. And I did just that….so when you see the race pics, you will know the reason I “finished” in a sub 3 hour time! So he graciously took some pics with us, signed our bibs and encouraged us to Waddle On….and we did.

Now about the “we” part of this. You are all very special to me, but I have to send a big kudos out to our Dog Catcher! Lily, there is NO WAY I would have ever made it anywhere without you. Our friendship means so much to me. I can’t ever even imagine that two people meeting by way of the internet could become such great friends. Even my friends who live here close and said they would be walking with me were no where to be found. Lily was there from start to finish. In every aspect! A true friend through and through. She was there for MY experience this time around and never complained one bit about my slow pace, my whining or my inability to finish the race. And she was there to memorialize the entire thing. I am certain you will enjoy the pictures if nothing else. So Lily, you are the BEST!!! I love you man!!!! And Amanda, you too!!! A greater weekend I have never had!!

So, I trained half butted and didn’t finish. The moral of the story…anybody can do this but you have to put the steps in. And even if you don’t finish, you got to the start line and that is the big part of the battle. Getting the race done is just a formality. Now even though I never finished my race, I did more that I ever thought I could possibly do. The journey has taught me so much about myself, my abilities, my inabilities and the power of suggestion, as well as mind over matter. I have made some great lifelong friends a long the way. I have become a stronger person because of this, physically and mentally. What do you really have to lose my trying? Nothing! You only have a world of new experienced to gain. In saying that, although I did not finish my race, I do not feel that I have failed. I have truly come to understand that you only fail when you fail to try. I have my medal for my short ½ marathon and I am darn proud of it.

Will I do this again? I really can’t say. I do struggle with the blisters that I just don’t think will ever go away…and I hurt today…...and to be honest with you, I like to walk now…..which is something I could NEVER say before. I enjoy walking 2-3 miles now…..not so sure about 13.1…..but I gotta tell you, this experience has been life changing for me… should you see me out on a ½ marathon course, don’t be surprised.

In a nutshell that is what I have to share form this. I really do think that for those of you comptemplating the Disney Half, just do it!! You have nothing to lose. Should you get swept, you have a great experience to look back on and learn from. Chances are you will have made some life long friends along the way too. And most important, you will find out things about you that you never knew about you! You will find some things you like and some things you hate….but you will find that no matter what, you can do it!! So don’t hold back, do what you can do and be proud of you!

I am proud of me today…..and that is not something I have ever before easily been able to say. Enjoy the journey and in the words of a friend,
Waddle On!!!
Hi, Liz! It's so nice to see you journaling again! I've missed hearing about how you are doing on a daily basis. I hope you have fully recovered and that your little toe is happier. :)

Take care, sweetie, and have a wonderful weekend! I will be thinking of you tomorrow when I do a long walk -- you inspire me so much with all you have accomplished! :grouphug:
lizdotcom99 said:
Thanks so much for all the wonderful good luck wishes! In all fairness, I have to tell you, I never made it all 13.1 miles. I made it 9.

That's 9 more miles than MOST of us. You have every reason in the world NOT to run the Disney Half, and yet you throw all those excuses to the wind. You are an inspiration to me. You helped me through my rehabilitation more than you can imagine. And I still have the special magnets that you gave me hanging on the refrigerator door reminding me NOT to slip and fall down again.

Maybe next year you can come to Cleveland and run in the 10K race. Who knows. Maybe you can talk me into waddling along with you. And Lily could come and leave us both in the dust. :)
Towncrier said:
That's 9 more miles than MOST of us. You have every reason in the world NOT to run the Disney Half, and yet you throw all those excuses to the wind. You are an inspiration to me. You helped me through my rehabilitation more than you can imagine. And I still have the special magnets that you gave me hanging on the refrigerator door reminding me NOT to slip and fall down again.

Maybe next year you can come to Cleveland and run in the 10K race. Who knows. Maybe you can talk me into waddling along with you. And Lily could come and leave us both in the dust. :)

You are such a kind man!! Rehab is ALWAYS fun...NOT! And to think that collectively we have quite a collection of torturous devices! I am glad that you still have your magnet! That jsut really cracked me up and knew it would take somebody VERY special to appreciate it!

BTW, there is talk about doing something next year in Ohio! And I really do think should you want to join us you ought to! Lily WON'T pass you up! I can promise that. As slow as I went for 9 miles....she went that slow too! Waddle On John! You will find some of the best memories ever made are waddling......and of course the road to waddledom is pretty spectacular too....just ask Cam! She has quite a story too! And truth be told...she can waddle faster than us too :teeth: She can tell you all about it! Cam, I am so proud of you too!!!

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Hey Liz (it's December99). You have done an awesome job being able to get as far as you have an done 9 (can't remember if it was miles or K's) instead of 13.1. Anything that you would have done would have been AWESOME. And John is right - 9 is more than I could do right now. I'm not much of a walker because of shin splints but I do admire those that do it and enjoy it and like the feeling they get from it - that is great!!! BRAVO

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Well I am back! What a struggle this all seems to be! I have sterted the biggest loser challenge and so far things seem to be going well. The week before the challenge, I started Atkins just to give me a jump start! The forst week of the challenge, I started WW. Well, tried to anyway. There were LOTS of days of being over points and really not caring. Come weigh in day, somehow I lost 6 pounds! yeah! Whoo hoo!

I am pleased with the weight loss, but feel a bit, no A LOT guilty for the weight loss, as there really was such little effort there.

So take that and the lack of sleep that I have been dealing with and the PMS and the SO and I am a mess!

I feel very off balance these past few weeks. I am finding I REALLY need some me time. I WANT to get out and walk, but yet there is never time in my day. Get home from work, get a bite to eat, and lo and behold find something that SO wants to do, or I need to do for SO! Argh! I know I sound like a spoiled brat right now. I have to admit, I am VERY spoiled in many things....but this lack of me space is killing me.

I need some space in my room. I need to hold the remote and have control of teh tv once in a while....especailly when I am watching something I want to watch...after all, it is my room, my remote and my tv....and I was here first, even if I was just sitting at my desk on the computer. I can still listen to the TV and do whatever it is that I am doing!

I need my time to go for a walk! It is just 2 miles....40 minutes max! I need to get away and spend time doing what I need and want to do. I need to listen to my iPod, and to walk and to feel good about me. I need that time to relax, refresh and reflect! I need for SO to understand that he GETS that time. I need it too!

Argh! I can't beleive I ma sitting here typing this....but it does seem to be good for my soul. Thursday is the day I get out there and go for a walk in my new shoes! I got a deal on them...$29.00 for a nice pair of Mizuno's. Can't wait to try them out!

Does anybody else feel like they get sabotaged when they are really trying to get soemthing done? Something that others may not see is important. I know PMS is really playing with my head...but is it just me that feels this way?

OK, off to hit the hay! I have really hit babble status! I am hoping that next week I can come and look at this and laugh!!

Thanks for letting me vent!
Things are looking better today!

Here is the meal plan for the day!


Bagel with Free Cream Cheese
Fat Free/Sugar Free Yogart



Fat Free Caramel



Chicken Breast
Cottage Cheese
Vegie of some sort


Sugar free jello w/cool whip

No time for a walk tonight as we have a meeting with a builder. I have paked LOTS of boxes and moved LOTS of furniture! GOt my new shoes last night and definately gonna get a good walk in tomorrow!!! Might even try for a walk at lunchtime!!

After yesterday's battle with cupcakes....which I won...can you believe that someone had the bright idea to bring donuts today? :guilty:

Good thing I CAN say no!!!


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