New Year, New Me...Liz's 1/2 Marathon Preparation (Comments Encouraged)


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Nov 21, 2001
OK, me again.... but hey it is the new year and I look forward to looking back at this moment and this me in the future to see how far I have come. At the start of tis year I weighed 268 pounds. As of yesterday, I was 260. I have a goal....well sure but since it is to lose 120 pounds, I am gonna look at the little goals first. And to be honest, for right now, I am gonna concentrate on getting fit. Of course eating is soemthing to look at, but I am not "happy" with my eating plan. Sure I am losing weight on the Atkins/SBD thing...but I am not sure it is the best thing for me. All the protein is actually helping me to be less hungry....but I am really not a carnivore....I love my veggies and fruits too.

I had a little victory the other day....little yes, but HUGE in the scheme of things. I wanted ice cream so was the beloved TOM and what can I say. So, yes I bought some carb smart ice cream bars and shared half of one with my SO....the other half is still in the freezer. The taste was good and satisfying. I can't tell you what that means for me to share HALF of an icecream glad to see I do actually have some willpower.

I also decided this is the year to do something totally crazy! I am going to be doing a half marathon. The hope was to do it at Disney, but in all honesty....not too probable. But the good news is, living close to Chicago, I have so many opportunies right in my own back yard. I have registered for the Chicago Distance Classic on August 7th! Can't believe I did it....but I did. SO being the sweetie that he is will be walking it with far as he can anyway. (Secret be told, I think he will be just fine to make it the whole way.....his training every summer is mowing the grass 3 times a week...and I think that is well over 2 miles.) There will also be others who have said they will walk with me. Actually, a friend of mine, Kathy, who has ran several full marathons said she would be happy to walk the half with me. I hope she means it.....but I really do think she will join me and keep me encouraged.

Monday, I decided I was really serious about this marathin stuff. I started my training. OK so my 1 mile WATP is a start. And if you can believe I made it through the 2 mile birsk a half hour! That is a 15 minute mile according to my calulations!! Whoo hoo!! The "real" training does not start until May, but I gotta get to that no better time than the present.

So, I got my NEW training shoes. Went to a great store in Chicago called Fleet Feet. What a great bunch of people. Got some shoes on sale, (mens' size 7 if you can believe that. I *thought* I wore a 7.5 in womens....who knew) and will be back before the race to get the shoes I really wanted (they cost a little more than I wanted to spend right now). Got some new shorts too.....and a couple of John Bingham books, The Courage to Start and Marathoning for Mortals. And yeah, the 1/2 marathon I am doing is a John Bingham race!

So that is it in a nut shell. This all started out as a weight loss program for a trip to Hawaii in late July.....wanted to prove to others and myself that I could make it down a mountain on a bike.......and now I am thinking it might be fun to get some hiking in too!!

That's my story for this year.....I NEED to stick with it! I can't stand being fat! I can't stand that it is HARD to tie my shoes! I can't stand that I am fearful of a bike ride DOWN a mountain....and that other's are even more fearful for me. But on a good note...I am soooooo doing this for me!!! And bonus....if I lose 70 pounds....SO has to quit smoking!! WIN/WIN situation there!!

So in 7 months from now, I hope to look back at this and say, "See, you could do it!!!!"

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming....... :flower1:
Hi LIz,
Welcome!!!! Sounds like you are well on your way to fitness. The Half is a great goal to keep you motivated. Good luck on your WIN/WIN situation :) You are smart to focus on mini-goals along the way so you don't get overwhelmed.

Keep posting :cheer2:

Hi Liz,

Wow- Your post was very moving!! Thanks for sharing your story. I know that in 7 months when you go back and read that post you will have tears of joy in your eyes because you did it!

You are right to focus on small baby steps. That is what will get you through it. Congrats on the 8lb loss. Those first few pounds are what gets you going and helps carry you too the "Big" losses! Being here at WISH is going to make it so much easier. Having the goal of the 1/2 marathon will make each step that much easier. You have a purpose and a goal for moving each day. I can't wait to come back to this thread after you finish the marathon to see how it impacts you. Crossing that finish line is unlike anything you will ever do. Its so powerful!

Hi Liz! I lost 60 pounds last year and started out at 253 pounds. My goal for the 1st half of this year is to lose my last 25 or so pounds and then to training really hard for the 1/2 marathon. I did the 1/2 this year and was one of the people stopped at mile 10. Next year I am going to be WAY above the 16 minutes mile pace and will not be stopped until the finish line. YOU CAN DO THIS! I never thought I could. I've been overweight for a long time but was determined this time. Been doing the low carb thing with some fruit added in. It is the only thing that has worked for me. Also exercising at Curves and on the treadmill. Just believe in yourself. Sounds like you are off to a great start!
Thanks for all the encouragement!! Trust me, I am gonna need it!! I tend to start out all gung ho and lose it somewhere along the way. Usually, when the scale stops moving in the downward direction.

I think this is so weird, but I have this "special" attachment to my new running shoes. Somehow they seem to posses this sort of magic. I am happy when I see them, happy to be in them and excited to see just how far I will go in them. Has this happend to anybody else? Now, I know I am a shoe the shoes and all....but this is just plain wierd!! And they are men's shoes to boot!!! :blush: Help!! I think I amy have lost it!!!
It sounds as though you have set you mind on the track you need. Remember to be happy with the small things and the big will follow. Make this the year to celebrate you. Keep you mind on the positive making healthy choices for you.

For sure you CAN do this. Keep on keepin' on.
Hi Liz,

I just wanted to welcome you to WISH. Looks like you have a great plan in place. Looking to small goals is a great way to stay motivated. That is why the clippies are so popular. I know you will finish that 1/2 marathon. As for the shoe thing, whatever keeps you motivated, works.
Welcome Liz! I can really feel the excitement in your posts! You are already making such great strides toward your goals. I love that you get happy when you see your shoes! I think that's fabulous. I hope the magic never wears off and that you accomplish everything you set your mind to! :)
Well, today is a rest day for me. Who ever really thought resting would be a hard thing to do? So, since I need to "rest", I am headed to the local YMCA to see what I can see. Might have to join them over there for a while.

I am not quite sure why I am so tired these days... I am hoping to find the energy that all this is supposed to give. It is not like I am working out all that hard. But I do feel least about myself.

So, tomorrow is a cheat day for me. It is Greg's birthday. Now, I have gone over this a million times in my head...there is NO way not to cheat. We will be going fonduing....I am a lo carber......First course...cheese...with bread and fruit...not too many carbs there...then there is the main course....which I could actually do...if it weren't for all the sauces......and really, who can resist a pot of melty choclate, pound cake, fruits and well....I just can't say no to that. So, since it is Greg'b bday, he gets to pick and it is all about that is what we are doing. I have also decided to just make it a cheat all day kind of thing. Well, not a go all out and gorge yourself on anything just because you want it kind of thing....but I will have a few things I have been this chocolate donut form a favorite bakery, dinner out and maybe some fruit! Oh the carb headache.....I can already feel it!!

Anyway, that is the news here. We are supposed to get 12" of snow tonight, so maybe, just maybe fonduing won't be on the list of things to do this weekend.....but then there is still the dilema of the chocolate donut!! :rolleyes:

Do you think one cheat day a month is a bad thing?

Off to the YMCA...have a great day!
Oh Girl! It sounds like you are going to the Melting Pot!!! YUM!!!!! :love: And DOUBLE YUM!!! :love: :love: Savor that meal - it is a VERY special treat in our household. ::yes::

I am excited for you and the Half Marathon! If you start now, I know you are going to do great!! Maybe you will even get to meet The Penguin!! I love his Marathoning for Mortals book and love his training plans (I used it for the Disney Half). Stick with him and you will do great!
Terry, Michelle and Strings, thanks again for your words of encouragement. It means so much!!

I am excited about the possibilty of meeting the Penguin" himself.....I too am a true penguin. Talk about being able to relate...I sure can with him. Just found out that there is a DISer in Hawaii that is also going to be training for the marathon as I am hoping to do my nine mile walk with her!! I know....if you have to do the 9 and 10 mile walks....may aas well do them in least that is what I am thinking. I can't believe I am actually looking forward to them.

Not sure if we are going to make it to dinner with all this snow....but I am hopeful. It is a special treat and a wonderful place to eat!!! Good thing we don't do it butt would be twice the size. We are pretty lucky to have a few nice places close if that doesn't work out....even a fondue place. It just isn't as good.

Well that is it for to bed so I can wake up and eat the donut that awaits me.....I have been staring at it all night!!!

Forgot to ask Terry,.....can I borrow your little penguin guy? I just love him. Where did you ever get such a little cutie?
lizdotcom99 said:
Forgot to ask Terry,.....can I borrow your little penguin guy? I just love him. Where did you ever get such a little cutie?

ABSOLUTELY!! I use him because I am a Penguin walker too! I found him on one of the smilie web sites I have bookmarked. Do you need a link or do you know how to copy and paste him from my siggy?
Me again...thanks again for all the encouragement. It nice toi have such great friends!! Boy has it been a day....and it is only 2:30 pm...I guess it is fair to say I really got my exercise in today. It started with a nice long shovelingof snow...about an hours worth. Then I decide I just had to do my 2 mile WATP....and I DID IT!!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc I actually liked doing it!! After mile 2 I was estactic.....and returned to shovel some more snow....well I snow blowed our drivway and 2 others.....and I am pooped. Today is my cheat day. I did have my nice big chocolate donut and a tall white chocolate mocha Starbuck's coffee......Being LC, I can REALLY feel the carbs quick. It is really amazing. I found myself with the shakes, so I had to get some protien. I never realized the power of a carb.

Anyway, that is my day. Not sure we are gonna make it to the city for dinner.....the snow is really coming down at an incredible speed. I think I ma going to be back out again at some point to snow blow again......but I am only gonna do our driveway. The neighbors saw me out there clearing their driveways and could not even say so much as thanks. Hmmmm...guess I just go where I am appreciated. SO really appreciates that he does not have to snow blow since it is his birthday.....but is gonna be a differant story!!!!! :D

Off to figure out birthday plans.....looks like we might brave the weather and head into the city!! We both are REALLY looking forward to fondue!! :flower1:
Hi Liz! :wave2: Looks like you got quite a work out today! Hope you have a great night celebrating SO's birthday. The fondue sounds yummy! :tonuge: As a person very addicted to Starbucks I can imagne how much you enjoyed that!! :teeth: I'm going on a trip in February and one of the things on my list of things to do is to hit the Starbucks at the airport for my first drink since January 3rd I can't wait. :teeth:
lizdotcom99 said:
I think this is so weird, but I have this "special" attachment to my new running shoes. Somehow they seem to posses this sort of magic. I am happy when I see them, happy to be in them and excited to see just how far I will go in them. Has this happend to anybody else?

I love my running shoes
. I love buying new running shoes :love: and I have a real hard time getting rid of my old running shoes! Its a very strange relationship. :earboy2:

So glad to know that I am not alone in this!!!!

Off to snow blow the next 12" of snow we got overnight!!! And it is still snowing!!!!! Argh!!

But the good thing is,cheat day is over.....and I feel like poop!! I knew that was coming. Can't wait for the carb headache to kick in too. But it was a fun day, snow and all!!!

Well, I better get going onthe snow thing. I will check in later after I get the snow and the workout taken care of.

Stay safe and stay warm.

:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
Well, it has been a long day of snow blowing and I just can't get myself motivated to move. I have been struggling with the thought of doing my 2 mile W.ATP...and just can't get up. I am sore and my lungs hurt. So, I have decided that today wasa crosstraining day. And note to self...this was no ordinary snow. We got 24" since last night. Show drifts were as high as my but.....and did I mention I snow blowed 5 driveways. Sorry, just have to try to make myself feel better about not walking today!

Anyway, cheat day was wonderful. Had allteh yummy things I wanted to have....feel like poop exhausted, and I have a feeling the carbs have a bit to do with that too.

Today I am back on planwith my eating, and happy for that. It was nice to have a cheat day...but it is nice to get things back into whack.

I weigh tomorrow and am not expecting any wonderful weight loss results. With all the working out I have been doing, I am sure I will gain before I lose. And well, a cheat day doesn't do good things for the scale either!! I can say my clothes are fitting much better, and that is what counts for now!!

Anyway, I am gonna snuggle up with my The Courage to Start book and try to get it finished. Marathoning for Mortals was great!!!
Liz, don't feel bad about not walking yesterday. You MORE than did your share of moving! Snowblowing is hard work and you were at it much longer than the 30 minutes you would have WATP'd! WAY TO GO!! Give yourself a pat on the back and a gentle rub for those sore muscles and enjoy the benefits of the workout you completed. :)

I am glad you enjoyed Marathoning for Mortals. It is a GREAT book!! Who wrote The Courage to Start?
geetey said:
I am glad you enjoyed Marathoning for Mortals. It is a GREAT book!! Who wrote The Courage to Start?

Terry, thanks for the encouragement!! And about the book....the Penquin wrote it!! Should you want to borrow it, I will gladly send it your way....ya just gotta send it back when you are done with it!!! :D

So glad today is a rest day...although my shoes keep smiling at me...... :blush:

:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:


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