New Year, New Me...Liz's 1/2 Marathon Preparation (Comments Encouraged)

:earseek: Jeez Liz! remind me never to go anywhere with you!!! :rotfl2: (Just kidding!)
Hey Liz,

I hate the Y weirdos. I have had a guy ask me ou 3 times. He is about 4 inches shorter than I am and looks just like George Costanza from Seinfeld. Yes, he knows I am married.

You are doing great Liz. Enjoy your walk tomorrow.

Take care,
Had a great day yesterday in the city.....did a lot of walking!! No shin splints! Yeah!!! Well over 6 miles....and in dress shoes carrying my 20 pound breifcase. Needless to say, I have a blister or two....but I knew long before they got there they were coming. I KNEW I should have packed those training shoes in my briefcase!! What is a little more weight to an already heavy bag?

I did have LOTS of fun exploring the ctiy!! I really do love Chicago. Because we were going to se Sweet Charity and did not want to drive and then have to pay for parking 2 cars in the city, I tool the train. Greg dropped me off at the train station in time to catch the 6:40 am train for the 1:00 pm interview....I had lots of time to kill. It really was fun. The weather was brisk, but sunny. ANd the city certainly makes for a great walking path. And yes, I ran into some more weirdos.....but what do you expect? Oh, how I wish I could really run.....these weirdos may give me some motivation to get to that point!! A very scary large black man decided that he needed to follow me for BLOCKS through the city....and made it very clear that he was doing so....He kept saying that I was cute and he was gonna follow me to the ends of the earth......Jen, DON'T GO ANYWHERE WITH ME!!!!! :rotfl: You told me to remind consider yourself reminded. Anybody looking to meet some weirdos, just come and train with me!! Michele gets the nakies...I get the weirdos...lets hope the two never collide...... :rotfl2:

Sweet Charity, BTW was great!! It was really a great show...and Christana Applegate is truely fit for the part....she does dumb blonde so well! And to think she is only acting!! I ahve actually read somewhere that she is actually brilliant!! And I just gotta tell you, she is so cute!!! To look like that and have a brain too....oh, I can dream!!

Job interview went well. Not the dream job for sure as the position is a contigency position which means as needed. No benefits....and all that stuff....however, if offered, I am going to do it!! It is a great foot in the door...and the job seems like it is just the challenge I need! And rumor has can always pick up a shift of two!! Whoo hoo!

The scale was down 3 pounds yesterday and back up 4 today....don't get it!! I think perhaps it is time to stay off the scale for a while.....cept for WI day on Monday. Regardless of what the scale says....I know my clothes are fitting better....well. they are getting bigger...or Iam getting smaller ;) Again, the pants that fit last week are getting quite big. Almost too big!! Whoo hoo!!

Beth, sorry you have the Y weirdos as well!! You are welcome to some of mine too if you would like......for your spare time!!

That is it for now...not sure if I am going to take the rest day that I am supposed to take....or get out there and walk a bit. I guess rest days are there for a reason...but who knew they could ever be torture!! This ia a good thing..right?


Here's hoping ofr a great weekend!! Might see if I can't get Greg to join me on a nice walk should the temps stay in the high 30's!!!

:cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
Oh LIZ!!! You and your men!!! :rotfl2:

Glad you liked the show! I'd like to see that one!!!

Do me a favor! Try to keep the men at bay this weekend, will ya??!!! :earboy2:
Another week gone...where is the time going?

Got back otwalking and ma loving beingback out and about! It seems to be a great release of so many things!! Glad I have been able to get out there and am shin splint far so good!

I am also getting rod of the scale!! I will weight in tomorrow....and then the scale is going away for a while. As of today I was back up 4 pounds....which makes NO sense at all! I know I am losing inches though. My clothes are certainly telling me that. Definately a good feeling!!

Gettng somewhat discouraged about looking for a job. It seems as though I go out and try to find something....and no matter how hard I try...there is just nothing out there!! I have not given up though. Gonna get some more resumes together and see what happens. Still several interviews I have yet to hear back form as well. It is not an easy job market......that I understand. Rejection is just not matter what the job market is like. Oye!! Soemthing better has to come along!!

In all of this, today I was out walking and feeling down...then I realized I have a purpose. I am training for one of the majorest events in my life....and I am gonna do it!!!! I was quite surprized at how much faster the second mile of my walk went. Think happy thoughts and good things happen. Gonna be do lots of the happy thinking this week as I have much to be happy about!!

Anyway, that is where I am at for now...Thanks again to all of oyu who make me accountalbe and keep me positive!!
Good idea about putting aside that scale for a bit. I like your idea of making healthy choices in eating and exercising. Make sure you are drinking your water too. That is sometimes a key. I'm still saying prayers that you find your job. You keep pounding that pavement in every way. The fact that you are pressing through this difficult time is inspirational. Start each day fresh and I hope it all comes together soon.
Liz! You must keep your chin up! You have so many good things happening in your life! You are on the road to a healthier you and you are nothing if you don't have you health!!!

Rejection is very difficult! The best thing you can do is to try to find out why and move forward!

I hope you have a great Monday! :flower:

BTW! I am very proud of you about the 1/2 marathon!!!! That is AWESOME! :cool1:
Hi Liz,

You are doing great with your walking. I'm so proud of you. How are your feet? Are the blisters healing?

The job market is really tight in Chicage, but you WILL find a job soon. I will continue to pray.

As for the fluctuations in your weight, it is probably related to sodium intake and hormones. Weekly weighins are a great idea.

Keep up the great work,
Hey Liz honey...rescue from page 2.
:wizard: PD that you are busy doing your walking instead of journaling.
Looking forward to hearing more about your progress.
Thanks for the save! I appreciate it! I have been so busy this weekend.....don't ask me what I was doing, cause I really could not tell you.....but it has been one heck of a week.

Execise has been non exisistant here! The weather is plain out icky!! Not that I need to use that as an excuse, cause we know I have my YMCA membership.....and last time I went, it was all indoors!! :confused3

On a good note though, my eating and weightloss has been doing quite nicely! I have moved to the weight watchers side of life, and am loving it and seemed to have unstalled the stall!!! As of yesterday, I was down a pound from my lowest point to 254!! So that is good!! Thinking I am not going to make the eight I had hoped for losing this month, for the St. Pat's Challenge, but that is OK too!!

OK, puter is not happy on that note, I am going to cut htis short as to not lose my post! More later...i promise!! Thanks for thinking about me!!!

:love: :love: :love: :love:
Good news on WW moving you along! I wish you continued success. Yo girlie! get moving. If I'm gonna make it there in August, I do not want to be doing anything without you along side. You need this moving to get your foundation.
:cheer2: :cheer2: :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :banana: :banana: Go Liz Go! :banana: :banana: :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :cheer2: :cheer2:
Great day for me!! Yeah!! :cheer2:

Started on the scale first thing in the morning and yeah, I am down 2 pounds form where I was a month ago! The stall is gone.....working on doing WW and locarbing least trying to avoid that white flour and sugar. So far, so good! It seems to be doing me well. I guess you ahve to tweak this diet stuff til you find what works, huh?

I did get back to walking again today as well. 3 miles today! Felt good to be out and about again! I talked to a friend who happend to ask about how many miles I got in last week.....and I jsut cracked myself up with each and every excuse I made. Fonally I fessed up and said I could make a whole list of excuses.....just didn't walk at all last week......but I am back on track...and feeling good about it! Even got my new sports bra today! i won it off of Ebay......methinks I might be able to give myself my own breast reduction with this thing!! It is an Enell......according to the info I have it fits.....but man.....does it feel weird.....(says that is "normal" too)! Tomorrow will be the true test.

Anyway, that is it for now. All is well here in the world of just got in the way of working out......gottafigure out how to make sure htat doesn't happen again!

Oh, and one last thing...I have a second interview for a job that I would really love to get! I am trying to not get too excited or to get my hopes up incredibly high.....but alas, this could be the perfect job for least according to the job description. The second interview will take place at some time the week of the 28th, so if you could all think some good thoughts for me, it would be much appreciated!

Anyway, onward and downward. There is so much more I can't wait to see and do!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Great Job Liz!!!! You sound so upbeat and positive! :flower: Congrats on the loss! :cool1:

Good luck with the job! :wizard:
Jen, thanks for always being one I know who will have something to say in my journal!! I always know when I get up in the morning, there will be a comment from you!! Definately a bright spot in my day!!

Today was another good day! Got a 4 mile walk in and a date, time and place for my second interview! March 31rst at 9:00 am is the big day! The interview will be at the owner's home office! I am hoping this means that a job offer will be presented....if not, i may have to TP or egg the bosses home! :rotfl:

Now the hard wait almost three weeks for an interview!! I guess that gives time for the tailor to get my pants and jacket taken in and to find a new shirt for the big day!

That gives me just about three more weeks of more workout time too...cause I am sure hoping that as of the first of April, there will be a job to take up some of my time!!

Oh, and ane last note....a friend of mine, who happens to make the BEST chocolate chip cookies sent me an Easter Basket......with a TON of cookies!! And TWO boxes of Girl Scout cookies to boot! Give me strength!! Good think I earned some APs today...cause I was bad and had 4, yes 4 small insanely delicious cookies!! I am thinking I may have to forgo my rest days so I can get rid of these cookies with my activity points.....LOL!!

I am thinking the flex points are going to be wwwwaaaayyyy gone this week!! With a birthday and the arrival of the worlds greatest cookies.....I better really watch my peas and carrots this week.......if only those cookies were made of peas and carrots!!
Hi Liz,

I will say some prayers for the interview. it would be awesome for you to get a dream job.

Girl scout cookies are evil. I say that if you are going to endulge with your friends cookies, savour them. Enjoy every crumb, and then get back OP.

Have a good night,
Peas and carrots, peas and carrots, peas and carrots!!! Think peas and carrots!

In all seriousness awesome news about the interview! You are going to do great! :cool1:
Opps, page 2 again!! Oh well!! Just bakc to say that things are going.....fairly well. Eating has been off track, but we are back with it all today!! Got a nice 3 mile walk in today and went to the dr's for a check up! Guess I need to see where I am at and where I am going. So now I get to sit a week for the results. I even had the womaly exam done. Haven't doen that in um 13 years. There seemed to be some blood, which wasn't "normal" but was also told was nothing to worry yeah! Now I know why I haven't done this in 13 years.....argh! Anyway, I am back on track...with food, with execise and with getting it right! Yesterday I did make it to 100 miles in walking for the year.....looking forward to getting to my next 100. I do have to say that it really does feel good getting all of this together. Of course there seem to be many stops and starts...but they are becoming fewer and farther between....and I really do feel like crap on the off days!!

On to lose some of what I have gained back and then some! Thursday is the big second interview....hoping for the best there!! Until then, gonna try and get myself together and back on track!! Whoo hoo!
:banana: :banana: :banana:
lizdotcom99 said:
On to lose some of what I have gained back and then some! Thursday is the big second interview....hoping for the best there!! Until then, gonna try and get myself together and back on track!! Whoo hoo!
:banana: :banana: :banana:

Good luck on Thursday!!!!

:wizard: :grouphug: :wizard: :grouphug: :wizard:
Thanks Tracy! I need all the luck I can get!! Job hunting has got to be ther worst!!!! Can't wait ote get a paycheck.......need some new clothes and some new toys! Methinks some new $$ might help with all of that!

It is supposed to be a great day here. Sun is shining and it is supposed to get up to 70 today!! Great day for a nice 5 mile walk. Gonna get that in early and see what esle I can do to enjoy the day!!

Definately back on track with my eating. Today's breakfast was:

Bagel 3 pts.
Smoothie 1.6 pts
Cream cheese Free .9 pts

Good breakfast! A nice start to the day!! I think if I journal my food, it will help with the accountability thing! The excercise thread seems to do well for me with that too!! First thinkg I usually do when I am done walking is come and record it!! Guess I need to do that with the food too!!!

So, on that note, off to shower and then off for a walk! It is sure a nice one out there!!

:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:


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