MVMCP 2002

I haven't done the math yet, but you can make PS's for the Crystal Palace 60 days out. And I've already got a table of 10 people for December 8th, so if you haven't PM'd me, I'm sorry I'm full at this point....but that could always change.

As far as the Candlelight Processional goes, I've already told Marsha that I would host a mini-meet which will include the dinner package. But we need to see the DIS-Con schedule first, see the Candlelight Processional package for this year, decide on a date and time. Tickets for the CP last year didn't go on sale until August, so we've got some breathing room. I think we've figured out a way to handle the money, etc. (thanks Ray). For our little group of 4 last year, we had dinner at Teppanyaki (which was fab-u-lous) and wonderful CP seats. I believe it ran $42.50 per person, and was worth every penny.

Anyway, I'm keeping tabs on the Candlelight, and will let y'all know when I have something concrete. :D
If there are people interested in another table for Crystal Palace on December 8th, PM me and I will keep a list for a table of 10 also. If I get full, then I ask for someone else to do a table also. So if you didn't PM Steve and want to eat at CP before MVMCP on December 8th, let me know through a PM please and I will get a list together!!! More than happy to do it!
I think right now I might have 6 at my table definitely...I'll keep you all posted if we open another table up - Pixie Power said she would help if we needed to open another table.

Steve - I guess we'll need to coordinate closer to time what time we want to try for???? I don't even know if that would be possible.
I'll need a place at someone's table on December 8th (if someone is willing to adopt me for the evening).
I know this is the MVMCP thread (and I'm going on the 3rd) - but I wanted to say that I'm definitely interested in doing the Candlelight package with the group!

A PM is on the way.

Don'tcha just love all this commando stuff? I think I'm tired already. :rolleyes:
I too am interested in CP also.

TC - I'll add you to my group - for now!!!! ;) :D :D
I will plan on calling for a table ressie too. PM me if you need a seat!
Thank you Sandra for the info. :)

Thank you Steve for adding me to your table. :)

This is going to be sooooooooooooo AWESOME! :Pinkbounc:
I know myself and my DD's will be very interested in doing a CP package. Holly and I went last year and really loved it.

It doesn't matter to us which restaurant you decide, as long as we're with our DIS buddies.
I very much want to go on the 8th! Chris, pm on it's way requesting you include me in the CP dinner before hand. :)
Going to MVMCP 12/3 AND 12/5, doing dinner package at LTT on 12/3 have 5:45 PS and 12/5 have 5:30 PS at LTT. Going to HDDR 12/1 first show this is day we arrive. We are thinking of doing 9:00 hayride at FW, have done in past and you get a one of a kind of view of water parade. I hope who see many of you at these events if not I will see you at other Dis Convention happenings.:earsboy: :wave: :earsgirl:
Someone please put Sandra at their table. We know she would want to go and I don't want her left out. Thanks! :D
Doesn't this seem like old times? I've got Sandra at my table. I got a pm from her today.

On the Candlelight Processional, loved it last year. It is on my MUST do list for this year. Last year we went to the 6:45 show and had 8:00 PS at Rose & Crown where we had a lovely dinner and then had front row table for illuminations. What a great night! I would be happy to eat there or anywhere else. When oh when will the full schedule come out! Commandos, ready and willing Sir! (down Steve, down ;))
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Barb, thanks for thinking of me and Jody thank you for adding me to your table. I don't want to miss this!!!!!
I want to do the CP too.....
Can't wait to see all of you (again).

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
My table is now possibly full...I just need to check with 3 people to see if they are going (they are part of my rooming buddies so I don't want to leave them out of my group). But as of right now - I have a table of 10. TC, did you want to sit at our table? I put you down. Right now I've got:

Pixie Power
Guest ;)
KimRaye ?
Beanie ?
guest ?
Dopeygirl ?
When the schedule comes out this week whenever, I'll put up a Candlelight thread and we can deal with it then.

People at my table are:

Ray Sharpton
Patinmn and Roger
Ed (Tia's DH)
Nancy (Barb's DS)
Alan (Dayna's DH)
Frank (lowell's dad)
Corinne (smee)

Yes, that's 12. Depending on what Disney wants to do, I may have 2 tables of 6 or 1 big table.
Hope I didn't get here to late. I sent a PM to Jody so hopefully she still has room. If not can I squeeze in with someone or do I need to start a new table for me and DH.

I might be quiet on here so can someone please watch out for me (any volunteers). I wanna do everything....


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