Masks no longer required outdoors at WDW

I was there at the end of March - about 1/3rd of people ignored the markers on the ground and crowded up to the person in front of them. It got very annoying after a while. We've become accustomed to people keeping their distance, so we are very aware of personal space these days.
It was happening to me on Frozen this past Tuesday. You would have thought the party behind us was part of our party of 2. Each time we moved to the next line, they came with us. I passed a very loud comment about the lines on the floor. A super nice CM came over and took me and my friend out of the line and put us on a boat!!!
I think it's a bit different now compared to when they opened in the summer. There are children who cannot get a vaccine yet that will be exposed to those just refuse to get one not wearing a mask. There will be those under 2 who cannot wear a mask. In the summer, if you were going, you all had a mask on and those under 2 were semi protected. It wasn't like playing Russian Roulette standing by maskless guests. As slim as the chances are of a child getting a serious case, it still happens

Of course it can still happen, and I empathize with your concern. Fortunately, children under 12 will be able to be vaccinated within the next few months. The best thing for you to do may be to wait until your children can be vaccinated to return, so that you are comfortable with this new policy change.
I was there at the end of March - about 1/3rd of people ignored the markers on the ground and crowded up to the person in front of them. It got very annoying after a while. We've become accustomed to people keeping their distance, so we are very aware of personal space these days.

I was solo this trip and about 1/4 of the time when a loading or queue CM saw me they assumed I was a larger party based on the people immediately behind me!!!
It was happening to me on Frozen this past Tuesday. You would have thought the party behind us was part of our party of 2. Each time we moved to the next line, they came with us. I passed a very loud comment about the lines on the floor. A super nice CM came over and took me and my friend out of the line and put us on a boat!!!
Why not just ask the people to step back a bit? 🤔 Politely, of course.
Why not just ask the people to step back a bit? 🤔 Politely, of course.
I did that once in Target and it didn't end very well. In Frozen each time they moved with us I turned and looked, then looked down at the line. After about 4 lines is when I commented to my friend that weren't the lines supposed to be for social distancing. She responded back that she believed they were. The party behind us made no attempt to back up. It was just after that a CM came and asked how many in our party. We said 2, he took us onto the boat. The people behind us remained there. I wasn't rude in my comments, but just letting them know what the lines were for without talking to them. I have learned with this pandemic there are some people who do not like you asking them to move. It's better to basically shame them into doing it as opposed to getting into an argument
Can someone please clarify what part of a queue is required? Is all outdoor queue portions not mask required? Is it only when you get to an indoor portion?

The only thing I care about right now is how CMs basically got thrown to the wolves with this. I feel even more sorry for them than I did before, having to enforce this with the Karens of the World.

I feel the same way, Kylenne. The CM's have to put up with so much bad stuff. I can only hope that people will be so happy not to have to wear masks outside that they will happily comply with wearing them indoors.
Our governor just announced an end to mandatory mask wearing, except at hospitals and doctors offices, of course. However, alot of stores are making their employees wear the masks, and I hate to see that. Also the school system here still requires staff and students to wear masks.
I'm so glad to see this from disney:)
I feel the same way, Khylenne. The CM's have to put up with so much bad stuff. I can only hope that people will be so happy not to have to wear masks outside that they will happily comply with wearing them indoors.
Our governor just announced an end to mandatory mask wearing, except at hospitals and doctors offices, of course. However, alot of stores are making their employees wear the masks, and I hate to see that. Also the school system here still requires staff and students to wear masks.
I'm so glad to see this from disney:)
I think people will be fine. Or they should be. I’m going in December and the minimum I was hoping for was no masks outdoors and hopefully parades, fireworks, parties and restaurants back. I never thought masks would end indoors this year.
I just hope everyone who is excited about not wearing masks are also excited about getting their vaccines.

Seriously, just get vaccinated, people. The more people who are vaccinated, the better chance we'll have of getting back to 100% normal.
I'm scared of getting vaccinated. I have RA and shellfish allergies. As well as asthma. I've heard some horror stories from people after getting their second vaccine. I have an appointment Thursday so we shall see what they say...
Sounds like quite an ordeal. Glad you were able to get your vaccine, and are just a few weeks away from being fully vaccinated.

I think the problem with Disney waiting is that for every person wanting them to wait, there is a person wanting them to change immediately. There is no winning. It thus makes the most sense to choose a medical authority that you are going to follow, and act in accordance with that authority as quickly as practical.

I actually think that Disney has been somewhat timid in their re-opening. They certainly have not been at the forefront of reducing restrictions. Florida, for example, has been fully open for some time, and there clearly has been a national trend in this direction. While I sympathize with those who are not yet ready to be in a park full of maskless people, it should not have been unimaginable that we would find ourselves here. I also expect that Disney would try to make some accommodation for people concerned for their safety.
And, on the side of the coin, many ppl found themselves in the same predicament with losing points when wdw blind-sided them when they implemented the mask mandate last summer. Ppl who didn’t want to wear a mask in the parks in the heat had to make a difficult choice.
I did that once in Target and it didn't end very well. In Frozen each time they moved with us I turned and looked, then looked down at the line. After about 4 lines is when I commented to my friend that weren't the lines supposed to be for social distancing. She responded back that she believed they were. The party behind us made no attempt to back up. It was just after that a CM came and asked how many in our party. We said 2, he took us onto the boat. The people behind us remained there. I wasn't rude in my comments, but just letting them know what the lines were for without talking to them. I have learned with this pandemic there are some people who do not like you asking them to move. It's better to basically shame them into doing it as opposed to getting into an argument

Reminds me of the Seinfeld movie theatre episode, "I gave him the half turn with the eye roll! Beyond that I'm risking a punch in the mouth" lol. Over Thanksgiving at our SeaWorld day, the two teenage girls behind me and my son kept following us so close, after a couple minutes I had to turn around and ask, "Do you girls plan on riding with us? Then back up."
Why aren’t children under 12 required to wear masks? None of them are vaccinated.
B/c, first, it’s been known for a while now that it’s nearly impossible to catch Covid outside especially distanced from others. And, the vaccine protects the person who has received it, so as a parent of a child under 12, it should be my choice & responsibility how to proceed given this information. My child not being vaccinated doesn’t pose a health risk to you if you’re vaccinated so really it’s no one’s business.
I’m interested in what parks like Dollywood and Seaworld are going to do about children under 12. They state vaccinated guests no longer need to wear masks. No children under 12 are vaccinated. At the same time are they increasing the age of masks requirements for those unvaccinated to anyone over 12?
Well there are clinical trials happening, so technically a child under 12 could be vaccinated although unlikely. I think the point of the cdc guidance is that’s it’s on the individual now.


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