Lime Green Mickey Heads---you've ruined me!!!

Our nearest HD is 90 miles away, and with gas prices....

So, I will make my own -- I have a Mickey head paper punch and a laminator, allowing me to make as many as I want. They are smaller but that's okay.:flower3:
Our nearest HD is 90 miles away, and with gas prices....

So, I will make my own -- I have a Mickey head paper punch and a laminator, allowing me to make as many as I want. They are smaller but that's okay.:flower3:

if you need any let me know i can swipe some and send them to you :)
if you need any let me know i can swipe some and send them to you :)

I second that Cindy. I am happy to go out and grab more, so if anyone can't get any themselves, I am sure those of us who can will be more than happy to share, just pm with the info...
I'm on my way to HD right now...if there are any left in Knoxville I'll find them...

--Mr. DB
I've got about 10 LGMH's, but I think I need to tell DH to get some more. He's so into it. We were just at WDW last week and didn't see any LGMH :sad1: We're going again for 4th of July and then in October for MNSSHP - we're hopeful that we'll see some then!
SHSSSSH....My DH and I steal LGMPC from HD all the time. We really have a's sad. :sad2:

I would be happy to share the wealth.....PM me with your address if you need some.;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
I just liberated 20 of them from a life of solitude at the local HD...

--Mr. DB
We don't have a home depot here either. We are going this weekend, if anybody would be willing to send me 2 I would really appreciate it!!
Email me
I stole some more alien green ones today... muahahhahahahahaha.. I've hit two HD's in one weekend. Ok ok, my Dfi really took them.
I went to my parents' this weekend to celebrate Mother's day ... I'd already corrupted my parents into becoming official DIS board members ....

My mom selected Applebee's for her dinner Saturday night and since we were all hungry, we went a bit early - around 5ish. Plenty of time for random activities afterwards. I wanted to check out Croc Flops in the store and my mom needed a new pedometer battery. Ah yes, we were inching our way out towards HD store by store. When my dad asked if anyone had anymore stops, I innocently asked if we could go to HD. (yes I had introduced them to the LGMH on a previous weekend, but they had never gone on a liberating mission themselves)

We went <almost> straight to the paint section. Dad got distracted by riding lawn mowers, mom spotted discount packages of work gloves ... was I the only one focused on our important goal? We made our way to paint where the lone associate looked like he'd rather be sniffing the paint than selling it and conveniently wandered off with his friend who was visiting him.

Freshly refilled, I grabbed the majority of the LHMHs, leaving a few. Dad wanted some orange (Bouncy Bouncy to be exact) and thought some red would be nice too (Mickeys Pants) and we grabbed a few other colors - and dad snapped up the last LGMHs I had left behind. Enter: unmotivated associate boy! He asked if we needed help and to distract him from the obvious stack of paint chips in my hand (which was quite immense at that point) dad started asking about the Disney self-stick wall murals. That was a bit too taxing for Mr. Paint Associate and quickly ran him off.

we made off with 27 LGMHs! The first team effort was quite successful and I'm very proud of my parents :D When we got home and surveyed our treasure, my parents prompty decided that I need to work on getting ALL the colors ... looks like there will be another installment of team LGMH liberation!

those little things are so addictive!
I'm so disappointed, I went to a HD today and all the alien green mickeys were already gone! Actually, alot of the mickey paint chips were empty.. i still grabbed a bunch though, but I'll have to keep up my hunt for the alien green ones!
I would be very interested in a car sized lime green Mickey Head as well as a Focker Team lanyard. I've got my LGMH from the HD and I'm thinking of trying to make a few of them into pins so I can transfer them from outfit to outfit. I also want to put my Dis name on the pins. Has anyone done this before, I have an idea but no experience. ;)
We just got back from taking my dbfriend's mom to dinner for Mother's Day and Yes we hit up HD and Liberated some (okay alot) of Mickeys and now I have corrupted my bf's mom Hahaha.

It was funny the associate wasn't even around I had to go look for him to get some alien green paint to paint my key chains for my gift bags that I am making up for our Parties on the 13th & 16th at Pop and he gave me my paint that i had ask for and I had a paint chip with me of alien green and I ask him if I could keep it and he said Oh please by all means, only if he knew that my purse and my dbf's mom had a whole bunch of them he would have said Heck no put them back.
I would be very interested in a car sized lime green Mickey Head as well as a Focker Team lanyard. I've got my LGMH from the HD and I'm thinking of trying to make a few of them into pins so I can transfer them from outfit to outfit. I also want to put my Dis name on the pins. Has anyone done this before, I have an idea but no experience. ;)

I just PM you the info!
I'm officially over the edge. I stopped at Home Depot today in the rain (still 89 days til we leave) and got my lime green mickey heads. Oh.... are....they.... so..... cute!!!!!! I had no idea! I'm still not sure why lime green (sure somebody will tell me!) But now I want them in all the colors to plaster all over everything!

Why is this happening to a full-grown, formally sane adult?????????

How did they ruin you?:cool2:
I just liberated my first few this weekend!!! :thumbsup2 I grabbed a few other colors too. So cute!!! My son saw & loved the Lightening McQueen room flyer so I at least looked like I had an excuse! LOL

I went to my parents' this weekend to celebrate Mother's day ... I'd already corrupted my parents into becoming official DIS board members ....

My mom selected Applebee's for her dinner Saturday night and since we were all hungry, we went a bit early - around 5ish. Plenty of time for random activities afterwards. I wanted to check out Croc Flops in the store and my mom needed a new pedometer battery. Ah yes, we were inching our way out towards HD store by store. When my dad asked if anyone had anymore stops, I innocently asked if we could go to HD. (yes I had introduced them to the LGMH on a previous weekend, but they had never gone on a liberating mission themselves)

We went <almost> straight to the paint section. Dad got distracted by riding lawn mowers, mom spotted discount packages of work gloves ... was I the only one focused on our important goal? We made our way to paint where the lone associate looked like he'd rather be sniffing the paint than selling it and conveniently wandered off with his friend who was visiting him.

Freshly refilled, I grabbed the majority of the LHMHs, leaving a few. Dad wanted some orange (Bouncy Bouncy to be exact) and thought some red would be nice too (Mickeys Pants) and we grabbed a few other colors - and dad snapped up the last LGMHs I had left behind. Enter: unmotivated associate boy! He asked if we needed help and to distract him from the obvious stack of paint chips in my hand (which was quite immense at that point) dad started asking about the Disney self-stick wall murals. That was a bit too taxing for Mr. Paint Associate and quickly ran him off.

we made off with 27 LGMHs! The first team effort was quite successful and I'm very proud of my parents :D When we got home and surveyed our treasure, my parents prompty decided that I need to work on getting ALL the colors ... looks like there will be another installment of team LGMH liberation!

those little things are so addictive!

:rotfl: So,So Funny....I had a good laugh while reading your post.:rotfl2: :rotfl2: When I went 2 yrs. ago DD9 (at the time) and myself TOOK some LGMH's and used then for our luggage tags and pinned them to our backpacks while we were in the parks !!! We met a few other Diser's that way and I suppose that we'll meet even more this trip in August !!!! There are so so many more of us Lime Diser's now!!!!!:thumbsup2
I have brought my husband over to the "dark side":rotfl2: He is in and out of HD's just about everyday for work. So, I exlained the NEED for more LGMHPC and at first he laughed and then, after going with me to liberate a few myself, he said that he would help. Now mind you this is the DH that thinks I am obsessed!!:rotfl:

I have also taken some of the other colors for my 3DD's countdown calendars. I have started to put them togther and I still need a few more. My focus has been the LG one's. 'Ohanamama and I plan to decorate our windows at the WL and also put some laminated ones on our strollers and back packs. We will be there in August. It will be great to see how many other DIS folks we run into!:wizard:
OK I'M confused. SO I also went and got the lime green mickey paint chips, but what are we to do with them. Anyone know?:confused3


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