Judy's Life of Change


<font color=purple>U.S. Air Force Family<br><font
Jun 1, 2001
I was reading my favorite Disney web site when I started noticing people talking about "wish" and a "wish board" I figured it was to talk about what we wanted. Time goes by and I happen to glance at someones "wish" signature block and noticed something about weight loss. Ok, they proud of what they have accomplished. Way to go whoever you were. More time passes. I was scrolling down the dis board index and again I notice the "wish" board. Finally my curiousity got the better of me. I just about fell out of my chair when I realised it was a diet journaling board! I participate in other diet boards but don't have anything in common with most of them except weight loss. I love you guys! Now you are stuck with me. So here goes.

I have struggled with my weight for years. I just had my 44th birthday. I quit drinking about 10 years ago. I quit smoking 5 yrs and 2 days ago. I have been on a diet for 20 years. I started weight watchers August 2001. I did great until I moved to another state. The meeting place here had lousy hours and lousy days for me. Sounds like a good excuse to quit. Now another year has passed and I am right back where I was. And so for my birthday I bought myself a tread mill and rejoined Weight Watchers. I am going to use September as my starting point since I started loosing weight then. Now the hard part.....

Sept - 230
Jan 8 - 216
Goal - 145
R. Judy
Addendum: scale is short 4 pounds. Jan 8 - 220
This is also a good way to get off that welcomed visitor status. I have been lurking here for 2 1/2 years and I am still a welcomed guest. Geez, whats a girl to do?;)
OK, I missed last weeks weigh-in. I have used my treadmill three times. I have not logged my eating. I have eaten chocolate.... way to much. I am still a good person. I just have a struggle maintaining control over food. I will overcome! When I weigh in today I wll not be disappointed in my self. Good Luck self.
Originally posted by R_Judy
I am still a good person.

of course you are a good person! just because you made a decision to eat something that maybe you shouldn't have, that doesn't affect your value as a person! you are wonderful, and don't let anyone ever tell you you're not!

and don't sweat last week. move on. look forward. my advice would be to log your food. who knows, you may think you've gone way over your points, but you may not have! and log those activity points. it's great that you're getting in some exercise, your body will love you for it. ::yes::

i would like to wish you good luck as well :)

let us know how the weigh in goes, i'll check back in on you later :wave:
Thanks for the kind words of wisdom. All was well at this mornings meeting!

today,s weight 212.6
lost 3.4
:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc Three Pound (and then some) Happy Dance! Way to go!

We all share your joy when you're on the WISH!

Jan 20th

1' vegi sub no cheese
3 cookies:(

no exercize today. Worked job #1 for 10 hours and still have 6 hours on job #2. :eek:
:jumping3: :jumping3: :jumping3: 3 pounds gone!! :wave2:

Those pounds are hereby banished - never to return!! Good for you!

Journaling your food will really help - I know it can seem like a pain but you'll have to trust me on this one.

Are you drinking lots of water?? :boat:

Best wishes and glad to have you on the healthy living WISH journey!! :sunny:
Good Morning!
Happy Monday. It is a drag when the scale rules your Monday.....unless your down to drum roll 208.5. I'll have my 10 pounder before long. And more important.....8.5 pounds to onederland!!!!! Make me want to jump on that treadmill. In fact I think I will.:Pinkbounc
:Pinkbounc Way to go!:bounce: Run a victory lap or two or six and celebrate!

Another 4 pounds gone!! You are on a ROLL!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Wow! You'll be in Onederland in no time!

Keep up the great work and enjoy that treadie!! :sunny:
congrats on the lost poundage! :bounce: you're doing such a great job, you'll be down in onederland in no time at all! :)
Hmmmm. I am hearing so much about Atikins that I finally bought the book. Hmmmm Lots of interesting facts in there. I decided to just try it for the two week induction. DH is going to give it a try with me. So hang on WW.


3 eggs and 6 bacon

Two hours later and I am still stuffed. Hmmm Ok so far.
I eat low-carb, although not as strict as Atkins. Best wishes on your experiment! I do find that I feel full on low-carb. I'm rarely hungry. It's all the protein and fat that makes you feel full.

If you have any questions, feel free to post them on the main WISH board - lots of people doing low-carb around here. Of course, there are also lots doing WW. You just have to experiment to find what works best for you. :sunny:
Hey, do what's best for you--you're doing such a great job! It really helps when DH joins you. My dh has absolutely no weight to lose, but he eats healthy and totally supports my weight loss efforts and runs with me 3 times a week. I think it's awesome you bought yourself a treadmill--just keep using it. Don't make it a chore; make it the time for you to think and turn whatever you want on the tv. Having a good movie or show on while I run really makes the time fly. Keep up the good work; I hope you feel the journaling helps. BTW, I love the first paragraph of your first post. :teeth:
I think I am going to like this Atkins diet. At least for now I am doing ok. Yesterday was cheat free with no problem.

Today's weight 206. I'm off for my 10 lb icon

woo hoo! 10 pound clippie! :bounce: big huge congrats to you! and look how close you are getting to one-derland :). excellent!!!

and i'm glad that you are finding a program that works for you. great job with a cheat free day! keep up the great work! :sunny:
Judy: Congratulations on your 10 pound clippie! Woo Hoo!

Good luck w/ Atkins. But I agree w/ Marcia, it's mostly about taking care of yourself. Of course you're not a bad person! Keep up with the long term goal. Onederland is a great place to shoot for. It's nice to have a goal within very achievable reach. Set another mini-goal and keep aiming lower/more fit each time.

Day 2 was cheat free. :D I think i can i think i can....
you think you can, you think you can


i know you can, i know you can :bounce:


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