Judy's Life of Change

Another note to self.

Self - there is only 3 weeks' until the wedding. If you can be cheat free until then you can have a small piece of wedding cake.

Mother of the :groom:
Judy, Welcome back! You're right, last week is last week; it's time to move onward and downward. Remember, we are all here to help, so don't hide from us. ;) I like your cheat free goal; it definitely sounds doable. Way to get back on track--Wow, three weeks! Make sure you take a deep breath to start your days and stay relaxed. :)

Hi. We all slip up frome time to time. Today is a new day. :sunny: May I make a suggestion. Get yourself a cheat free clippie. It is great incentive to stay cheat free during the dy, so you cam flip your clippie over at night. Just a thought. I love weddings. Now if I could only get my DH to dance.

Brkfst - protein bar
lunch - tuna salad
protein bar
salmon, shrimp and coleslaw
judy, that's a great goal that you have to be cheat free for the next 3 weeks before the wedding! i think it helps to have a concrete ending to work toward. and wedding cake sounds like it's a great one :). hope these next few weeks will be smooth sailing :boat: for you. you can do it! that bear will keep on rolling :)
Another day down the tubes. I hate having to run errands and do chores on my day off. No time to rest and relax.:mad:

brkfst - 3 egg omlette 4 strips turkey bacon

lunch - 4 egg salad

snack - pure de-lite choc bar

dinner 2 burger patties, 2 hb eggs, 2 slices tomato

snack protein bar
I'm sorry that you didn't have any ME time. I hope you can get some tomorrow.
Judy, I'm with you on the cheat free path until March 13th. I'll do my best to stick it out - that way you'll have company! We can make it together!

Hope the wedding plans are going smoothly!
BRKFST - subway atkins wrap
lunch - 1/2 subway seafood salad
snack - 1/2 protein bar
dinner 1/2 chef salad w ff italian

Another day bites the dust!
hey judy, you're doing a really great job, i have all the confidence in the world in you that you can keep these cheat free days going! :) just keep rolling that bear, he's a great source of motivation if you ever need it :bounce:
Thanks for stopping in on my journal! I appreciate the support! You are doing such a great job! I hope that you are able to get some rest and relaxation soon! Keep up the good work!:teeth:
Great job. How are you doing with your water? Keep it up.
I'm glad you and I are doing the cheat-free thing together - I was dangerously close to giving in earlier today, but I thought of you and I'm hanging in there! I don't want to let you down! ::yes::

I hope we're both rolling our bears over to a new number tonight! :sunny:
Thanks for dropping by everyone. I am still on track I think.

brkfst - subway atkins wrap

lunch - protein bar

snack - Carb 0 carb dark chocolate bar

dinner - carb free pizza - man that stuff is awsome. Even DH loved it. I can't believe the crust is made with just cheese and eggs.

1 rum and cf diet coke

all water drank

I think I am going to buy some of those test strips from WM. Just to make sure I am on track.
Hey there,

If you are losing weight, you don't need those strips. They can become an addiction, just like the scale. They are expensive. If you aren't dropping any pounds, go for it. Keep up the good work.
Judy~ You are doing so well! I'm so glad you and Doe are working on the cheat free days together--your teddy bear looks great! I don't do low carb, but I think that pizza recipe looks great--I may have to try it. Have a wonderful day and keep up the great work! :sunny:
hey judy, just wanted to stop by and say hi :wave:

you're doing a really great job staying cheat free, keep up the great work :bounce:
Hi Judy!! :wave2:

I hope you're having an easy time of staying cheat free today! I'm on track to roll my bear's number this evening and I hope you are too! I LIKE the fact that you and I have twin bears!! :sunny:

Wishing you :sunny: today! :happy1:
Good Morning

Here is my post for Thursday 2/26

Brkfst - atkins wrap

lunch - protein bar

dinner -omlette and 4 sl turkey bacon

snack - carb choc bar

Thank you Beth, Denise and Marcia for encouraging words. Hey Doe - we're pretty terrific. Another day with the bear.:teeth:

Hope you all had a terrific day Thursday. Hope your Friday is even better.


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