Journey back to ME!!- I'm getting bugged!!

Starting today much better than yesterday. I truly feel like I've dodged a bullet.

The tech told me before the last 2 that I would be 'bruised for at least a week'. Isn't that reassuring? Oh well, knowledge is worth it.

Off to court with DS19 in a few minutes. Hopefully everything will finally be properly resolved.

Breakfast was a 2 pt turkey sand. I've got a pork roast to put in for dinner, but not sure what will go with that or what will happen in between.

I have over $700 in SW fare that has to be used by 4/3. I'm trying to get DH to commit. He HATES FL, and says there's nothing for him there but to sit and read. Dummy!!

So, I'm trying to work it that DD and I can go down over President's day weekend. We'll not do any parks, just kind of hang out, shop, etc. If we go we'll finally go see my oldest DBro that lives in Naples and is the head of FL Gulf U.

Julie - -I hope all went well in court today. Have a great night, sweetie. Oh, and I definitely think you and DD should plan a girls' weekend away -- DH can read at home, right? ;)
I've been AWOL a couple of DD says I was 'chillin'.

The rest of the weekend I'm working on my 'plan'. I haven't been eating bad, just in kind of a veg state. Water has been good.

Today I will go to the gym. I'm ready now. Last week I definitely was not.

I will know by the end of the weekend if DD and I will be going to FL, or if we will do something else. I'm voting for FL, but.....

DD and I would like to do the Minnie, but as it is still during her school, and DH isn't favorable to too many FL trips, I'm doubtful. I think the DLand is more feasible. I even have enough Amtrak credits to travel almost Free to that. But, w/ SW, DD and I are both only 2 trips from a free one.....HMMMM..... wonder where I can go cheap to get those last credits?????
I've been VERY AWOL lately. I've kept up w/ my water, but food choices have not been good.

Today I went to the Breast Specialist. She gave me a clean bill of health and suggested, given my sister's cancer, that I get my Mammos in Dec and see her yearly in July/Aug. Works for me.

She also said that if I lose all the weight I need that my risks for BC and the Diabetes become very negligible. The way this 50ish also overweight female put it was that losing weight is very hard, but so is dealing with Cancer or Diabetes, so which one would you rather deal with for the rest of your life. Made sense.

Made it to the gym today, FINALLY. Did TM for 30 min - 1.9 miles, and then 5 min cool down followed by 45 min of weights. I will be sore, but a good sore.

Food today was - coffee (6), kashi bar (5), homemade pizza (8), not sure if I'll have anything else. Water is at 80 oz, so that is good.

My new washer/dryer came on Monday - Dryer defective front panel and washer that sounded like a jumbo jet. Spent all day yesterday fighting Sears - a $3k pair and they have NO concept of customer service. They were rude, flat out lying to me (ie: Sears Corporate has no phones, and there are no supervisors until next Wed), etc. Needless to say the long letter w/ names has been written. Finally the service guy came out, actually did the proper installation of the washer to fix it and determined the dryer can't be helped - DUH! They are supposed to deliver another dryer tomorrow. Time will tell..... But I'll have to stay home and wait and wait and wait. UGH!!
Today I rejoined WW. I need the accountability and the structure.

The new Dryer is coming between 1 - 3, so I'm off to the gym shortly to do cardio - FOR ME! I've been searching all morning for the MFM book I bought and have never read, and I can't find it. I'm BUMMED!!

Breakfast was Kashi shake (3). Not sure of anything else. Will get in plenty of water.
Back from the gym. I did 30 min on bike - 10.8+miles, then 35 min on TM - 2.2 I also did a tiny bit of weights on stuff I didn't yesterday and the stretching machine.

Dryer was changed out. This one lights up more than the last but is not quite as warped. Sears Cust. Svc told me I need to just go pick another model as this one has a defect. I'm not convinced that they would continue to sell a $1000 dryer w/ a known defect, plus this is the only one that comes in a color to match the washer I bought at the same time. Then the girl told me "they don't have to match, you know".


Off to eat a LC Chicken enchilada and get some things done.
Ran errands & went to gym today. Did 30 min on an Arc Trainer - never tried one before. It was similar to the elliptical and just as taxing. My legs really hurt, but I was determined not to quit. Then I did my weights and stretch machine. I also got in about a 20 min walk.

DS19 is at this moment at a job interview. Praying it goes well.

I've decided I'll do weights M/W/F and try to do cardio the other days.

Still haven't found my MFM book. Where did I hide it?????? I remember putting it out of sight as I didn't want DH and others criticism. Just wonder where I put it.

So far today:
Bkfst - slim fast (3)
Lunch - subway turkey wrap (4) revival shake (2)
Snack - slice of turkey (1), 1 sm pc choc(1)
Lots of water & decaf green tea.

Not sure about dinner - it will be leftovers for most, I'll likely have a frozen HC or LC dinner.

I found Kozy Shack SF rice pudding and choc pudding at WM today. The pudding actually has quite a bit of fiber, so probably 1 pt.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Dinner was a HC chicken something dinner - pretty good (7)
More grn tea and now Kozy shack rice pudding (2) & choc pudding (1).

Hopefully off to bed SOON! I'm SO tired!

The best news is DS19 has a job!!!!!! Doesn't begin until 2/1, but it's with the company that handles all the tech stuff for Cingulair. About 8 min from my house, pays $9/hr to start, + weekly bonuses (no sales involved for him). Things may be looking up for him. PTL!!

Just tried the 2 puddings - rice is good - add cinnamon and warm slightly and it's close to homemade. Choc pudding is very thick and much like a homemade. Both are w/ Splenda.
Lots to do today, mostly here at home, so it will be a bit of a challenge not eating all that DH has about.

Breakfast a lt bagel, egg B ff chz (4)

I am going to make it to the gym... Just keep telling myself that.
Well, I did make the gym yesterday - 35 min on TM, 30 on bike + some stretching & calf stuff.

DH went with for the first time. Unfortunately we took only 1 car - he did about 10 min on the arc and on the rower and then growled. Oh well......

Food was OP, but my lunch was candy - oops! Dinner was a big salad.

Today breakfast bagel w/ lt pb&j (4) lunch 2 2pt sand(4), dinner ckn (4), potatoes (4), vegs (1) chocolate (4) Tons of decaf green tea & water.

Made it to the gym and did same as yesterday. I won't make my exercise goal this month, but then my month has definitely not gone as planned.

I learned today that my dad's only living brother (dad & other bro are gone) died last night at 87. Apparently liver cancer, but he had symptoms for a long time and would not go to a Dr. He was a psych prof in Champaign IL, and could not attend a funeral or go to a dr. a bit unique.

I also learned that my oldest Dsis apparently just had a biopsy on a lump on her arm and they believe it is skin cancer. UGH!!!! I've just heard thru the grapevine, but......

Tomorrow will be busy as I have returns at my fav thrift store (and it's 99c day again), need to pick up more Thorlo socks (Thanks, Cam, for the recommendations - I love them!), go to the gym, pick DD up after the concert they have to give for the school board, go to Sci Fair awards tomorrow night. Somewhere in there I need to pay bills. Typical Monday.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
Off & running very soon! Just a quick note before I go pay bills & leave. I just remembered my Sam's card expires today and it is where we all get gas, so if I don't renew, someone will end up out of gas. Then off to the thrift store, exercise & home briefly before I need to pick up DD after choir.

I'm about 3/4 done w/ my bathroom/bedroom cleaning blitz. Not including the closet in which DH has stored everything imaginable including 22+ years of photos in boxes. That is a whole project in itself. I'm also done w/ the LR except my desk. So far I've filled 2 HUGE boxes for GSale/Ebay.

This week I need to focus on getting ready for Ebay, which is cleaning out and reorganizing my 'ebay closet' which is about 4x6 and nearly to the ceiling. Seems people keep piling things in there they don't want to deal with.

I'm not sure about food today, but I'm thinking coffee for breakfast (6) & Keva for lunch(4). I also need my revival shake(2). I haven't been doing my revival for quite a few months and my night sweats were getting to be almost hourly, plus I was beginning to have some really mild hot flashes in the day. NOT what I want. So, I'm back on the revival and it's only been a week, but nights are a bit better - it's really pretty amazing the effect the soy can have.

Hope everyone has a good Monday. More later.....
Hi Julie!

It sounds like you are doing great with your exercise! :thumbsup2 Keep up the good work! :cheer2:

I'm sorry to hear about your uncle passing away.:( Was he a professor at the University of Illinois? My brother is in grad school there.

That's great news that your DS got a job!!! :woohoo: I hope that it works out for him.

Have a great day Julie! :sunny:
Breakfast was a Kashi Bar - (5.5)
Lunch was revival shake (2) and a Kashi shake (3)
Snack was a small (really tiny) banana w/ a tiny smidge of lt pb (3)
Dinner was leftover ham (4) vegs(1) potatoes(3)
I will probably have a pudding before bed.

Did 35 min on TM and 45 min of weights today. Tomorrow is just cardio.

DD had science fair awards tonight. She won 1st in Engineering - $30 and got one of 5 Outstanding Young Researcher awards from Intel and a check from them for $100. Now she has to go to Regionals in March - it's a good thing I found her the cool 99c suit a couple of weeks ago!! :teeth:

Off to bed soon. Water was good today. I passed my 64 oz by noon and kept on drinking. The Ham for dinner will probably catch up with me tho.

Night all......
Breakfast was lt bagel, ff chz & egg B (4)

Not sure about lunch as I'm leaving to pick DD up at school and take her to the Dr. Sinus/ears....still.....UGH!! But we fly in just over a week and last time she was in a lot of pain due to ears.

I WILL make it to the gym for cardio today. I'm planning on 35 TM and 30 on something else. Not sure what. Depends on what is busy.

Happy Tuesday, all!
Just back from the gym - 30 min bike (10.8 mi) 35 min TM - the 30 min was 1.96 miles, then a 5 min cool down brought me to 2.25.

Took DD to Dr and she is on more antibiotics. Just can't get this ear to clear up. She missed lunch at school and didn't want to just eat her lunch that was packed, so she wanted Home Town Buffet. Not my choice, but I did fairly OK on the control.

Baked Fish (2), 2 bites Mac & cheese (2), 3 bites raviolo(3), frozen ff yog (2), apple cobbler - my weaknes (5), creamer (1) 3 thin sm slices of deli meat(3) - which leaves me 2 pts for my revival soy & dinner. I had one cup of decaf w/ the creamer & a glass of Sprite Zero. Not too bad considering the damage I ordinarily do at a buffet. Even so, I was quite full, almost to the over full point.

But, I haven't used any AP's or FP's at all this week, so I don't feel too badly. I earned 4 AP's today, so I'm going to try to stick to a 4 pt night tonight and not use any FP's. We'll See!

I'm very tired tonight and very unmotivated to do work around here or on Ebay. Since DD made regional Sci Fair, that means she can't go to the fencing tourney in Co Springs in March. She's not too happy about that, but oh well. She wants to do both, but Sci Fair takes precedence.

Off to try to get something done....
I just realized that I have made it one week of exercising every day for more than an hour. I've also stayed on points, so hopefully something good will show up for WI on Thurs.

I did measure today and it was quite depressing. For many months DD has been telling me I don't have a butt.....she's right. My incredibly enormous lower abdomen is bigger!!!! I've said for years that I had 2 butts - I front and 1 back, and I'm right!! This MUST not be allowed to continue!!!!!! I'm not bad down to to the waist, but then I balloon - darned kids :rotfl: !!

DH just called and is going out to dinner tonight, so keeping w/in my 4 AP's will be fairly easy. Gonna drink lots of decaf green tea to help the cause.

I'm planning on doing all liquid tomorrow as I used to do. Hopefully I can stick with it.

I also ordered some Revival soy bars. they are 4.5 - 5 pts, but because of all the protein are almost a meal and easier to transport some places than the shakes. I'm down to about 1 hot flash a night now which is a real blessing.

The big news is that DD and I are going to FLORIDA!!!!!!
We will leave here on 2/16 - I have to pull her out of school at noon, but she has a 4.3 GPA, so they'd better not complain. She will also miss Tues 2/21, but with her days off that gives us 4 full days, plus late Thurs evening and Monday Morning. The tentative plan is to arrive Thurs night into Tampa, hang out at my DSis on Friday, go to Gsales on Sat morning then head to my DBro in Naples. I've never been to his house or the University he is the head at. He has a house full of critters including a 2-headed animal collection(all live). DD's science teacher said she can go only if we bring her an autographed copy of my DBros latest book. Should be no problem. Then Sat night we will stay at either Ft Myers Beach or Sanibel Island - I have reservations at both (thank you Priority Club points for this is FREE). Then Sunday we'll hang out a while and head back to Lakeland. Not sure what we'll do on Mon, then leave on Tues.

DSis is having her DH try to get us free tics for WDW. I'm so hoping they come thru!! It will probably just be good for 1 park, but I don't care!!! It will be hard to decide which one, tho. DBil usually ends up w/ free tics for places several times a year, so this is a real possibility. But I won't get my hopes up too high.
OK, last night did NOT go as planned!

I had my revival shake & then 2 pt sand to use my AP's. Then w/ DH out, DD decided we should watch a movie - Sisterhood of traveling pants. She brought popcorn & chips into my bed next to me and the smell was overwhelming. So, I ended up having baked lays (2) & some of her popcorn(2). UGH!!!!

So, the scale is up a pound this morning - probably mostly sodium, but.....

Today is liquid day. I have to go to Sam's, maybe end up taking DD to fencing tonight, & I must get started to get back to Ebay, somehow. It's all a mess at the moment and quite overwhelming. I'd really like a nap, but that's not going to work unless I don't go to the gym and that's not an option.

I'm planning on the gym around 12:30 as I've found that is a not too busy time and I am able to get a nice LONG hot shower after and still make it home just before DD.

It's grey here today and we have a bit of a chance for rain. We desperately need it. It's snowing a bit on the mountain now, and it's so pretty. It's about 30 min away across the valley and I love how it changes. I could sit and watch it for hours as it is a different picture every day.

Off to try to get motivated....
Way to go with the full week of exercising!! :cheer2: My weight is all in my midsection too. If my midsection matched my arms and legs I'd be a full size smaller! Glad to see that your ds got a job. My younger son is 17 and I can't wait until he finishes school and gets settled. I attribute most of my worry lines to him. Keep up the great work!
So far so good on liquids. I've had Naked Juice blue machine smoothie/juice from Sams (3), 2 SF shakes (6), revival shake(2) That leaves me 13 pts for the rest of the day. I'm guessing 5 of that will be Starbucks as it is cold here. It's 3:45 and fortunately, I'm not really hungry yet, so I must be balancing out my calories ok today. I've had 60 oz decaf green tea, 24 of water & 24 propel also, so I'm spending most of my time in the bathroom.

Went to the gym - I walked 1 mi on TM in 15.10 and then stopped at 16 min as my calves were killing me. Not like shin splints I don't think, but on the outside edge in the muscle. The back was tight too, and still is. Instead I then did 20 min on the Arc trainer. Then I did weights. That + the 15 min of fast cruising around the empty Sam's this morning brings me to 91 min today. Hopefully I will see some results at WI tomorrow. I've gotta figure out what to do to my calves so I can walk, tho. It's my exercise of choice and I really want to do the 1/2 in Sept.


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