Journey back to ME!!- I'm getting bugged!!

Today was WW WI - down 4.4. Off to a decent start.

Today I stretched super long before TM and decided I would try to walk as long as I could. I did 3.1 mi (5K??) in 48.7 min and a total of 4.03 mi in 65 min including warm up/cool down.

Then I stretched in the hot tub a long while. After about 2 mi I was hurting bad & ready to quit, but I just kept going and by the time I was done, I was not feeling too bad.

Breakfast was a 1 pt WW bar(1) and then lt bagel, egg b & ff chz(5). I'm about to go have my revival soy(2). There's a roast in the oven for dinner, but I haven't figured out what of it I will actually eat.
Hi, Julie! Wow! So much good news for you! Congratulations to your DD on her science fair award. AWESOME! And I am so happy to hear you are going to FL!! I hope you have a wonderful time together.

I love hearing how well you are doing with your exercise, too. You must feel so great knowing how consistent you have been making time for it and seeing improvement in your pace!

Have a great night!
Well, dinner last night stayed OP. I had 2 oz beef, lots of carrots, onions & a small roasted potato (8) I did have some baked cheetos (3) & a cookie in the afternoon (2), but still w/in points.

I'd like to just stay home, putz around & veg today, but I need to run some errands, so I'll be off soon. I will make time for the gym. Today I do my weights - total body takes about 45 - 55 min and 35 min cardio. I'll bike today as I don't want to encourage my calf muscles to get bad again. This weekend I'll do 1 hr cardio each day.

Breakfast was Kashi & yogurt(4). I'll take my revival soy with me(2) and probably have Kashi bar(5) or a Keva juice(4) for my real lunch before the gym.

Today is officially 1 wk on WW again. I went on Thurs last week, but didn't start til Fri. I'm hoping to make it to gym again every day, as I need to begin that habit, even tho it's time consuming. It will be hard when I get back on Ebay, tho, and I need to do that SOON!

Off to start the errands.....
Hi Julie,

Great news about your DD!!!! That is awesome!!! And your trip to FL!!! I just know you'll love it!!!

You are doing a great job! Keep up the good work!!!!

Happy Friday!
Hi Julie

You're doing great! Congrats to DD on the science award and to DS on the job. Bet you're looking forward to your trip to FL. It's one of my favorite places!! :sunny:

Have a good weekend.
Friday I stayed OP, had DiGiorno ww chz pizza for dinner. Not the greatest, but OK.

Yesterday was OP as well.

Made it to the gym did 35 min TM - 1.98 mi in 30, then 30 min bike.
Ran a few errands, cleaned the supply cabinet in the 'office', day flew by.

Not sure what today will bring. DH is still sick, DD is on the mend w/ her head stuff - antibiotics must be kicking in finally.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday!
Just back from the gym. Did 2 mi in 29.58 - 35 min was 2.24 Then did 30 min on the bike.

Food so far was lt oatmeal (2), 2 2pt turkey sand(4), revival apple bar(4) - I bought a variety pack to try, but this one probably won't be my fav. Ok, but.....

Much still to get done. Later.....
Dinner was a Baked Potato w/ a smidge of butter/cheese/ff sc (8) & carrots.

Later I had a skinny cow(2) & chips(4) to finish off my points.

I'm very frustrated. I haven't seen the scale here at home move in over a week, and I've exercised more than an hour the last 12 days straight.

PMS? maybe, but TOM hasn't made an appearance since early Dec. NO, I'm NOT pg, just 45!

I'm not eating any of my AP's to speak of or my FP's. Not enough food? I always wonder at this point. Hopefully whatever this plateau is it will pass NOW! I basically lost the first week of the month and have stayed the same. I went up slightly before I joined WW, but now I'm stuck.

I'm off to the thrift store in a few. Have some returns & it's 99c day. I may stop for a coffee treat this morning for breakfast and take something light with me if I need it. I'll take lunch, too, as I'll go right from there to the gym. Today is 35 cardio + weights.

DD and I fly to El Paso on Sat & return on Sun for fencing. It's only a 4 hour drive, but I have the credit and these short cheap trips help earn points. After this, the rental car & FL I'll only need .5 credit for a trip and DD will only need 2.

Well, off to get movin.

Have a great Monday, all!!
Hi Julie!!

Happy Monday! Don't be too hard on yourself, that scale will get to moving and in the right direction soon.

Hope you have a wonderful day and find some great things!
Just back from the gym. 35 min TM - did 2 mi in 29.38. total 2.26 then weights 45 min. Plus lots of shopping walking.

Breakfast was skinny decaf (6), Lunch 2 2pt turkey sand(4) revival shake(2) Not positive about dinner, but will likely be breakfast stuff. I'm in an omelet mood.

Tonight is the awards for those with 4.0+ GPA 1st semester. Not sure what else I'll do but work on Ebay.
Snack a 2pt Pria bar.
Dinner egg B w/ a smidge of cheese (2), ff potatoes(1), Turkey sausage(3), muffin(4). So I'm done for the day unless I want to reach into FP's or AP's. I'm not hungry as of now, so I won't unless I need to. Just some hot decaf tea before bed.

Off to get some Ebay stuff sorted. Tomorrow hopefully is Ebay picture day.
Still no scale movement. Ugh!

Woke up ravenous. Had a lt bagel w/ smidge of lt pb(3) & decaf tea. Today is cardio day. I also ordered the WATP 5 mile last night for back up/trips.

Off to start on taking Ebay pics. Happy Tuesday!
HI Julie,

Hope all is well for you today! Keep it up, that scale will be moving in no time!
I've had ridiculous sinus drainage for days & it seems to have caught up with me. I've woken up with a bad sore throat the last 2 days & today I am DRAGGING. I've been taking antibiotics for about 4 days & the stuffies is going away, but the drainage is horrid. Hopefully I'll be better soon.

Went to the gym and did 23 min TM and 23 on Bike (potty break had to happen) Then I decided I just didn't feel good enough to do any more.

Lunch was a revival bar(5), a pria bar(2) & baked lays (4)
Hi Julie :)

I totally understand your frustration with the scale not moving. I've been working out a lot too, but not losing a lot of weight. But, I HAVE noticed a change in my body so that's what pushing me on. Maybe because you're working out so much you're building muscle so the weight loss is slower? That's what I keep telling myself anyway ;)

I also ordered the WATP 5 mile workout. Can't wait to get it in.

Keep up the great work!
Hope you start feeling better soon, Julie! :goodvibes You are doing a great job with exercise! Keep up the good work! :cheer2:
Ok, this is not funny! Stupid SCALE!!!!!!!!! I was UP 1 lb today, making January 2/5. GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The sore throat is slightly better, but the 'come & go' bump from drainage is hanging on. Now I'm starting the cough along w/ drainage. Fun Fun Fun.

This morning will be busy as I have to take DS19 to work. YES!!!! It's only orientation and it is only 9 - 1, but it is something. It does, however cut into my normal gym time.

So, I"m going to go when I drop him off. Not sure how much I will accomplish, but I will try.

Today is liquid day and I"m hoping that that will give me a boost so I don't GAIN at WW on week 2. That would be horrid!!!! (not to mention depressing since I've been totally OP and exercised 7/7.)

Off to wake DS19 and get things done. Later.
HI Julie,

So sorry to hear that you are not feeling well....hopefully it will be done and gone soon...

You are doing great...keep it up. Hope you feel better soon!
So far today 1 kashi shake(3), 1 SF optima shake(3), Keva juice(4). Went to the gym & did 20 min TM and 47 weights.

I could have walked much longer but am having MAJOR cramping issues. Not the back of my calves, but the muscle up the front at the outer side. Turn to ROCKS. I'm not having any luck stretching them, and it's driving me NUTS!! When they tighten I can barely make it off the TM. Any one have any suggestions? I've always have well defined calf/lower leg muscles and it's only getting worse.
I made it thru liquid day. As typical, I had egg white at 8 to tide me over until morning. Otherwise I had 23 pts of liquids - mostly slimfast type/protein.

I'm not looking forward to WI tomorrow. The scale is NOT kind, even with staying OP and exercising the last 15 days straight.


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