Journey back to ME!!- I'm getting bugged!!

Julie - keep a upbeat attitude. you may be surprised with the scale. Remember, it's not what the scale says but how your clothes fit. You may be gaining muscle with your exercising. You are at least kicking up the metabolism. Trainers keep telling me you should try to eat within 45 min of exercising but I don't remember why. I tried tat Sat but ended up spending an hour on the phone after returning form the gym.

have a great day. Donb't get discouraged by what the scale says.
Just back from WI. Down 1.2! YEAH!!!!!!! I tend to retain water a lot and I think the all liquid days help.

So far today a skinny latte(4).

Off to take DS19 to work - GEE that is a NICE thought!!
Then I'll come home, potty dogs & off to the gym. I'm going to try to do 5K again today, but not sure if my calves can handle it. Today is just cardio, so if I can't walk, I'm not sure what will be the plan.
:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:on the weight loss. You are doing great.

Don't push the treadmill if you calf hurts. Does you gym have an arctrainer? It's kinda a cross between and elliptical and a stairstepper. I like to use it when I don't feel like walking and it is less stress on the calfs.

Hope you have a good day.
Let's try this post again......last one didn't show up.

Just back from the gym. I stretched really good in the Hot Tub yesterday and then stretched a bunch before I got on the TM to see if I could walk. Had no problem today. Did 3.1 in 47:57 and 3.9 in 65:00. I slowed WAY down after the 3.1 to make sure my legs didnt' act up. It is mostly on the right leg and I have a rebuilt ankle on that side. I'm wondering if I walk a bit funny on a TM as it has never been a problem walking outside. Hmmmmm......

Lunch was a revival shake(2) and Kashi bar(5). I'll probably have a snack before dinner, but I have no clue what either will be.

Off to try to get some work done...
I'm BACK!!!!

Thursday night the cough hit and I've been down and out since then. I haven't been to the gym and won't today as I don't want to spread this. The cough is a bit better, but I feel like my lungs are full of goo still. My eyes have been so red and watery that people think I've been crying continuously. Pretty miserable.

Friday I managed a 30 min rather slow walk w/ dd. Sat we flew to El Paso for Fencing. We got in a decent 30 min walk Sat & Sunday we had tons of time to kill and walked for 90 min in the mall, no stores, just walking.

Friday I ate(and ate and ate) definitely NOT OP, but all before 8 p.m. :cool1:

Saturday I was below points & Sun was on.

So far today I've had a Kashi bar & 2 2pt sandwiches (9).

On the good news front my DNiece in FL who got married 7/2 is expecting! :Pinkbounc They've been trying since the honeymoon as she is almost 33 and finally it took!

I have tons to do and of course pick up from leaving the guys alone for almost 48 hours. I'll try to check in more later. DD and I leave for FL in 10 days.
Hope you are feeling better! i know ive been sick for a week and its miserable!

Congrats to your niece!!

have fun looking forward to your florida trip!
Whatever this stuff is, it's lingering. UGH!!!!

I did WATP 4 mi yesterday, but haven't been to the gym. I don't want to spread this and there's a ton of very elderly who go to the gym (it's free for them) and they surely don't need this. So, I've resolved to just do my WATP when I feel up to it. The cough is improving, but when it starts it won't stop. Plus I can't stop blowing my terribly sore nose and just feel rundown. The 4 almost sleepless nights are catching up with me. I'm down to 1 throat 'pimple' that comes and goes. It's right near my tonsil so it bugs, but oh well.

Next Thurs DD and I leave for FL. I really need to be better by then as I want to get near baby Kylie.

I'm not optimistic, again, about WI tomorrow. The scale hasn't really moved, and I just feel heavy. Eating has been ok, but I think lots of sodium as it's about all I can taste.

Gotta run pick DS19 up at work.

Have a good night, all!
Didn't make it to WI. DS16 left for ninjutsu & returned too soon. At the end of our street he spun out & dropped his new motorcycle - he's had it less than 3 days. No clue how. There was a police car w/ someone stopped and he saw it. Said DS16 didn't do anything wrong. DS is not hurt, except the pain of knowing he messed up his bike. Bike needs over $1300 in parts - mostly cosmetic - and that's at wholesale prices. DS16 is just sick. Poor guy! Unfortunately he has liability only as to get full coverage would have been over $500/month.

DH doesn't know yet, and won't be happy. What a day!

I can't make the meeting tomorrow I don't think, so will likely wait and go next week. UGH!!!!
Oh Julie, :grouphug:

Sorry to hear about your DS's bike. :( I hope it can be fixed soon. ::yes::

Just week, you'll be off to Florida! Woohoo! :cheer2:

Have a good weekend! :sunny:
I've been AWOL, but not off plan. Just very busy.

Leaving tomorrow for Florida - no disney, but FL still.

Haven't made it to the gym as this cold is still hanging on. Have been doing the WATP 5 mile. Water is good, no eating after 8 is good.

Going to WW tomorrow, just to weigh as tomorrow is very busy prior to leaving. Not a spare minute. Hopefully will be down since I missed last week due to DS16 cycle accident.

More later but maybe not til I'm back.
Back from Florida and trying to get back together.

Weighed in before leaving and was down 1.4. Missed this week as I was busy getting things done and will go next week to WW. I gained 5 on the trip - 1 a day - but I didn't watch my food at all other than to try not to eat after 8. Did that all but one day, so I was pleased.

Most of the 5 was water weight. My ankles/legs were swollen for 2 days after the flight home.

DD and I arrived in FL on Thurs night. Dsis & Dniece1 picked us up. On Friday morning they dropped me off to get my hair cut & highlighted (I'm 45 and never done any color at all - DH still hasn't noticed) DSis took DD to get her hair cut and out to lunch. Friday night we did a little shopping & of course went to Starbucks.

Saturday morning we were up at 6 to go to Garage Sales. My Dsis & her 2 daughters do this every weekend. Found a few good deals inc a cute WDW tankini for DD with tags still on for $2. Unfortunately, she didn't like it, so guess it will be Ebay. Then we girls loaded up 2 cars & headed to Clearwater to the beach. Couldn't check in, so went shopping & to lunch. DD finally found 2 swimsuits that we all would approve of and she liked at Ross. Checked in and we walked the beach for 2.5 hours straight. DD was in heaven. Then walked to shops & to subway to get some dinner.

Sunday morning DD and I got up and went out to the beach about 6:20 a.m. to watch sunrise. It was chilly and overcast and we had the beach to ourselves until about 8. We saw several pods of dolphins very close up so DD was thrilled. A front was coming in so after another 2.5 hours of walking we gave up, showered & headed for Orlando. We went first to the Outlet malls on IDrive, then checked in to the hotel. DD broke down & bought herself a $57 Independent(skateboard/surf co) hoodie. Oh well, it was her money. DNiece2 & baby decided to stay at the hotel & rest while we went to DTD. It was packed and not much fun. We ended up at McD as there were huge lines everywhere else. I found the new 'pet' store and bought the pups WDW coats. Then bought fudge to bring home to the guys & 3 cookies.

Monday morning we got up at 6 again & went to Savers for 1/2 price day. This is my fav thrift store here and it's a chain. DSis & crew had never been. DD was too tired to enjoy it, but she did enjoy finding a pair of $200+ armani khaki cargo pants for $5 that still had the tags on them. Back to the hotel where DNiece2, DD and I swam & hot tubbed a while, then check out & off to the other outlet mall (exit 68). Here I found the full & half marathon stuff & bought a tank top. DD got a henna tattoo & an Armani T to go with her pants. Back to Lakeland where I only thought I'd end up getting a real nights sleep. Dniece1's hubby had been all alone all weekend and was 'wound up'. He ordered up chicken nachos from Ale house - served heaping in a steamtable pan - HUMONGOUS!! This was the one night I ate after 8. No one there would ever eat nachos with him, but when they saw us, they decided to try them. Enough for 5 people! Then he wanted to play games until almost midnight. UGH!!

Up at 6 again to say goodbye to Dnieces before they left for work. BIL came at 10:30 to take us to the airport in Tampa. Out flight was scheduled to leave at 2:15. Overbooked and DD and I opted to get bumped - got a total of $325+ in SWA credit, so now have another trip to FL almost pd for!! YEAH!!!!! We I had chicken tenders, a few fries & ice cream in the airport at about 2:30, but then nothing else the rest of the day. We finally got home about 10:15 p.m. which is 12:15 a.m. FL time, totally exhausted & DD had to go to school on Wed. So, we are still recovering.

We got stopped going thru security. They pulled me and my carryon aside, used special wipes and gently spot wiped several areas taking things out gently. Finally they laughed. The scanners picked up "organic material".... MY FUDGE!!!! It was heavy and organic. The TSA guys insisted that chocolate was a dangerous substance and that they should keep it to protect us! NOT!!! We all got a good laugh. Hasn't anyone ever gone thru carrying fudge before???

So, back at home and trying to get back on track. Yesterday my feet & ankles were finally back to normal. When we got bumped, we ended up going Tampa to Kansas City to Albuquerque, so over 5.5 hours flying time. I finally started listing Ebay yesterday and have tons to do. DD has music contest this weekend. I'm still tired. Scale is down 2.5 from when I got home, so hopefully I"ll have a real loss by WI on Thurs.

Hope everyone is doing well.

More later......
So far, so good today. I've had 48 oz water and need more. Being away from the dryness for a few days made me really really dry when I returned. Our humidity has been running slightly lower than that of Death Valley lately. UGH!!! No rain since .14 in Early November.

Breakfast was Kashi & yogurt(4), lunch the other 1/2 of my sub from last night(5) and had my revival soy(2) for a snack.

I'm leaning towards a big baked potato for dinner, but today DS19 'graduates' from his training class, so I might order pizza, in which case I'd have a chicken caesar salad. He doesn't get off until 8, so we'd have to order early and reheat for him. I've got 13 pts left, so plenty of room for variety.
Well, I kind of blew it last night. Had the Baked Potato w/ ff everything (8), then I had a piece of DS19's cake. It was really good, but I didn't need it. I had the FP's, but.....

Today so far I've had a lt bagel w/ a smidge of Pbj(4), a roll up sandwich(4) Then I blew it again and had an ice cream(6) and some chips(3) which means I'll have to use Ap's or Fps to get a decent dinner. I just have no control since I've been back. UGH!!!!

I did the WATP 5 mile, tho, so that helps some.
Monday, already????
Sunday was not a good food day, but was ok on points.
I finally made it back to the gym today. did 50 min of weights.
Since it was just over 70 today I had the brilliant idea of walking to the gym. So 2 miles each way toting my gym bag up & down hills - more up than down. I did 29 min going and 30 min coming back. I'm TIRED!!

Tomorrow I'll do the WATP 5 mile.

Breakfast was Salt & vinegar chips(3), lunch was slim fast(3) and snack was a revival bar(4). Not sure what dinner will be.
So, 2 months of this year are GONE, and where am I and what am I doing......

I've had a rough year so far in some ways, and a good one in others. At the outset I said this would be the year for ME.

January was the stress month with the Breast issues for over 2 weeks basically shutting me down. February I got sick - probably from the stress and I couldn't breathe well enough to exercise without coughing up a hairball and my eating got out of control.

On the good side, I'm down 4.5 so far this year. Not much, not what I need/want, but at least I'm DOWN. I've been very YO-Yo and making terrible choices, but.....

Exercise has been 'ok'. I started out well, then lost it when I had the medical scare. Then did ok and then was out for 3 weeks sick.

On the 'ME' side, I'm struggling still to not put everyone else first. I did end up taking DD on a great long weekend to FL to see my DSis & Nieces. There I actually splurged and got my hair cut & highlighted. That was hard for me as I typically get my hair cut at the cheapest place, once or twice a year.

TOM has not made an appearance since early December, so who knows, this may be it. If so, I really need to get kicking on the weight loss as it is probably only going to get harder.

So what I've been doing right:
1. Getting in my water most days.
2. Not eating after 8 p.m. (thanks to the challenge)
3. Exercising fairly regularly
4. Doing my daily Bible Study
5. Eating/drinking my Revival Soy - I'm better, but need to be totally consistent
6. Rejoined WW

What I've been doing wrong:
1. Not Journaling consistently
2. Letting my emotions rule my food intake
3. Making bad food/snack choices.
4. Not taking my vitamins
5. Not taking care of my skin - we're under 10% humidity and my skin is turning to a wrinkly mess of leather.
6. Not made it consistently to WW meetings the last month. And I may not make it tomorrow as I'm still the driver for DS19 and he has a dentist appointment.

So, I'm making progress, but I still have a long way to go. I really want to be at a new low by the time I go back to Florida in July (I WILL be going when DH has a conference that the Omni Champions Gate! I MAY even get brave enough to venture to WDW parks for the first time in 10 years, but I do hate lines and crowds)

I will probably edit this over the next couple of days as I think of more.

Today is my liquid day. So far I've had 16 oz decaf green tea. When I take DS19 to work I"m going to stop by Keva for a smoothie.
So far today 32 oz decaf grn tea, 1 slimfast (3). I didn't get my Keva as DS19 decided not to go into work early. I'm going to run down there after I go to the gym and get 1. Before gym I'll have another slimfast and probably my Revival shake. Off now to take my vitamins before I forget!
Went to the gym. Did 35 min bike and 50 min weights.

So far today I've had 2 Slim Fast(6), Revival shake (2) and Keva(4) So I have 12 poiints to go.

DD ended up getting out of choir early so DH is taking her to Fencing. Makes it easier for me to stick to liquid as I'm not fixing a full meal for mainly DH. It's actually raining here - more like a few drips occasionally, but we'll take what we can get - so I have to take DS16 to Ninjutsu, pick him up, then pick up DS19 at work. Somewhere in there I need to finish listing Ebay, do a load of laundry, pick up DS19 RX for his dentist appt tomorrow, and I think I'll run to Starbucks and get a decaf latte(6). I'll still have 6 points left, so will have something protein before bed to tide me over until I go to WI , assuming I can make it with running DS19 and possibly DS16 if it's rainy tomorrow.

I took my vitamins, I'll use my skin care stuff tonight - I missed this morning.
I've had 32 oz decaf green tea, 32 oz water, 32 oz CF Diet Coke.
Julie - thanks for visiting my journal. I really need to start posting to it regularly as it keeps me accountable and I do better.

Thanks for starting the March exercise challenge. I hope to get back to regular exercising soon.

Have a good evening and take time for yourself tomorrow also.
Yesterday ended up using 2 APs of 4. Had some celery, a banana w/ pb and some turkey for my 8 pts left.

So far today I've had 52 oz decaf grn tea, small banana w/ smidge of pb(4), 1 tiny tiny corner of DDs fudge(1) (maybe the size of my pinkie tip), a McD cone (3) - this was the smallest cone from there I've ever seen - the ice cream almost didn't show over the top edge of the cone, a revival bar(5), and some baked lays(3).

Not sure about dinner - Probably some type of salad w/ chicken.

Today I did WATP 5 mile.

After running DS19 all over today, I didn't make it to WI, and it's pushing dinner time and I haven't started Ebay or anything yet today. UGH!!! Gonna be a busy night!
Julie - great job fitting exercise into your busy schedule. You're doing great with the eating.

Keep going and you will be a trimmer you.


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