It was July - ready to add to yearly thread?

Count me in! I'll be in the Poconos scrapping away this weekend, hopefully it'll be the nudge I need to scrap more before the school year starts! :yay:
I got 10 done! I may eventually get my Proj 365 caught up, but let's not talk about the family albums!! ;)
Really, nobody today? Cmon, we need to get cracking! ;)
I did 16 yesterday. I need to get a lot more done in the next couple of weeks.

I'm in. I've got 5 pages done so far this month.
16??? :scared1: It takes me all day to do ONE!!

Ive done 4! (my first 4 ever! hehe)

Congratulations on getting started. I keep my pages kitted with pictures, journaling, and everything i need so when I have time I just pull it all out and then adhere it all down so by the time I am actually finishing it doesn't take that long.

I'm up to 23 pages so far for the month. Luckily, I'm going to an all day crop this Saturday and i hope to get a lot more done. And I have some vacation time coming up that I have blocked out for scrapping.
I really want to finish this scrapbook, but I have to get cracking on the girl scouts stuff and birthday party stuff too...
I'll never catch
I got another 6 done this morning. Hopefully I will get a lot more done in the next couple of days but we might be getting a new dog and that would take a lot of time away from scrapping.

Got a good start to the month - 17 so far.
I am at 51 pages for the far.
I went to a crop last night and was able to get lots done.
And today I have nothing on the agenda but scrapping and laundry!!!:banana:


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