International College Program

How it works? Doesn't make much sense they would make it be used by the same three people when perhaps 1 of those may only visit 1 or 2 days...then the remaining would be forfeited?? I will ask Shanan when I talk to her next if she understands how it works...

I talked to her tonight and she begins her actual HM training tomorrow. She got all measured today for that lovely green dress :teeth: and the apron...haha

I am getting the impression that her roomies (that have done this before) are not the most sociable which is too bad. She kinda wishes that she were with the other Canadians even if they are under age..oh well, it's early days yet.

Take Care,K
Shanan's observations are almost identical to Shayna's...

She was saying that there was a pool party tonight and a few of the girls from her apartment went but she said it was 'weird' and that people weren't all that friendly so they headed back to the apartment. I think she thought that everyone who works there and loves Disney would be really nice and friendly - I guess that's not necessarily the case. Lots of nice people too, don't get me wrong, but I think it's been an eye-opener for her...

I'm a little worried about how Shayna is feeding herself, but I guess that's to be expected. She's never had to fend for herself and doesn't cook very well. Nobody in her apartment seems to be cooking either, so I guess we'll have to see. When she said she was off to AK yesterday, I told her to have some lunch at Tusker House and get the salmon that everyone raves about. She said it was very tasty! I'm afraid I'm going to get down there in a few weeks and not see a healthy daughter!

Keep me posted on how Shanan's doing...I will mention to Shayna to try and touch base with her...might be good for both of them! :)
Bonnie, Karen, thanks for the info about the border. Definitely want to make things smoother for Brynna so it's nice to hear from those who have been and done before!

We're planning on giving ourselves lots of time to get across the border as Seattle is only a 3-hour drive from my sister's and Brynna doesn't fly out until 10:40 pm.

Which residences are Shanan & Shayna in? (you could pm me if you don't want to announce it). Brynna was asking as she is interested in meeting up with fellow Canadians.

Have a great night!

Ohhhhh Bonnie, it sounds so similar to hearing Shanan talk about it. She seems to be on different schedules than the others in her apt so seldom sees them let alone really have any conversations. She has no idea where they are even working! I too thought anybody entering this program would have the same mutual love for all things Disney so they would all be sooo nice and friendly but it doesn't seem to quite be the case. Shanan seems to think that the 'countries' like to stick to themselves and she isn't with any of hers! I told her to tell them that she wants to move but she is not one to make waves and says that she thinks all of those from Canada are pretty much full apts.

I am concerned too about the food situation. I thought they took them to get groceries but Shanan says there has been no time for that and if they get a decent supply and take a cab back that the cab must leave them and their groceries at the gate and they must get it to their apts from there? :confused3 She has bought a few bottles of water and some cereal from what I can derive and basically is eating out (which is perhaps where she got sick?) and tonight was heading to Downtown Disney alone to get a sandwich. Broke my heart :guilty: She seems happy enough..but the exuberance I 'thought' would be there, just isn't?

Having heard only great things about this program, I am sure it will only get better as they all settle in but it isn't easy to be here and worry that they are taking care of themselves and not making new friends as readily as we thought they would. I think I kinda thought Disney would have it a little better organized to get these kids together as well...maybe have a welcome reception to help break the inital ice. They have not ALL done this before and for many it is the first time away from home and there's no second chance at a first impression! Not sure about Shayna, but Shanan has not even had a chance or the opportunity to meet many of the others that she has been chatting to all this time either. Maybe when she manages to get the cable for her internet she will be 're-connected' and catch them online. Another thing I assumed Disney would have in order given that for many calling home is not nearly as feasible as it is for those from North America.

Marjorie, both Shanan and Shayna are in Vista Way, though I think different buildings? I will PM you Shanan's apt no and her phone number too...also will send to you Bonnie and perhaps if the girls have an evening off together or day off they could meet up?

I am thinking perhaps I will not wait until July to go visit...I'll be ALL grey by then!!

Take care !
Just thinking of you Bonnie and wondering how Shayna is doing now? I am sure things are looking up!!? How are you doing too? It won't be long before lucky you gets to go and visit her!! I kinda wish I had taken advantage of that great price too...oh well, hopefully there will be something for July.. :confused3

Take Good Care!
Thanks for the note Karen!

I was just talking to Shayna...she's happy to be starting her work and she's working in Mickey's Toontown and Fantasyland...she's very happy about that!

She's having trouble feeling like she's making friends and she's getting discouraged. I thought things were going well, and now find out that it's much harder to make good friends than I/she thought it would be. I suggested she touch base with Shanan and spend some free time with her.

How's Shanan doing? Is she enjoying HM?

I can't wait to get down there, especially if Shayna's feeling homesick and not feeling like she's 'fitting in'. She can normally make a friend with the drop of a hat, so I'm sure she's kinda lost right now...breaks my heart!

Keep me posted on Shanan's progress...hopefully the girls will hook up and spend some time together! :)

So good to hear from you.
That is great for Shayna to be in Mickey's Toontown and Fantasyland! Lots of fun going on there all the time! I will tell Shanan when she has a minute to maybe go and see if she can spot Shayna but of course that won't be easy will it? :confused3

Shanan is the kind of girl that I have to read between the lines with so it is hard. She KNOWS that I am the kind of Mum that would be there in a NY minute so I think she keeps it light! She sounds as if she has been very busy with no day off yet. I think she has tomorrow and Thursday off though. The console and the workings of HM sound very complicated and she had to be tested by 3 different Managers before she 'earned her ears' on all aspects of the attraction. Like she doesn't work hard enough from Sept-April! LOL....she loves HM but is the only CP student placed there so all the other cast members are of long standing and I am not hearing any mention of meeting too many others her age, only her trainers.

When she is finished sounds as if she is alone most of the time and that breaks my heart too. The best place in the world and she is eating at Downtown Disney alone more often than not. It's strange isn't it given all that we had heard about the comraderie and fun going on? Shanan has lots of friends here too and making more has never been an issue :confused3 Her roomies seem nice enough but as mentioned before there is a laguage barrier and the girl from Paris is "bored" apparantly and disappointed that there are not more French speaking people there as she is 'tired' of speaking English all the time :rolleyes1 They work in MGM Shanan the roomates are not exactly nipping at Shanan's heels to go and play! I imagine with conflicting schedules it can be hard..but geeeesh, I wanted to hear of all kinds of fun things happening.

Tell Shayna that Shanan will have the next 2 days off last I heard...and if that doesn't coincide with her time off maybe they could meet up for lunch one day after that? Think it might be nice for both of them...

You did get the phone# I PM'd didn't you? She is also looking at getting a cell (God knows when tho...time off is rare) and then she will be able to be reached on that. Her roomies are very often on the apt phone or waiting on a call so she gets the heave ho...much to 'Mommie dearests' dismay :ssst:

I hope things get better....this should be such a wonderful time with new friends to share it with..

Keep in touch, Karen
Boy these girls are living a parallel universe! Broke my heart when Shayna told me she went to DTD all by herself to have dinner at Earl of Sandwich. Said it didn't taste the same as when we're all there...

Isn't it funny that they both did that?!

Shayna is working everyday until Monday next week, but I will tell her again to try and touch base with Shanan. She did say Shanan's on her MSN list...

Thanks Karen! Not many understand the ups and downs of this roller coaster ride!
Shanan also ate at the 'Earl of Sandwich' and told me what she had (cannot remember the sandwich now) and some 'Hawaii' smoothie. It just sounded sad and now even sadder knowing that Shayna did the same thing too :guilty: My Mum always used to say of kids that "they break your arms when they are small and your hearts when they are older" and that sure seems to ring true doesn't it?

Is Shayna's internet working because Shanan thought there was wireless connection and in her building there isn't so she has to get to WM to get a cable. Intermittently she has been loggin on at the 'Disney Learning Centre' I think she said...but not too often.

I hope they can get together at some point's way more fun when you share it with someone. Even if they head to a park one evening if they are both off...I can see you and I not surviving this summer without a few (more in my case) grey hairs! Would have been nice if there had been some kind of 'meet and greet' for these kids to meet up with those that they had been chatting with online as well as break the ice for new faces and friendships. This part of the whole program seems lacking IMO.
Oh well, we will get through this right?? All of us!!

Talk soon....Karen :wave2:
Bonnie, Shanan asked me where in MTT and Fantasyland Shayna is? She knows she is in Operatiosn so figures the 'Barnstormer' is one area? I forgot that the girls have met so finding her won't be too hard!

Shanan actually has a day off today and she is frittering it away doing not much of anything which I guess is good? She was going to go over to AK (alone :guilty: ) but talked to me for too long. I have asked her to check out some dates for me to go down there..the only complication is that I will need a car as she must stay with me at my resort and has to be able to get back and forth to Vista Way to get dressed for work each day as we know that 'being seen' anyplace in costume is a No-No! It's not a complication, just additional expense but I guess at least I can hit the Malls now when she is at work! HAHA

Talk later, K
Shayna did mention Barnstormer and she's not sure where else in MTT she will be...

I didn't sleep very well last night just worrying about her...I guess we both thought it was going to be a 'blast' for both our girls... :(
Bonnie, Shayna and Shanan will be just takes time.
Shanan told me today that her group were told that it takes about a month to feel like you belong and have made friends.

I think for Shanan the language barrier is the biggest problem with her roomies and not meeting any others in the program in her job at HM. She said there are 2 more training for it now though so hopefully they will meet up and there will at least be another 'newbie' to get to know.

They are more resilient that we think, it's us who have the bigger problem! :guilty:
I was on the International Program in 1997/1998 and met my hubby working there. I'm laughing reading these posts from the "moms" who all have the same concerns my mom had -- and look what happened to me, I ended up coming home with a boyfriend who turned into my husband. I still remember the look on my parents' face when they came to visit me in Florida and found my boyfriend hanging out at my apartment.

This summer program is pretty new -- I think this might be only the first or second year for it. It's sad to hear that the people on this program don't really have a good group to hang out with. The Canadians on the regular International program are such a welcoming supportive bunch. But they all work together at the Canada pavilion and live at the Commons I believe.

I'd recommend that the girls try to make friends with Canadians on the regular International program -- a great place to start would be to post on and ask other Canadians where they could meet up or if there are any get togethers happening. Or the girls could just visit the Canada pavilion and chat up some of the CMs there and ask if there is anything going on that night. At the very least, the Canadians at Vista Way should get together on their own. It is true that the International cast members tend to hang out with others from their own country -- so the girls should try to make friends with other Canadians both from the summer program and the year program.
Thanks for the words of encouragement Dsneygirl!

I'm going to cut and paste your note and send it to my've made some great suggestions! :goodvibes

Thank you!
We are pretty sad huh?

I have sent the post to Shanan as well as I think that's a great idea to link up with other Canadian's that are there, even if they need to do a bit of sleuthing to find them!

and I also sent a note to Shanan not to be bringing any husbands home! :lmao:
minnie56 said:
Thank you!
We are pretty sad huh?

I have sent the post to Shanan as well as I think that's a great idea to link up with other Canadian's that are there, even if they need to do a bit of sleuthing to find them!

and I also sent a note to Shanan not to be bringing any husbands home! :lmao:

You never know ;)
Hello Ladies....I've been reading about you and your daughters to see how they are getting along. I hope things turn around for the girls soon, and that they get the time and opportunity to meet up with some friendly people.
As a mom myself, your posts have been tugging at my heart as I'm sure I'd be worried too.
Take Care and hang in there!!!
Thanks B&B Mom!

It's been a hugely stressful night trying to deal with Shayna and the fact that she's decided she hates the whole thing and wants to come home!

Doesn't like her roommates and the one girl that she shares a room with is supposedly leaving on Sunday! She's homesick too and can't stand the other girls either... :confused3

Has to work 56 hours next week and is upset at seeing characters 'with no heads'!

I'm at my wits end! :guilty:
How sweet B&B Mom you are for thinking of us....

I don't remember there being all this angst mentioned in the Mommy manual! :lmao: I guess it will just always be this way and we as women are just so darn good at this worrying stuff!!

I had to chuckle when I read the 'heads off' part Bonnie... :lmao:
Shanan had mentioned that to me too...about Seeing Rafiki eating lunch 'headless' :ssst: and Princess's in rompers and just made up from the neck up! LOL....bit of a letdown for these Disney nuts! I only hope they don't see MM or it's all over but the crying!!! :confused3

Tomorrow is another day...let's hope it's better than today for Shayna and you Bonnie!!


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