International College Program


You can buy the phone cards in different denominations and it's 4.3 cents a minute anywhere in Canada or the US with no additional charges. Everyone on the boards here have said they're the best buy...

FYI, I was reading the SW printout and they say you can log on at the 24 hour point and print out your boarding pass.

Had a very weepy day today and keep worrying that we've forgotten something...I hate that!
Whew...sooo glad I am not alone. I just walked the dog and had myself a little tear while doing so!! I just wish it were not so long though I do know it is such an opportunity and it isn't always about me!! :o

For the $20 with Bell on her cell...after the 100 mins it's 39 cents per minute till the next month begins. I figure we need not talk too much as I can always call her right back on my dime...oh, such a dilemma

We still have bits and pieces to do..we'll never be ready I fear!

I did note that too on the SW site...we'll try that tomorrow!!
Hope we meet up... :thumbsup2

Hi Bonnie...

Happy Mothers Day...

Are you feeling empty like me? :guilty: My husband told me to pull myself together on the way home :confused3

Gosh...I miss her already. When she comes home she leaves again so soon for school...

Oh well, here's to tomorrow being a better day!
I hear the girls met after the 2nd flight landed! Geeesh....I told her to sit down and do roll call! Guess she isn't like her Mum after all :confused3

Shanan is in Vista Way so far with 2 girls from Brazil but the apt holds 6!! Yikes..I hope they are all eay going! How about Shayna? She told me the bus to WM wasn't running tonight so she was walking to Walgreens to get a few things then planned an early night, Loooong day..for ALL of us huh?? ;)

I am getting ready to go out for MD dinner..let me tell you, these puffy eyes are NOT pretty!

Hope your day was nice...Talk again soon I hope
Hey Karen!

Sorry we didn't see you at the airport. We made good time but didn't realize that we were supposed to stop at customs and get the J1 Visa signed and stuff...that threw us for a bit of a loop, but there are a few girls who didn't get that done so they're supposed to fix it today I think...

Shayna is in Vista too, in an apartment of 6 and they're all from Southern Ontario! Go figure!

I hope the day goes well for both girls. It's pathetic that the way Shayna's feeling is now reflected on me. If she's sounding happy, I'm happy. If she's down, I'm carrying that around...yuck!

Let's stay in touch and hopefully they both settle in and are happy with their decision! :)
Glad Shayna is settling in...isn't that odd that they would put 6 from here all together? When I spoke to Shanan last night one more had joined from there's 2 still to arrive. I think the language is a bit tricky so far so I told Shanan if no English speaking arrive ask to be moved! Will be interesting to see how today went.

They just sent us in to have all the paperwork completed? He asked to see her paperwork...and in we all went. We were still at the A/P in plenty of time...we sat and enjoyed breakfast together and she went through just after 10.

Have you thought about when you will go visit? Did you see those 'Ding' fares yesterday with Southwest for $49 each way?? Only up to the end of June though..I am thinking early. I told Shanan to settle in for five minutes then get the family resort rates for me!! :teeth: I am a TA but I am so sure they will be better than my deals!!! :thumbsup2

I totally am with you on their feelings reflecting in ours. If she is down, I am miserable and if she is happy, all is good with the world!!! Guess it's just a Mom thing?? Do you have any other children...not sure if you mentioned?

Let's keep in touch!!

I was able to snag those Ding fares yesterday and so I'm heading down June 10 through 14 with my one son and my mom!

I just got off the phone with Shayna and she was telling me that the family passes and such aren't exactly what she thought they would be. The Disney people didn't even mention room rate discounts and it looks like the passes are somewhat restricted. When things settle down I'm hoping she can get a room lined up and I'll worry about passes later!

Shayna thinks that Shanan's mix of people in her room has more to do with the fact that she's 'of age'. Shayna is in a 'wellness' apartment with everyone under 21. The majority of people from other countries seem to be older than the ones from Canada...

Sounds like Vista is a bit wild and crazy but Shayna did send some pictures and it looks alright. She wants to go to DTD tonight just to feel some 'magic'!

Gotta go...take my 16 year old to work! Take care and we'll talk soon!

That's great that you got the fares! Timing is everything isn't it?!
That will be great...not too long to wait to see her.

I talked to Shanan today and she said exactly that about the age thing. One more girl has joined them from Germany and one left to arrive. Apparantly they have been in the College Program before.

Shanan didn't mention the passes etc for family...As a TA I get 2 parkhoppers (for 2 days) 1x yearly and I thought they can only be better through a Cast member but who know, perhaps not?? It won't make or break it anyway will it? I will go anyway as are you!

Shanan was going to Downtown Disney tonight too with some people that are in the longer program. Maybe Shayna is going too...sounds like they are meeting others so it's all good for us right?? :teeth:

Talk soon...
Hey there, just wanted to jump in here. My DD heads off in 26 sleeps (not that I'm counting or anything) and I'm starting to get teary-eyed everytime I think about it. I realize it's a wonderful thing for her to do, but it's her first time away from home and she's still my baby, only 18. Also, doesn't help that I don't have any other kiddies at home, just my DH who will be definitely spending more time with me over the summer!

If you hear of the family rates, please post. We're booked into POR from August 4 - 11 but only as a precaution, we really do want to take advantage of any discount.

I guess you're managing to keep in touch with your daughters really well, I'm hoping my DD gets her internet up once she gets there and we're able to chat on MSN.

Welcome...We sure know how you feel! I knew everytime that I thought about Shanan leaving and my eyes would well up and that 'lump' in the throat would come that it wasn't going to be easy at all....but it is knowing that they will have the experience of a lifetime that gets us through it along with looking at the airfares to get to see them asap too!! :lmao:

When we hear anything about pricing..we'll be sure to let you know. I am thinking of booking in July just in case anyway..trying to aim for the half-way through point.

In Shanan's building there is no wireless internet so she intermittently 'gets on' by borrowing the wireless in the vicinity but it is very very slow and unreliable. She is going to get herself some cables today (If we had known she could have taken them down) and get herself connected properly then hopefully we can chat more. There are land lines as well and calling cards work plus I can call her in the apt but it is knowing when she's there?

Hang in there...we'll all get through this! :guilty:

Bonnie, did Shayna find out her placement today? Shanan got the Haunted Mansion and she is thrilled!! She has been feeling poorly, sounds like the flu...timing IS everything isn't it!! Poor kid, and they have them starting early too..good thing she got some sleeping-in-in before she went!

How is Shayna enjoying it so far?

Marjorie..I will PM what I know about the discounts..don't want to get my wrist slapped here! :confused3

Unfortunately, because we didn't stop at the border and get something signed, she's had to be postponed for Traditions along with two other girls from her apartment! She's not a happy camper! She does think she's working at MK which she's really happy about! Just glad that she's not the only one that got things screwed up!
That is such a shame...Likely something that Cast-a-way also should have enlightened the girls about too?? Wonder why our Immigration officer automatically sent us in and yours didn't?

Oh well, a little blip on the screen and all will be fine in the end! They'll get it all worked out soon.

Okay, do tell all about immigration and the border!

We're driving Brynna down to Seattle for her flight so will be crossing the border. Should we be taking her into see someone with her visa information? I thought we might but haven't talked to Cast-a-Way about it yet. Please advise.

Thanks & talk to you soon.

Hi Marjorie!

YES! We were not advised to stop and complete paperwork. We told the customs guy that she was going down to work at WDW and I had the folder open with all the papers ready for him. He just asked how much $ she was taking down with her and said 'have fun!'. We were happy to just sail through, not realizing that she needed to get an N 94 (not exactly sure) card from them. There were a number of students who were in the same boat (which tells me that I didn't miss reading the information) and two are in her apartment (thank goodness) because if she was all by herself on this one, she'd be pretty upset. It looked like everything was going to be pushed off a day, but for some reason, they didn't tell the girls they needed to provide license plate information so they were stuck until they could all reach us at home to get that info. Crazy eh? They were told yesterday that Traditions would now not start until Saturday! Shayna called the lady back and asked her what the heck they were supposed to do for the next 3 days because they don't have an employee card yet...? She said they couldn't get the cards any earlier, but to take the paperwork to the park entrance and they should be able to get in... :confused3

So, even though they're frustrated that they've been left behind and won't start getting paid until Saturday, they can at least do something! I was starting to worry that she was getting a little too homesick with all this going on!

So make sure you stop and get whatever needs to be done, done at the border when you cross! Good luck to Brynna!
As Bonnie said Marjorie, Cast-a-Way made no mention of this needing to be processed and I read the paperwork and saw nowhere that this was addressed. Shanan is also pretty on the ball and had no idea we needed to have paperwork completed. Our guy at the border asked the purpose of our trip and then requested the documents and bundled them up with the Passports (ours too) and sent us in to Immigration to be taken care of. It took about 10 mins and $6 and we were on our way. Perhaps CAW assume most will be processed through Immigration at the airport and there obviously is less of an issue there? At least you have a heads-up now so don't go anywhere without it being completed!! Less stress....

Poor Shayna Bonnie...I hope at least she can play for the next few days in the parks! Shanan mentioned yesterday that Shayna wasn't there at Traditions and wondered what was up? I'll have to fill her in...Shanan got her passes yesterday (and ours whoo-hooooooooooooo) and was off to MK last night for a few hours.

Wish they did this for us Mum's! :rolleyes1
Hey Karen! Did you say that Shanan was able to get your passes already? Did she say anything about restrictions on them? I don't want to stress Shayna out any more than she already is but I'm dying to know what's going to be available to us...

I had actually thought of touching base with Nicola and letting her know that they should be telling the Canadian students about the immigration processing at the border. There were a number of kids who drove over and it should be stated in the info I think...

She shouldn't be penalized because of she's all stressed because she feels she's 'behind' everyone else.
WooHoo! Shayna just called and she's no longer an 'illegal alien' in the eyes of the United States! :)

Thank goodness all her paperwork was tidyed up today and she's off for her Traditions training on Saturday...
Whew..thanks goodness things are getting sorted out for Shayna Bonnie! What a mess up and what a shame that she lost the time and some money too. I wholeheartedly agree that CAW should be told that this is very important to bring to the attention of these students to save a lot of grief and inconvenience.Not a matter to be taken lightly and certainly not one that should be 'assumed or presumed'!

For the seems like it is a seperate pass that gets stamped each time it is used. It is for family and friends and there are 6 for 3 all in all...18 Parkhoppers. I think they must escort us in, but then should they be working for example, we are footloose and fancy free! They are f r e e! That and Disney in the same sentence! WOW, who'd have though it?!?! :lmao:

BETTER days ahead to Shayna!
Shayna did say something about 6 days and 3 it would mean that the passes are only good for 3 people? Do you think they have to be the same 3 people? It's kinda confusing this way. I'm going down with my mom and one son, and then again in August with both boys and hubby. Shayna may have a friend or two make their way down as well. Maybe it's 3 people at a time, but they don't have to be the same 3 people...? I've got some extra hoppers anyway, but want to take advantage of 'free' passes! :cool1:


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