I'm far from over protective....question

I am with the others that would call this more a civics or American Government camp than political camp. I think of party specific or agenda specific groups with I think of political camps.

As for safety, I don't worry about it with things like this. As bad as school shootings and the recent incidents with the pip bombs and in Pittsburgh are they are still not common. They are too common since they shouldn't happen at all but aren't likely to happen to any individual. If you look at the statistics your child is exponentially more likely to be involved in a vehicle accident on the way to or from camp than some sort of terrorist attack at the camp.

If I turn off the TV I don't see any real hate around me in day to day life but it is easy to look at these specific attacks and think the world is ending. It isn't. I don't watch much news or read political commentary very much and it is such a better existence.

As I said above, I don't disagree. While the lessons taught in this camp are definitely civics/government related, the driving purpose of the camp is to encourage girls to get involved in politics. That being said, I'm most interested in the civics side of the camp and the leadership skills.

As far as what. What exactly are you referring to.

Due to the fact that politics itself cannot be discussed on this board, I can only sort of answer that. I'm also going to limit my answer because it kind of derails the purpose of my thread..

I think a week that includes major acts of violence specifically being made because of ones political opinions (Democrat/Liberal), religion (Jewish) and race (African American) is a good place to start. Fake News can only get one so far in defending this...I mean, it isn't fake that it happened and it's pretty straightforward that the motives were hate driven. Saying, "There’s always going to be people doing bad things that’s nothing new," sounds like you are sadly desensitized. Bad things happen doesn't make it less awful to me. I find that I am sad by the current times. That being said, this isn't my day-by-day reality either...thankfully. I certainly choose to lead a tolerant life and I live in a town near a city know to be "good neighbors." I'm happy and my family is well. While I enjoy these people and this atmosphere, I empathize for what people deal with and I don't bury my head in the sand and pretend it doesn't exist.

My concern was/is probably illogical. That's part of why I posted...so others could tell me that I was being a little "too Mom." I registered my daughters for the camp. I think it was just the timing....It just sort of popped in my head that this has been a crazy week and I had that momentary desire to keep my kids in a bubble, which isn't good/healthy/necessary. Once I took a breath, I regained my sanity and perspective. I am back to being excited for what my girls will get out of this event. I'm not saying there won't be any concern...I will worry about my kids, to some extent, always and forever.
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Due to the fact that politics itself cannot be discussed on this board, I can only sort of answer that. I'm also going to limit my answer because it kind of derails the purpose of my thread..

I think a week that includes major acts of violence specifically being made because of ones political opinions (Democrat/Liberal), religion (Jewish) and race (African American) is a good place to start. Fake News can only get one so far in defending this...I mean, it isn't fake that it happened and it's pretty straightforward that the motives were hate driven. Saying, "There’s always going to be people doing bad things that’s nothing new," sounds like you are sadly desensitized. Bad things happen doesn't make it less awful to me. I find that I am sad by the current times. That being said, this isn't my day-by-day reality either...thankfully. I certainly choose to lead a tolerant life and I live in a town near a city know to be "good neighbors." I'm happy and my family is well. While I enjoy these people and this atmosphere, I empathize for what people deal with and I don't bury my head in the sand and pretend it doesn't exist.

My concern was/is probably illogical. That's part of why I posted...so others could tell me that I was being a little "too Mom." I registered my daughters for the camp. I think it was just the timing....It just sort of popped in my head that this has been a crazy week and I had that momentary desire to keep my kids in a bubble, which isn't good/healthy/necessary. Once I took a breath, I regained my sanity and perspective. I am back to being excited for what my girls will get out of this event. I'm not saying there won't be any concern...I will worry about my kids, to some extent, always and forever.
That’s stuff is nothing new and iits not the norm. There’s always going to be terroist attacks, shootings etc . Statistically being involved in anything like that is very low. 3 kidss in one family were just killed by a driver at a bus stop. Those kind of accidents are way more common. It’s funny people dont worry about during in a car crash, but they worry about active shooters.
OP, I just saw your latest post.
I just have to say that the sheer hate, and violence and threats and rhetoric have not been in just the last week.
The violence and rhetoric have not been directed only at the groups you mention.
Other groups (Men, Conservatives, America/Americans, etc...) are also being targeted, have been targeted, and are dealing with open violence, white powder in the mail, gun violence, assassination threats, etc.
The groups you mention are not the only groups dealing with hatred and violence right now.
This is something that has always been there... And has always been incited by, and directed at, the other side, by BOTH sides, of any given difference.
The concerns in your last post seem to be very one-sided.
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That’s stuff is nothing new and iits not the norm. There’s always going to be terroist attacks, shootings etc . Statistically being involved in anything like that is very low. 3 kidss in one family were just killed by a driver at a bus stop. Those kind of accidents are way more common. It’s funny people dont worry about during in a car crash, but they worry about active shooters.
Beck with statistics. One does not need to be involved in, or directly affected by, acts of hate to see the hate. Because there have always been acts of hate does not make the recent events any less horrifying. It all needs to stop.

Eldridge Cleaver (at least) once said, “If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem."
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I didn’t claim it was new. I was just responding to a previous post asking what hate there was.

I didn’t express any concerns, did I? I mean other than my intial point of this thread about being uptight about sending my kids to a political (government/civics camp) at a conference room at a hotel. I’m not sure how that is one sided? It’s not actually ‘sided’ at all.... I haven’t even taken a side at any point in this thread...I don’t even know what there is to take a side about? I haven’t even hinted as to if I am democrat or republican (if that’s what you mean by side?). Confused...


OP, I just saw your latest post.
I just have to say that the sheer hate, and violence and threats and rhetoric have not been in just the last week.
The violence and rhetoric have not been directed only at the groups you mention.
Other groups (Men, Conservatives, America/Americans, etc...) are also being targeted, have been targeted, and are dealing with open violence, white powder in the mail, gun violence, assassination threats, etc.
The groups you mention are not the only groups dealing with hatred and violence right now.
This is something that has always been there... And has always been incited by, and directed at, the other side, by BOTH sides, of any given difference.
The concerns in your last post seem to be very one-sided.
Beck with statistics. One does not need to be involved in, or directly affected by, acts of hate to see the hate. Because there have always been acts of hate does not make the recent events any less horrifying. It all needs to stop.

Eldridge Cleaver (at least) once said, “If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem."
I'm an ER nurse I see acts of "hate" all the time, but way more acts of kindness. I'm just not sure what you all are defining as acts of hate. Nobody seems to want to define it. It seems to be the elephant in the room. If they're referring to mass shootings that's one person out of billions. Not exactly the norm.
It doesn’t have to be the norm. (1). Any hate, and moreso hate crime, is bad enough. (2). If someone is a victim of hate, I don’t figure they care if that’s the norm or not. (3). I do worry about car crashes. My youngest 2 kids are still in booster seats despite their age because that’s what is recommended for their size and seatbelts are always worn. In other words, I take precautions against car crashes too.

That poor family of those 3 kids (and the other child seriously hurt). My heart aches for them :(

That’s stuff is nothing new and iits not the norm. There’s always going to be terroist attacks, shootings etc . Statistically being involved in anything like that is very low. 3 kidss in one family were just killed by a driver at a bus stop. Those kind of accidents are way more common. It’s funny people dont worry about during in a car crash, but they worry about active shooters.

I'm an ER nurse I see acts of "hate" all the time, but way more acts of kindness. I'm just not sure what you all are defining as acts of hate. Nobody seems to want to define it. It seems to be the elephant in the room. If they're referring to mass shootings that's one person out of billions. Not exactly the norm.

There’s no elephant. Many people have answered you.
I'm an ER nurse I see acts of "hate" all the time, but way more acts of kindness. (1) I'm just not sure what you all are defining as acts of hate. Nobody seems to want to define it. It seems to be the elephant in the room. (2) If they're referring to mass shootings that's one person out of billions. (3) Not exactly the norm.
Hate crime "a crime, typically one involving violence, that is motivated by prejudice on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, or other grounds." Act of hate would be any negative or harmful action which exemplifies this definition. https://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/hate+crime
(2) If it were only one person, it would be tragic. There have been almost three hundred mass shootings so far this year https://www.businessinsider.com/how-many-mass-shootings-in-america-this-year-2018-2 - almost one per day. This doesn't include other hate crimes/acts of hate - like sending pipe bombs to numerous persons.
(3) Of course acts of hate are not the norm. Who here said they were?
Where is the hate? Honestly I never see it.

I'm an ER nurse I see acts of "hate" all the time,
OK, make up your mind. No one is saying there are more acts of hate than than kindness. No one is saying it's Armageddon. YOU said you don't see acts of hate, implying it's not out there. If you truly believe there is not hate, then what prompted the shootings in Pennsylvania and Kentucky? What prompted the pipe bombs being sent to politicians and their supporters? What prompted people to verbally abuse politicians while they're at dinner?

You want a definition of "hate"? IMO, it's the fact people are willing to intentionally resort to abuse, whether physical or verbal, of others because of their beliefs, race, or religion (which I guess is beliefs).

Also IMO, if you don't believe there is hate out there, either you're saying that just to get a rise out of folks or you believe those who attack others are justified in their acts.
I'd consider this safer than sending them to school. I think you're letting recent events put unreasonable, intrusive thoughts in your head. You have to break that way of thinking because it will drive you crazy.

I agree. It is the most difficult thing a parent can do, let your kids live "normal" lives in the new normal. But you do it. My DD has taught her DD to be aware of her surroundings, which is also part of the safety drills in school, but other than giving your children the tools to navigate in the event they are confronted with a situation, you have to let them go.

Personally, I think it's a dumb thing to worry about. It's a one day camp.

And the service at a Synagogue was only one day. The concert in Vegas: one night. WHy would you ridicule a parent's very real worry about her children's safety after the week we have experienced? My DH worries every time I take my DGD to NYC. We still go, but he still worries about some freak who has decided to act on murderous thoughts. My DD has never held our DGD from living, but we are always aware that things have changed. Her school was evacuated this year right after Parkland, and thank God she knew exactly what to do. Parents worry. Grandparents worry.
And the service at a Synagogue was only one day. The concert in Vegas: one night. WHy would you ridicule a parent's very real worry about her children's safety after the week we have experienced? My DH worries every time I take my DGD to NYC. We still go, but he still worries about some freak who has decided to act on murderous thoughts. My DD has never held our DGD from living, but we are always aware that things have changed. Her school was evacuated this year right after Parkland, and thank God she knew exactly what to do. Parents worry. Grandparents worry.

I totally stand by my statement. It's a dumb thing to worry about. It's a one day "camp" that I doubt anyone but the people involved know anything about.
OP, you very clearly came here with concerns.... I am not sure how you can say that you didn't?

Am I crazy to let the ugliness of the last week enter my thought process. Like my title says, I am not the over protective type. I also don't want to live in fear, but ....... It's the tie in to politics the week before the election and the major hate that we have seen this past week that makes me a little nervous.

And, the two specific examples you give to back up your feelings,
I think a week that includes major acts of violence specifically being made because of ones political opinions (Democrat/Liberal), .......
The specific two examples given were very one sided.
If that is the only 'hate' you are seeing, then there is a lot you have been missing. I was pointing out that there has been the same hate, threats, acts of violence, from ALL sides.
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