I'm far from over protective....question

Thank you for everyone that posted respectfully. I will never feel dumb worrying about my children, thinking things through before making a decision that involves them and or for seeking perspective from others. The pipe bombs were functional, but that's not really what I was worried about anyway.

For those interested, I'll let you know how the camp goes.

Thanks again,
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I know I'm late to the thread but I have to say that I find it interesting that they (or someone) is calling this a "politics" camp. Doesn't seem like a "politics" camp at all but more like an immersive experience into American Civics (government) that, IMO, we need MORE OF TODAY so people actually know what they are arguing about. Civics has not been taught well in many, many years. I wouldn't deem this "political" at all.
I wouldn’t think the subject of the camp would have any bearing whatsoever on its safety. Perhaps if it were something MUCH more controversial in nature, but not as is.

Side note, I participated in something similar here called “Boys State” and it was a marvelous experience.
I also agree that American Government, our Constitution, etc... are very different than 'politics'.
You seem to have vetted this event, but for me... the word politics, the timing, and the young ages involved... Just wouldn't be something I would consider.
I have an opportunity to send my tweens to a girls camp about politics. It's a one day camp...and there's no political party connection to it. It's sort of a leadership camp. During the day, they run for office (making a campaign...posters, speech, etc). Then once congress and other officials are elected, they draft a bill and see it through the political process. I'll admit, my kids are happy little nerds when it comes to learning (and I mean that in a wonderful way...they are just very into learning).

Here's the thing.... Am I crazy to let the ugliness of the last week enter my thought process. Like my title says, I am not the over protective type. I also don't want to live in fear, but these are my kids. I mean, I get it...but these are my kids. Right now, even without a political party being involved in this program, I'm a little nervous about putting them in a hotel conference room for this great program with any tie in to politics. It's probably stupid to be concerned but.… The program has all the safety procautions in place internally....good staff/kid ratio, background checks etc. It's the tie in to politics the week before the election and the major hate that we have seen this past week that makes me a little nervous.

Respectful thoughts, please...

I think it sounds like a wonderful camp. It sounds like a wonderful opportunity for our future generation to learn about working together and compromise, how a government should work.

Safety wouldn't cross my mind.

The only thing I would have to research thoroughly would be to make sure this was definitely non-political and non-partisan. I would want to verify that it wasn't some indoctrination camp (any side) disguised as a leadership camp. We have several "leadership" camps here and they are more about indoctrinating to their ideology rather than bi-partisan civics lessons. At that age, I wanted to expose my children to many ideologies so they can choose themselves when they are old enough to vote. But I want it presented in a factual discussion, not a my way is the best way immersion.

But since you already vetted the program to be fine, I would send them happily.
The focus is to encourage girls to get involved in politics. They do campaign and run for office for the first half of the day. The second half is more civics.


I know I'm late to the thread but I have to say that I find it interesting that they (or someone) is calling this a "politics" camp. Doesn't seem like a "politics" camp at all but more like an immersive experience into American Civics (government) that, IMO, we need MORE OF TODAY so people actually know what they are arguing about. Civics has not been taught well in many, many years. I wouldn't deem this "political" at all.
It is non-partisan. Just goes through the process of running for office and then passing a bill....no party sides.

I think it sounds like a wonderful camp. It sounds like a wonderful opportunity for our future generation to learn about working together and compromise, how a government should work.

Safety wouldn't cross my mind.

The only thing I would have to research thoroughly would be to make sure this was definitely non-political and non-partisan. I would want to verify that it wasn't some indoctrination camp (any side) disguised as a leadership camp. We have several "leadership" camps here and they are more about indoctrinating to their ideology rather than bi-partisan civics lessons. At that age, I wanted to expose my children to many ideologies so they can choose themselves when they are old enough to vote. But I want it presented in a factual discussion, not a my way is the best way immersion.

But since you already vetted the program to be fine, I would send them happily.
If your kids want to go, I’d let them. A one-day educational event at a local venue would not bother me in the least.

Side note, I participated in something similar here called “Boys State” and it was a marvelous experience.

That was my first thought. This “camp” sounds very much like Boys State/Girls State, which is a program run by the American Legion. You should look into it, OP, if your kids are still interested in government in a few years. Students are chosen in their junior year of high school and it is considered a big honor.
I would send them if for no other reason than to see our government in action. I think it’s a great opportunity for them!
My question is, are you afraid that some disturbed adult would attack the gathering as a soft target, or are you afraid that the kids would get into a partisan brawl?

The first scenario I cannot see happening at all; very few people other than the participants know about these events, even when they are as large as BoysState/GirlsState programs.

The second scenario I suppose could become an issue if the adults running the program were incompetent. As long as you are satisfied that the program is run by professionals and that civility will be enforced, I really don't see any danger.

FWIW, I sent my eldest to DC for a week when he was 14 with the Close-Up Foundation. It was expensive, but I felt it was worth every penny. I will send the younger one as well if she gets a chance to do it.
Well, I tend to be an overprotective worrier, but this wouldn't bother me in the least. This is just normal life. You could keep her home from this camp and she winds up in a random shooting at the local mall...I mean, you just never know and I don't think the risk is very high. I always try to remember to tell myself not to hold my kids back due to my irrational fears.
My question is, are you afraid that some disturbed adult would attack the gathering as a soft target, or are you afraid that the kids would get into a partisan brawl?

The first scenario I cannot see happening at all; very few people other than the participants know about these events, even when they are as large as BoysState/GirlsState programs.

The second scenario I suppose could become an issue if the adults running the program were incompetent. As long as you are satisfied that the program is run by professionals and that civility will be enforced, I really don't see any danger.

FWIW, I sent my eldest to DC for a week when he was 14 with the Close-Up Foundation. It was expensive, but I felt it was worth every penny. I will send the younger one as well if she gets a chance to do it.

My sister & I did the Close-up trip and it was fabulous! We were fortunate enough to go during a week that included the Roe V Wade Anniversary AND a presidential inauguration, both of which added to the excitement. But, it would have been a great trip no matter the timing.
There has been a lot of hate going on.
The last two weeks...
The last two years...

Just curious. Where is the hate? Honestly I never see it. People just go about there business everyday. Honestly the only place I see people get hateful is on social media..this board included.
I am with the others that would call this more a civics or American Government camp than political camp. I think of party specific or agenda specific groups with I think of political camps.

As for safety, I don't worry about it with things like this. As bad as school shootings and the recent incidents with the pip bombs and in Pittsburgh are they are still not common. They are too common since they shouldn't happen at all but aren't likely to happen to any individual. If you look at the statistics your child is exponentially more likely to be involved in a vehicle accident on the way to or from camp than some sort of terrorist attack at the camp.

If I turn off the TV I don't see any real hate around me in day to day life but it is easy to look at these specific attacks and think the world is ending. It isn't. I don't watch much news or read political commentary very much and it is such a better existence.
So because nothing happened right in front of you means it doesn't happen?
I work in the community. I come in contact with thousands of people in my line of work. 99% of the people I come in contact aren’t hateful. I turn on the news and you think we’re all at war with each other. I’m not sure what kind of hate were referring to in this thread. There’s always going to be people doing bad things that’s nothing new.


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