I'll show you mine, if you show me your's...

I am not going to DIS Con, therefore, I am exempt from photos!!! ROTF!! :)
Well we'd like to see pics of folks who will be coming to NEXT year's DIS-Con as well. ;)

Come on...post a picture!!! :bounce:
Well, if I go next year, then I will post a picture for sure!! :D:D:D

Here, I finally figured out my digital camera. This is us today (Thanksgiving Day). I am on the left, Lynn on the right, and our darling Emily in the middle.


:wave: Hi Lisa, Emily, and Lynn. :wave: Great picture!!! See you guys soon! :) :) :)

:wave: 'Bennet' :wave: Was this taken at WDW??? :) Will you be at DIS-Con??? :) :) :)
What beautiful family pictures Bennet and TigerFan. Thank you for sharing.

Remember this thread by luvdsny (Tia) from last year when we were all new to this DIS-CON-I meeting and wondered how we would recognize each other?

Yikes! :earseek: Where did this 'blast-from-the-past' creep up from? ;) :)

:wave: Hi Everyone. :wave: Shall we 're-new' this thread with some fresh pictures??? :D Let me see if I can find one.......hold one.....this might take me a few days......

Does anyone else want to post a picture to get this baby rolling again??? :bounce:
Any excuse to showoff my new license plates!!!
<img src=http://www.yankeepeddlerfestival.com/hayes/towncrier.jpg></img>
Oh I like that! :) Take good care of that vehicle.....that's what's getting you to DIS-Con, right? ;) :)
okay, I didn't post to this thread last time 'cuz I don't have a scanner.......i still don't:rolleyes: .

However I figured out a way................
Okay, ...wait a moment....oops, got to turn it "right side up".........................There!!!..TA DA!!!!!!

(i am holding my picture right up next to my monitor screen!!! Isn't it a nice picture of me?!?! It's from Christmas!!):bounce: :bounce: :bounce: ;)

Ding ding ding - Tia is correct. The TWNCRYR-mobile is my ticket to DIScon 2002. I was going to get "DISCON" plates, but I didn't think that anyone would understand what a DIScon is, so I opted for the obscure Town Crier reference.

BTW - My Saturn also takes me to DISmeets in Illinois, Indiana, and Massachusetts. I gotta get some new tires on the way to Patrick-CON in South Bend.

I just checked airfare to Orlando. It's still too much for me to pay.
Your desk is just to clean!
You need to mess it up some!

I'll have to find a pic of my babies to put up here.


The things we do to our children. :)
This is my youngest Warrior. He is going to be 9 in October.


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