I need some honest help with finding a job now...

This is true.

The big chains tend to do online
My small retail store-you have to fill out OUR application-but it is very similar and straightforward, like the online kind
If you cannot remember the name of the direct supervisor just give the corporate number of the company.

When we were at WDW later last year the Bahama Breeze was hiring.

You need a full time job so you can get a clunker that you can use to get to work.

Have you considered moving in with your mother or back with your aunt? It may not be what you want but it maybe what is needed right now.

Why did Disney let you go? Did you collect unemployment? Why do you clash with management. Do what they tell you and keep your mouth shut.

I think the best way is the temp agency. They will get your foot in at companies. Eventually one foot will result in a new job.

I read the rest of your reply. If you interview like you reply here I can see why you don't get the job. You come across as very negative and not a go getter. You need to show them WHY they should pick you over the others. You also need to fix you attitude about management.

BTW many time one goes to work even when the "hate it". They do it for their family and realize that all jobs change over time. Some jobs will get worse and then get better again. Sometimes the "hatred of a job" is really the negativeness of the person and not the job.

I highlighted a couple things in the above that I think are really important. I'd say that MOST people over the course of their working lives have bosses or supervisors that they dislike quite a bit. Ditto with jobs that they "hate". The only thing you can do in those situations is bite the bullet, play their game, and look for something else. Quitting and telling them to "shove it" might be fun (and I'd LOVE to do it sometimes), it's not the responsible and adult thing to do. Bills have to get paid and responsibilities have to get met.

And when you're in a situation where you don't like the job or the boss, you have to work HARDER at being a good employee. Don't give them a reason to fire you. Because in all liklihood, if you don't like them, they know it and that makes them less fond of you as well.

Best of luck to you! :thumbsup2
Try to gather as much history on your previous employers as you can. Use google to try to get addresses and phone numbers. Even if you don't use them now you will have them if needed later on.
Going forward I would advise you not to quit a job until you have another one in place. Quitting a job you don't like without having a new job lined up usually creates more problems than it solves.
I was young... and stupid... and didn't think twice when I told them to shove it.

I really try not to be negative at all when it comes to interviews, I'm not applying for you, so I feel a little less like I need to be all perky and happy and positive. I usually state I moved, seasonal work, not enough hours kind of thing when it comes to saying why I left a job. But I really don't know any way around the flat out truth when it comes to why I left Disney.
The manager that I need to get ahold of at Disney, he was talking with Kari one day and told her "Sandra was a great cast member, I don't know understand why they fired her". So it gives me a little ray of hope that not every one there hated me. I did put up with a few managers that I couldn't even look in the eye at. There was one... he would say really hurtful things to me, like personal attacks. Then like 5mins later stand next me and sorta give me this half hug saying "everything's ok, right? you know i was just playing". But another manager that got the reputation for giving some one a reprimand for going to the bathroom... I got along with him. Yeah we had a few long discussions, but he got to know me, I got to know him. And eventually I figured out what to do to please him. So if anything I did learn quite a bit about how to deal with managers while I was there.

So should I fill out my apps like this?

Job 1
Reliatex (1997-2004) part time/summer job

School (2004-2005)

Job 2
Home Depot (02/06-05/06) Full time. Left to go work for Disney.

Job 3
Disney (06/06-08/09) Full time. Left for family reasons. Which is sorta true... I have spent quite a deal of time driving my mom to Miami and back to spend time with my brother. I've been flying out to Dallas to help my aunt out.

Homemaker (08/09-current).

My mom lives with my sister in Port St Lucie... and well it's just out of the question all together. My aunt lives in Dallas with my g'mother, and we're like oil and vinegar. Plus they live in a two bedroom apartment and there's really no room for me. She's planning to move back to Florida in April/May when her lease is up, but she's not sure if she's coming to Central Fl or down next to my sister. My g'mother is to the point of needing a sitter all the time and home care is really expensive. Maybe at that time I could live with them (if they come here), but I'm not going to Dallas. So if my aunt does wind up here, I'd still have to stretch my time between them and work. (my aunt would be off the days I worked, I would be off the days she worked, that way Ma isn't left alone).

If I need to do a resume, I usually have Kari read it over, and my aunt read it over, plus spell check really is simple to use (I know it doesn't always help with grammatical errors, but it takes out those really stupid little mistakes most people make).

This is the first time of being the bread-winner... before Kari fulfilled that role. While my income was needed, it wasn't the biggest amount. Only at Disney did mine even come close to her's and that was still a few grand short at the end of the year.
I was young... and stupid... and didn't think twice when I told them to shove it.

I really try not to be negative at all when it comes to interviews, I'm not applying for you, so I feel a little less like I need to be all perky and happy and positive. I usually state I moved, seasonal work, not enough hours kind of thing when it comes to saying why I left a job. But I really don't know any way around the flat out truth when it comes to why I left Disney.
The manager that I need to get ahold of at Disney, he was talking with Kari one day and told her "Sandra was a great cast member, I don't know understand why they fired her". So it gives me a little ray of hope that not every one there hated me. I did put up with a few managers that I couldn't even look in the eye at. There was one... he would say really hurtful things to me, like personal attacks. Then like 5mins later stand next me and sorta give me this half hug saying "everything's ok, right? you know i was just playing". But another manager that got the reputation for giving some one a reprimand for going to the bathroom... I got along with him. Yeah we had a few long discussions, but he got to know me, I got to know him. And eventually I figured out what to do to please him. So if anything I did learn quite a bit about how to deal with managers while I was there.

So should I fill out my apps like this?

Job 1
Reliatex (1997-2004) part time/summer job

School (2004-2005)

Job 2
Home Depot (02/06-05/06) Full time. Left to go work for Disney.

Job 3
Disney (06/06-08/09) Full time. Left for family reasons. Which is sorta true... I have spent quite a deal of time driving my mom to Miami and back to spend time with my brother. I've been flying out to Dallas to help my aunt out.

Homemaker (08/09-current).

My mom lives with my sister in Port St Lucie... and well it's just out of the question all together. My aunt lives in Dallas with my g'mother, and we're like oil and vinegar. Plus they live in a two bedroom apartment and there's really no room for me. She's planning to move back to Florida in April/May when her lease is up, but she's not sure if she's coming to Central Fl or down next to my sister. My g'mother is to the point of needing a sitter all the time and home care is really expensive. Maybe at that time I could live with them (if they come here), but I'm not going to Dallas. So if my aunt does wind up here, I'd still have to stretch my time between them and work. (my aunt would be off the days I worked, I would be off the days she worked, that way Ma isn't left alone).

If I need to do a resume, I usually have Kari read it over, and my aunt read it over, plus spell check really is simple to use (I know it doesn't always help with grammatical errors, but it takes out those really stupid little mistakes most people make).

This is the first time of being the bread-winner... before Kari fulfilled that role. While my income was needed, it wasn't the biggest amount. Only at Disney did mine even come close to her's and that was still a few grand short at the end of the year.

Bold - This is the wrong answer. How do you know that I am not looking for an employee in central FL or that I could recommend you for a job. You need to have a positive attitude at all times to make it second nature to you. You may think you project a positive attitude but you are so negative that that may still show through.
For job 1, do I list the current controller?? I worked under her for about year or so, but most the time was spent with my aunt.

For job 2, do I list my department head (that I didn't get along with)?? Or one of the manager's above him that did like me?? Neither of which are at the same store... I don't know if any of the same managment is left.

For job 3. I list my home room manager (that did like me). But I have to list Casting's phone number, which is who they call to verify my employment. I don't know even know if there's an address to give... of course most often found address is p.o. box 10000 lake buena vista.... but that's just a general address Disney uses.

It actually doesn't look too bad when I leave out the other stuff, I still have experience in retail, customer service, photography, and office work.
And I'm not really lying about school years because I went Fall of 04 and Fall of 05 semsters. I just didn't go full time, or get a degree.
If I can't be myself here on the boards, where can I be myself?

Plus that might be slightly akward... getting a job through a message board about Disney. Of course I did do the whole dating thing through message boards once, even flew 3,000 miles to meet in person. My suggestion, never go to Canada during the winter if you're a native floridian.
If I can't be myself here on the boards, where can I be myself?

Plus that might be slightly akward... getting a job through a message board about Disney. Of course I did do the whole dating thing through message boards once, even flew 3,000 miles to meet in person. My suggestion, never go to Canada during the winter if you're a native floridian.

Be the positive you not the negative you.
I think the work history you have listed is acceptable. You need to find out your rehire status at Disney so you can be prepared for any questions that may arise about that.

Re-think using a temp agency. Just be specific about what you want and they will work to find those assignments that are more long term or that are temp to hire positions.

Job hunting is a full-time job. You need to spend 40 hrs a week looking until you find something. That means scouring the on-line sites like monster and career builder, going to the places of business and talking to someone, and filling out applications.

Talk to a head-hunter. This is different from a temp agency, and they will work to get you interviews.

Network You should be making at least 5 contacts a day. Talk to you friends and neighbors. Know precisely the type of position that you are looking for so they can help you out. When I was looking, I told everyone I knew, and I let them know what types of positions I would like and what I was good at doing.

Also, don't rule things out because of what you see on paper. Call the hiring manager and ask questions. You may have the necessary qualifications, but your job history doesn't specifically show them.

Always look professional. Don't wear jeans when going in to ask for an app. Make sure your hair and nails are neat and tidy.

After applying, call to find out the status of your application. Ask questions if they say you were declined to gain feedback for future searching.

Good Luck. I know the job market sucks right now, but there are jobs to be had. Those jobs are going to be filled by those people who are aggressive and who show they want to work.
First of all I want to say I'm sorry about you and Kari...doesn't make for a very good Christmas :sad2:

And second yay for looking for a job :woohoo: A new start and meeting new people will probably help right now.

Also on your resume I wouldn't include whether it was full or part time. Just put the job down and what your responsibilities were.


Walt Disney World June 2006-August 2009 (555) 555 5555
Employed as Fastpass Processor. Primary responsibilites included assisting customers with photo-editing, selling various photo products, and processing cash.

Don't say why you left, you don't need to say how many hours you had or anything. You don't even need your managers name just the phone number. Chances are they'll get HR when they call anyways.

For references you can always use people you've interacted with outside of work as well. I went back to work this year after being my mothers caregiver for 12 years, needless to say my references had all dried up and my name changed due to marriage. I included my aunt because she was the one who assisted me with my mom's situation and a good friend. You are better off to have somebody on there you KNOW will say something good about you than guess on old managers...my husband actually got a call about an employee that he doesn't remember, not a good reference check for whoever it was. I got 3 calls from the 10 resumes I put out and had a job literally in six hours.

One other thing I would suggest is to set up a professional email address with a totally different username than any of your message board names. You wouldn't want somebody to google your email and find all the problems you've had in the past.

Edit: another way to get along well with your managers is figure out where their bosses want. If you can do things they are getting pestered on before they have to even ask you they'll like you. If you can figure out what figures go into their bonuses and help them they'll like you more. A significant portion of their salaries come from making their bonus numbers.
BelleWDW;34852791 [COLOR="Teal" said:
Most 25 year olds went to college a couple years-you did-really part time-BUT that's not something a retail employer will really check- then have a few jobs. i think that is normal[/COLOR]

I'd list the college for 2 years

I wanted to say I advise against this. Unless I am misunderstanding you, you only took a few classes and failed about half of them. Also, what you took does not sound like 'serious' classes working toward any type of field. It is very sijmple in this day and age for prosepctive employers to check on your schooling and lying about it (or being misleading) is a fast way to be dumped (often this is checked up on as you are training, etc. so you will think you have a job--or one of those managers with whom you have a mutual dislike can look it up at any time if they suspect something) from consideration or employment. I know at least one person who had her school history looked into by a gas station which she had applied to work swing shift at (she had exagerated her GPA and it came back to haunt her). DH makes it a point to always check the school history of every employee--from the janitor to the plant manager. I think in your situation you are much better off not mention it at all (if it somehow comes up later it is valid to say hose were "just for fun" classes and not really an education so you did not think to list them) than to mislead employers with the idea that you are essentially half way to a degree.

I highlighted a couple things in the above that I think are really important. I'd say that MOST people over the course of their working lives have bosses or supervisors that they dislike quite a bit. Ditto with jobs that they "hate". The only thing you can do in those situations is bite the bullet, play their game, and look for something else. Quitting and telling them to "shove it" might be fun (and I'd LOVE to do it sometimes), it's not the responsible and adult thing to do. Bills have to get paid and responsibilities have to get met.

And when you're in a situation where you don't like the job or the boss, you have to work HARDER at being a good employee. Don't give them a reason to fire you. Because in all liklihood, if you don't like them, they know it and that makes them less fond of you as well.

Best of luck to you! :thumbsup2

Such good advice here that I thought it needed repeating:thumbsup2
So should I list all of my jobs?? Some of them?? What I've been doing hasn't worked, so I know something needs to change, and unfortantly the past isn't something that's easily changed.

Do most employers run background checks even as soon as you submit an application?? I know they ask for approval during the app processes. And is it really that common for employers to run credit checks on entry level stuff?

I know it seems to be common to search social network sites, but I only use facebook, and that's hidden from any one searching me. In a google search, my name and my email address don't pull up much. Mostly my FAQ that I wrote for a video game that's been published on several sites and my really old, like 8 years old, webpage I created in high school. But there's nothing negative or wrong with it, and no bad pictures. And yes, my email is different than my screen names, and think it's fairly neutral. No extensive set of numbers, no crazy name to it, very basic.
Have you pulled your credit reports? Many employers do that and a bad report can prevent your employment.
I don't have any idea how much of a background check employers do these days. If they pull a credit report they will see any employers you previously listed when you applied for credit.

I would think for entry level jobs they don't do much checking because the time and expense involved to check wouldn't make much sense. Then again, if they subscribe to some sort of service that runs checks on all of their employees, eh, who knows?
So should I list all of my jobs?? Some of them?? What I've been doing hasn't worked, so I know something needs to change, and unfortantly the past isn't something that's easily changed.

Do most employers run background checks even as soon as you submit an application?? I know they ask for approval during the app processes. And is it really that common for employers to run credit checks on entry level stuff?

I know it seems to be common to search social network sites, but I only use facebook, and that's hidden from any one searching me. In a google search, my name and my email address don't pull up much. Mostly my FAQ that I wrote for a video game that's been published on several sites and my really old, like 8 years old, webpage I created in high school. But there's nothing negative or wrong with it, and no bad pictures. And yes, my email is different than my screen names, and think it's fairly neutral. No extensive set of numbers, no crazy name to it, very basic.

When picking which jobs to put up think about the ones that demonstrate the skills you have to offer. So you definitely want one with cash, I'd put up the photopass one because it demonstrates aptitude with computers, one with customer interaction etc. If you have a bunch where you basically did exactly the same thing pick the one you were at the longest. Don't go into making your resume from a defensive frame of mind, you have a lot of retail experience and show them what you know how to do.

Another idea for references, why don't you talk to some people who worked with you on the bag swap or benifited from it? That showed a lot of motivation and organizational skills.
I pull my credit report yearly, but I can't do it till march I think. I usually pull it around the time I fill my tax return, and try to get a couple things paid off on it. I don't even have a credit score because the amount of bad debt = to the amount of positives, so it kinda cancels each other out.

I don't have any credit solely in my name. I'm an authorized user on Kari's credit cards, which don't look spectacular at the moment. I could call and drop my name from the cards that aren't looking so good. It helps a little bit that I'm on there, because I've noticed Kari's score affected by her parent's card (she's listed as an authorized user). But it's a lot of old debt, some mine, some because of my mother, but I usually put the larger amounts to the side and put the money towards current credit cards that are charging 20% interest. I also focused more on Kari's report because we used it for getting credit, for getting apartments. Mine was just an after thought. Of course now I have no way to pay it off to clear it up.

I'm going to wait till I get one thing cleared up before putting in Apps again. Which I have a feeling kept me from getting a job at hhgregg, and gave me issues when I applied at Disney. Hopefully it won't take much longer to get resolved, I'm like 3/4 of the way there.
I pull my credit report yearly, but I can't do it till march I think. I usually pull it around the time I fill my tax return, and try to get a couple things paid off on it. I don't even have a credit score because the amount of bad debt = to the amount of positives, so it kinda cancels each other out.

I don't have any credit solely in my name. I'm an authorized user on Kari's credit cards, which don't look spectacular at the moment. I could call and drop my name from the cards that aren't looking so good. It helps a little bit that I'm on there, because I've noticed Kari's score affected by her parent's card (she's listed as an authorized user). But it's a lot of old debt, some mine, some because of my mother, but I usually put the larger amounts to the side and put the money towards current credit cards that are charging 20% interest. I also focused more on Kari's report because we used it for getting credit, for getting apartments. Mine was just an after thought. Of course now I have no way to pay it off to clear it up.

I'm going to wait till I get one thing cleared up before putting in Apps again. Which I have a feeling kept me from getting a job at hhgregg, and gave me issues when I applied at Disney. Hopefully it won't take much longer to get resolved, I'm like 3/4 of the way there.

You did not work in 2009, so no tax refund. You are not employed, so how do you plan on paying off your bad debt?:confused3
Of course now I have no way to pay it off to clear it up.
Bottom of second paragraph.

I'm just saying, that's usually what happened in the past. And the reason why I can't pull it again for another couple of months. So I honestly don't remember what's sitting on there right now. I probably still have the print out some where, but not easily accessable. After I would pay off what I could, I usually try to shred it.


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