I can do this...Karyn's journal to lose 20!


<font color=green>Cleaning the house while the kid
Apr 3, 2005
Hello to everyone! I am giving myself another chance to get things RIGHT! My name is Karyn and I am 30 years old. I weigh in right now at 133. You may not think that is much, but when you are 4ft 11in, it's definately not healthy. I have just moved halfway across the country and left ALL of my family in S.C. My mom was a huge motivator for me, and now I am on my own. I was going to Curves 3 days a week in S.C., but the Curves here in Iowa is very small and I am very uncomfortable exercising there. I have signed up for the YMCA, and they have a great walking track. I have 2 kids (ages 5 and 7) and it is hard to get away to exercise, but doggone it, I AM GOING TO!!! I hope that this journal will keep me motivated to stay on track. Right now, I am so off track that I can't even SEE the track.

Today was not very good. We went to Hardee's for lunch and I had the Big Chicken Sandwich and a small curly fries. I also ate one of my son's chicken fingers. Did not need that. At about 7:00, I had a baked potato (not bad, right?) and topped it with cheese, bacon, and sour cream (light sour cream). Did not go exercise, although I had plenty of time. Will exercise tomorrow if I do nothing else! It all starts tomorrow when I wake up. THINGS ARE GOING TO CHANGE!
Welcome, Thing will change for you. It changed for all of us here even if we didn't lose weight we gained many friends. We will not judge you and you took the right step. What helped me a whole bunch is the Walk away the pounds DVD's. I don't have to leave my home which is hard for me with three small children. I remember when we had a hardees here. It was so good. They shut down the last on a couple of years ago. Well you had a bad dinner but you are going to do better tomarrow. Think ahead and write it all down. Good luck to you. SMILES kardiebelle
Well, today's the day. I guess I'll start out making a few commitments. Got on the scale this morning and it said 133.8. Actually, it SCREAMED 133.8 at me. Not pretty.

#1-Today I will go to WalMart and get a case of water and start drinking more. Less tea and more water.

#2-I will go to the Y and walk at least 2 miles.

#3-I will start eating about half of what I was eating. Then if I'm starving an hour later, I can eat a little more. Got to train the body to only accept what it needs.

Okay, I'll get back tonight and review everything that happened today.
Welcome Karyn! I grew up in SE Iowa, so I totally understand your small town culture shock. Also, I"ve never had any family around and I know it's tough, especially with your little ones.

Hang in there. Try to get involved & meet people. Maybe when school starts you'll find another mom to be a walking buddy.

Hope you have a good weekend!
Okay, so far today has been...well...better than yesterday. I had 6 silver dollar pancakes for breakfast with a little bit of butter and a drizzle of syrup. Not as bad as usual. For lunch, I had a Weight Watchers microwave dinner. Very tasty and filling. Mental note...buy more Weight Watchers dinners. For supper I browned some boneless, skinless chicken and added 99% fat free chicken stock and rice. I also had a small biscuit. All in all, a pretty good day. I bought 2 cases of water and drank a total of 1 bottle. Will drink 2 more before bed tonight. Went to the Y, and they had closed 5 minutes before I got there. Too hot to walk, so I'll get on the stepper tonight. I made sure to take my multivitamin today, also. Got to make that a habit.

Thanks to everyone for the support. I have a long road ahead of me, and I need all the help that you can provide! Likewise, I will try to encourage you, too!!!
Welcome Karynnix!!! :) You know what to do! Baby steps are encouraged...take life on a day-to-day basis. And remember to count all the little victories too...they hold you fast until the big victories come to take you away!!

A cheer to seal the dealio! :)
:cheer2: Day by day
:cheer2: Pound by pound
:cheer2: Karynnix is DOIN' it!
:cheer2: No messing around! :)

Good luck!
Fell off the wagon last night. Got to get back on track today. I ended up eating another bowl of chicken and rice at 8:30. I hurt my right knee yesterday moving a box, so the stepper didn't work out. Today will be better. Going to church for the 9:00 service and I will fix lunch when I get back home at 10:00. I'm thinking pasta. Today I will drink more water since I will be able to stay at home. It's going to get easier the more I push myself.
You can do this! Karyn, guess what today is? It's a BRAND NEW DAY!!!!

"I'm not afraid to fall
I've fallen many times
They laughed when I fell down
But I dared to climb

I'm not afraid to fall
I know I'll fall again
But I will win this in the end!"
--Superchick, from their album Revolution, Song: Get Up

I know you can do this...think positively and have a super day!
Hi Karyn- welcome to the journals. I have found that writing out my progress everyday and reading the progress of others is a great way to keep moving foward...even when my day doesn't go as planned, it's always a place to come and get re-committed.

Sorry you're new Curves isn't as nice;I joined mine last Jan. and didn't realize how nice it was until I started traveling and seeing other locations...some are definitely better than others. But it sounds like you found a good substitute with the Y. Good luck with your walking!
Okay, lunch was much better today. I ate the rest of the chicken and rice (about a cup of rice and 3 small pieces of chicken-probably about 5 points), one Tyson chicken tender (about 4 points) and 2 biscuits (5 points). That was actually breakfast and lunch together, so 14 points isn't too bad. Just ate a mini bag of popcorn and drank a bottle of water. The weather isn't so bad, so I may strap on the CD player and take a walk later. Tomorrow I will be going to the Y when my husband gets off of work. My knee is still giving me fits, but walking should be okay. I have a better outlook today. Things are looking up. I read a quote in a magazine a little while ago that said, "I try to avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward." (Charlotte Bronte)
Didn't walk today, but I did move around a lot of furniture trying to get everything situated from relocating. I ended up eating a turkey sandwich and a handful of cheddar Chex mix for supper. That was around 5:00. Drank another bottle of water. That was 16 oz of water today. Will shoot for 24 oz tomorrow. Need to get started earlier. I have a lot of stress on me tonight and I could easily hit the fridge and eat, but I'm trying to keep myself from doing that. This is a great place to go to sort out feelings and keep me busy. Today was not so bad. Much better than yesterday. I can go to bed and know that I worked harder on eating right today. I can do this.
Welcome to WISH!!! :Pinkbounc

You are going to find a lot of support and encouragement here. ::yes:: You CAN do this!! :cheer2: Your WISH friends are here cheering you on to victory! :cheer2:

Thank you for stopping by my journal and for the support and encouragement that you left there. I really appreciate it! :goodvibes

Have a great Monday! :flower:
I made it through breakfast without overdoing it! Yay!!!! I had a mini box of Apple Jacks and skim milk. AND THAT'S ALL!!!! I am very proud of myself for not making pancakes like I really wanted. Got on the scale this morning and it still says 133.8. Haven't gained. That's good! My knee is feeling better, so if my husband gets home in time, I'll go to the Y. One bottle of water down and 2 to go. Today will be a good day!
Welcome! I have to say this is the best place to come for support. I enjoy reading others journals, they turley are inspiring

Sounds like you are making the right choices and if you fall off one day, oh well. Tomorrow's is a new day and we can start over.

Have a great and healthy day. You can do this! :cheer2:
Thanks, guys, for the support. You are the best! :cool1:

I had a good lunch and I am wanting seconds, so here I am writing. I made spinich and cheese tortellini (frozen, of course). Instead of alfredo sauce (17g fat per serving), I found some parm and motz cheese sauce (4g fat per serving). You couldn't even tell a difference in the taste! I ate ONE serving of that and heated a BIG can of green beans with beef broth. Yummo! I ate twice as many green beans as pasta and was full when I finished. I have downed 2 bottles of water and DH should be home in an hour for me to go to the Y. I bought a CD with 50 minutes of music to walk to. It's 125 beats per minute, so I should get in a few miles before the CD ends. Can't wait. I'm really looking forward to walking today.
Walked 2 miles today. I feel so much better! Came home and opened a can of diced potatoes and browned them with a little butter. Ate about half of the can. It was pretty good. Took a LOT of willpower not to eat the rest of the pasta from lunch, but I did it!! Ate 5 cups of popcorn with a little butter. I use the light butter and you can't tell a difference in the taste. It has half of the calories of regular butter. Every little bit helps. I may not get to walk tomorrow. Need to drink some more water. Tomorrow will be hard because we won't be going anywhere. I may be writing in several times tomorrow!

Breakfast-mini box of Apple Jacks and 1 cup of skim milk

Lunch-1 cup of pasta and sauce and 2 cups of green beans

Dinner-potatoes with light butter (about 1 tsp)

snack-5 cups of popcorn with 1 tsp of light butter (need to buy some light popcorn)

Not too shabby!! Drank 3 bottles of water (24 oz). Will shoot for 4 tomorrow. Going to drink one more right now.
Did not get on the scale this morning. I had a bowl of Waffle Crisp for breakfast with a cup of skim milk. I probably ate 2 servings of cereal, but that was better than eating what I really wanted!! I haven't planned ahead for lunch. I'm thinking more green beans. I need to get motivated this morning. DH went to Ames and won't be home until late. My DS7 (Jack) is autistic and is having a rough morning, so we won't be going anywhere. It may be a long day! I will get out the WATP DVD this afternoon when Jack settles down. Right now I have him watching a Toy Story DVD to calm him. It seems to be working so far. On my way to get a bottle of water and maybe walk up and down the hall 50 times. Hey, exercise is exercise, right?
Sounds like you are doing well. I hope Toy Story continues to do it's job.
Glad you could make it to the Y.

Have a great day!


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