I can do this...Karyn's journal to lose 20!

I too hope that Toy Story DVD holds out!!!

Just wanted to stop in and say hi and WISH you a great, healthy day!

Keep up the good work, you are doing great!
You're doing great. I had to laugh about the green beans - at first I was like ick. But then I read the line again and realized it probably wasn't that bad. I didn't catch the green part of the beans at first LOL

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Today was very good after all!

Breakfast-cereal and milk (did anyone watch "The Secret Life of...cereal" on Food Network last night? Had a MAJOR craving for cereal this morning after watching that...I really shouldn't be watching Food Network before bed, huh?)

Lunch-more green beans (I cook them down with a can of beef or chicken broth and it completely changes the flavor-makes them so much tastier!), and a cup or so of leftover pasta. Could have FINISHED the bowl, but I didn't!!!

Dinner-Just ate some chicken fried rice (Lipton rice mix) and a hot dog. A strange combination, I know, but don't knock it till you try it!

May have some popcorn later this evening, but all of my "major" eating is done for the day. Need to drink more water...I have had 32 oz. I have to force water because I hate drinking it. I have to go to the grocery store in a few minutes and I'll take some water with me. Let's see if I can get through the rest of the evening with no problems!!
Got on the scale this morning. Down to 133.6. Lost .2 pounds. Not gaining!! Ate 3 turkey sausage patties (2 points) and grits (2 points) for breakfast. I have already drank 24 oz of water. I think I have found the secret to drinking water. Our city water here is not good, so I have to buy bottled. I poured the water out of the bottle into a cup this morning and it was much easier to drink. I could "chug" it this way. Got the 16.9 oz bottles this time, also. You don't feel like you are drinking as much as you really are! I'll be able to go to the Y this afternoon. Can't wait!!!
Way to go on the weight loss. Like you said...you're not gaining so that is great.

Hope you have a grea, healthy day!
Good job on keeping plugging away at it!!!! Keep up the good work!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Today has been kinda blah for me. I can't seem to get going today!! I have been missing my family in SC a lot today. I have done MUCH better at eating and drinking water.

Breakfast-3 pcs of turkey sausage (2 pts) and grits (2 pts)

Lunch-Lean Pocket (motz and meatballs-yummo!) 6 pts

Dinner-1 smoked porkchop (2 pts), reduced fat mac and cheese (6 pts) and green beans (0 pts)

drank 51 oz of water and will drink at least 16 more oz before bed. Didn't make it to the Y to walk. I have got to be more disciplined. Today has just been a "down in the dumps" day. Don't you need one of those every once in a while?
Eating has been not so hot today. I have got to get to the Y and walk this afternoon. I have no excuses.

Breakfast-Waffle Crisp cereal and skim milk

Lunch-Leftover mac and cheese from last night (probably a cup) and Doritos. Did not need the Doritos, but I had a MAJOR craving.

Haven't drank any water. Need some discipline.

DS has a birthday tomorrow and we will be eating chocolate cake. I need to get under control today so that I don't blow it tomorrow. :scared:
Hi Karyn :wave2: - I just wanted to pop in and tell you that you are doing a great job upping your water intake! I know it must be hard since you don't like drinking water, but it is very important to drink AT LEAST 64 oz a day! I drink around 100 oz a day, and your body gets used to it and will crave it if you don't drink enough!

Have you tried Crystal Light or SF Kool-Aid? That might help! I always try to fill up on vegetables with every meal, you eat less of the "bad" stuff that way! Just remember to make one change at a time and once that change is now a habit, change something else! And try to get some walking in, yes, walking up and down the hall counts!

Don't feel guilty about having a piece of b-day cake - just keep it small and enjoy every bite. And GET RID of the leftovers! Have your DH take it to work or something. It's the leftovers that always get me - I feel like I have to eat it all to get it out of my face so I can get back on track... :sad2:

Keep up the good work, you can do it!
I can't seem to get out of this rut that I'm in. I walked a mile at the Y today. I walked pretty fast, so I felt that I got a decent workout in. Better than sitting on the couch at home! I drank 50 oz of water. Not too bad.

Breakfast-cereal and milk

Lunch-mac and cheese and doritos

Dinner-about a cup of Philly Cheese Hamburger Helper and 2 corn muffins

No snack tonight because I ate later than usual. I may be starving in the morning!! I have got to get it together if I want to see results. My family is coming to visit after Christmas, and I want to look a LOT better for pictures.
Got on the scale this morning and it said 132.6. Down 1.2 pounds in 7 days. ::yes:: It has everything to do with drinking water. I didn't start seeing any difference until I started drinking more. I am going to drink at least 64 oz everyday this week and see what happens on the scale next Friday. I'm going to try not to weigh until then.

Haven't eaten breakfast yet. Thinking about a grilled cheese sandwich.
I stayed on the go all day, so when it came time to go to the Y, I was exhausted!! I found an exercise routine in a Women's World magazine and thought I'd try it. You do it twice a week and it's pretty intense! I did half of it today, and I'll try to do it all the way through tomorrow.

Breakfast-I cut up a potato and browned it in a little light butter. Tastes very bad for you, but it's really not! Ate it with some ketchup.

Lunch-grilled cheese sandwich (2% cheese) and some Doritos (half as much as I ate yesterday)

Dinner-1 "Shake and Bake" chicken breast (boneless, skinless), a little leftover mac and cheese (last day for that) and some leftover Hamburger Helper (maybe half a cup)

snack-ate 1/2 of a piece of chocolate cake (DS'S birthday-had to eat at least a little bit!)

Drank 64 oz of water!! First day for that. Wasn't that difficult considering I don't like to drink water at all. Found that if I pour it into a cup, it's easier to get down.
Way to go on the weight loss and the amibition to drink the water and NOT get on the scale (wish I could be as amitious about not getting on the scale but I'm finding I'm too darned nosey!!!!!)

Keep up the good work!
Keep on :banana: :banana:
I haven't done as well today, but I haven't been feeling too hot. I haven't drank nearly enough water. I need to pump some water in tonight.

Breakfast-4 (yes, 4) pieces of french toast with a very small amount of light syrup and no butter

Lunch-PB&J sandwich

Dinner-grits and turkey sausage

snack-too much Chex mix. I was just eating it without thinking. I have got to pay more attention and quit eating in front of the TV.

I will get in at least 2 more bottles of water. That will put me at 48 oz for the day. I read an article about wearing a pedometer, so I'm going to try to find mine and get started walking more. It's has been so hot here this week (heat index was 114 today), but residents have told me that this is very unusual and it should start cooling down. I need some motivation, but I think when my clothes begin to fit more loose, that will be all I need!
I broke dow nad got on the scale this morning. Down to 132.4. That's 1.4 pounds down. It's got to be the water. I didn't eat well yesterday (face it, I ate a LOT!), but I drank more water, and still went down .2 pounds.

Breakfast-none...we go to an early church service at 9AM and it's hard to get something to eat before we leave

Lunch-4 Tyson chicken strips and a little light mayo mixed with ketchup and mustard for dip.

That's it so far today. I have been busy painting a table and chairs for the kids and washing clothes. I have drank 16 oz of water so far.
Karen keep up the good work - you can do this!!!! And yeah on the scale hope it keeps moving DOWNWARD for you!!!!! And we all have bad days - you got past yours and today is here!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Messed up today. Weekends are so hard!


Lunch-4 chicken strips


snack-piece of chocolate cake

Did not need as much spaghetti as I ate, but by not eating much at lunch and skipping breakfast, I was STARVING. I don't need to let myself get that hungry. Didn't drink as much water, either. I'm too full right now and drinking water would make me sick. I hate being this full and feeling like this.
I have got to get out of this downward spiral that I am in. It's a week til payday, and eating choices are getting pretty slim. I seem to be choosing the WRONG things and eating too much of them!

Breakfast-ate 2 grilled cheese sandwiches made with 2% cheese and a very small amount of light butter...probably 3 pts each-6 total

Lunch-PB&J sandwich with a small amount of PB and enough jelly to taste...5 pts and...Doritos. Did not need the Doritos. I know that they aren't that bad, but I did have seconds. Realized what I was doing and stopped myself halfway through the second helping and tossed the rest.

I am doing a very low pt dinner (JennieO turkey and rice) and I will do everything in my power to NOT OVEREAT. I am drinking lots of water and I will get in 64 oz today. Halfway there so far. Can't get to the Y today and it is so hot outside that walking is out of the question. I am going to walk up and down the hallway for a while and get on the stepper. I have got to get myself back together or I'm not doing myself any good.


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