I can do this...Karyn's journal to lose 20!

You can get back on track, don't worry! You are under a lot of stress right now. Remember that there are healthy choices to be had at fast food places (I love McDonalds salads - choose the lowfat dressing).

Good luck with your procedure. I don't want to alarm you, but my mom went in for the exact same procedure (for fibroids) and they ended up doing a hysterectomy that very same day because all of the fibroids were in the wall of her uterus and couldn't be zapped out. Hopefully that is not the case for you, but something you might want to be prepared for just in case. You are in my thoughts! :hug:
Hi Karyn,

I know you can get back on track, but like Amy said, you are under a lot of stress right know. Don't be too hard on yourself. You will make your goal.

I hope everything works out with the doctor. I am thinking of you
Thanks, you guys, for the encouragement. Yesterday and today have not been good. DS cut his hair at school yesterday. I know that every child does that...yadda, yadda, yadda. But this is the second incident that has happened in the library when no teachers were around. Where were the teachers?? He cut it all the way to the scalp in a few places, so I had to get him buzzed to even it out. Thankfully, we have already had Christmas pictures taken, because he looks kinda funny right now. I don't accept him not being supervised. I understand that most children his age can be independent, but he is not mentally capable of doing things on his own. It's got to get better...

I only had a bowl of cereal last night, so I ended the day well. This morning was another story. I had fish sticks and mac and cheese. The mac and cheese was 5 pts. I really don't know about the fish sticks. They are a point each, but I didn't count how many I ate. I have to get back under control!!
At least it was DS that cut his hair and not DD! My ex was "watching" the kids (DS was 5 and DD was 2) and DS cut DD's hair to the scalp, right in the back of the head. She had only had 1 haircut her entire life (her hair grew SO slow) and it took almost 1 year for it to grow out. She went through a phase where she looked like an Indian with a feather sticking out the top of her head, it was AWFUL! I'd talk to the school, maybe they can have a helper that is with him whenever they are in the library (or any other lightly supervised situation).

You can get back on track! Make that veggie soup! I bet that doesn't have lots of points. Just remember that screwing up in the beginning of the day does NOT give you permission to ruin the rest! You can make some smart choices and still be close to your points range, I know it!

Hang in there! :cheer2:
I had planned to get to everyone's journals today, but I have just not been feeling good. Monday can't come fast enough!! I did not do well at all eating yesterday...I don't even remember what I ate! I tried to do better today.

Breakfast-Froot Loops cereal and skim milk

Lunch-Chicken Helper cheesy noodles

Dinner-Golden Grahams cereal and skim milk

It has been a cereal day today! I have had a lot of pain, and that was all I wanted! I don't believe that I went over in points today.
Hi Karyn,

Hope you're feeling better today.

I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and hope everything goes well on Monday. :grouphug:
I hope everything went OK at the Dr. Even if you are in pain now, it will be worth all those pain-free years in the future!

GET WELL SOON! :flower2: :rose:
Just a quick stop to let you know I"m praying that all goes well tomorrow.
Hope that everything is going okay and that your procedures went well. I'm thinking you are taking care of yourself and that nothing bad is going on.

HUGS Karyn!!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Okay guys, I'm back! The last month has been very difficult, but I lived through it! I will try to summerize quickly. DS has had a terrible time at school lately. He has regressed as far as the autism goes. We are working on bringing him back to the level he was at, but the doctor said that it will take some time. We are pretty much starting from the beginning. My surgery went well, and all of the endometriosis and fibroids were removed, but I am already having trouble again. It appears that the endometriosis is starting the form again and the only other option I have is a hysterectomy. That will have to wait, though. I need to get Jack straightened out first! I have been fighting with the school about providing a 1:1 aide, and they are FINALLY beginning the process. I have been going to school with Jack everyday and I will continue until the school provides an aide for him. Let them try to kick me out! We got pounded with snow last week and it just about drove my kids crazy! They had never seen snow like that before and they didn't know what to think! I hate to think that this is only the start of a LONG winter in Iowa.

Weight-wise, I have stayed about the same. The scale showed 131.2 this morning. I want to lose some before we leave for SC on Wednesday morning. I will be working on that this week.

Breakfast-Lean Pocket (6 points)

Lunch-baked potato (4 pts)
sour cream (2 pts)
bacon bits (1 pt)
cheese (2 pts)

dinner-2 taco shells (3 pts)
little taco meat (3 pts)
cheese (1 pt)
sour cream (1 pt)

Total-23 pts...not too bad...no exercise today because DH is out of town and the kids have been high-maintenence! I have been walking more, but it was just too cold this week to get out.
It is SOOOOOO nice to see you Karyn!!!!! I'm so sorry to hear that Jack has regressed, I can only imagine how difficult this must be for ALL of you!!!! I will keep you all in my prayers, and some specials ones for Jack!!!!

Glad to hear the surgery went well but sorry that it's coming back. Like you said, get things with Jack straightened out first - as long as you can handle the pain and problems - and then make sure you get you taken care of! Both are highly important. Hey, maybe once you have the hysterectomy maybe that will be an instant 5 pounds!!!! Hey, one CAN dream right??? :confused3 :confused3 :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes

Thinking of you,
Thanks Chris...it's good to be back!

Today has been just like yesterday with the exception of me being 1.2 pounds lighter! I got on the scale and it showed 130 pounds. That was a great feeling. I hope that I can lose another 2 pounds before we leave on Wednesday morning. This will be the first time that Jack and Katelyn have been on a plane, so I can't imagine what to expect. Jack's doctor has told me that I could give him Benedryl to relax him on the flight. I gave him some yesterday and today to see how it would affect him. It doesn't make him hyper, so I guess it will be okay! Katelyn woke up this morning with a cold, so I am trying to pump medicine in her to get her cleared up. I have read that if they have fluid in their ears that it will make them have more problems with the air pressure and pain in their ears. Let's just hope for the best!!

Breakfast-Lean Pocket (6 pts)

Lunch-potato (3 pts)
cheese (2 pts)
bacon (1 pt)
sour cream (2 pts)

No snacks today, so I am at 14 pts. That leaves 6 pts for dinner. Sounds like cereal or another Lean Pocket to me! :flower:
Welcome back!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: I was just thinking about you this morning, wondering how you were doing. That is a bummer that you are having problems with DS, but starting a new school is a big challenge, especially for someone like him. Just hang in there! :grouphug:

Yay on the loss!! You are almost in the 120's!!!! That is great! :cheer2:

It's great to see you posting again. I bet you can't wait to go back to SC for Thanksgiving! My kids fly all the time. One trick is to bring some new (QUIET) toys for them to play with. Also take a new coloring book and crayons and plenty of healthy snacks. It will make the time go by quicker than you realize. I hope DD's cold clears up before then, that can be quite painful. Keep her well hydrated and I'm sure she will do just fine. They will probably be so excited to be on an airplane too!
Wow...I am so glad that today is OVER!! Jack had a really terrible day at school. We are having a meeting tomorrow to place him in special education classes instead of the regular classroom that he is in now. He is totally out of control tonight. I don't know what else to do! I am literally at the end of my rope with this. I am so glad to be heading to SC tomorrow night.

Food-wise, I did okay. I had a MAJOR craving at lunchtime for a fish sandwich and fries from McDonald's. I haven't had the chance to eat anything else tonight, and I'm getting hungry now. I need to get something to eat before I go to bed. This morning I weighed 130.8, but I had a bowl of cereal late last night and it brought my weight up a little this morning. I'm not too worried about it.

Breakfast-none...was at school with Jack until about 10:30

Lunch-McDonald's (21 pts)

Dinner-none yet
Hope that moving Jack to another room will be helpful to you guys!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Keep on :banana: :banana:
How was your trip home? I bet it was wonderful. Did the kids like flying?
We got back laste last night and I got on the scale this morning. I really shouldn't have done that! I gained 3 pounds in just 5 days!! I don't know how that happened. :rolleyes1 Oh my goodness, I have some work to do this week to lose it again. We had such wonderful food and I just couldn't resist. If you know Paula Deen on Food Network, then you will know what I mean when I say "GOOEY BUTTER CAKE"! It was soooo good. :love: We also had Paula's "Not Yo Mama's Banana Pudding". Yummy!! :cloud9: I'm drooling just thinking about it.

Jack and Katelyn did very well on the flights. Jack started a new medication on Tuesday, and he is much easier to live with!! Katelyn loved every minute of flying. Me, on the other hand... We came through some really rough weather yesterday and the plane was just bouncing all over the place. The kids thought it was fun, but I was terrified. I may not get back on a plane. It was so not fun!!!

Breakfast-Lean Pocket (6 pts)

Lunch-none yet
Vacations are always good for a couple lbs gain! Don't worry, most likely it is water weight and it should come off pretty quickly once you get back on track.

I'm glad the kids did good on the flights! Keep motivated and you will be in the 120's before you know it! :cheer2:
Hi karyn,

Glad to see that you are posting again! I have been rather busy so sorry it has taken a while!!!!

Glad to hear that the kids liked the flight.

Hope you are having a great Tuesday!
Today has been great. I have been eating better, and I don't feel as full and miserable!! I love the taste of wheat bread, but for some reason I never bought it. I got some last night that is 5 grams of fiber in 2 slices!! I made a sandwich out of it for lunch, and it was very filling.

Breakfast-none...trying to get both kids and myself ready for school

Lunch-2 pcs wheat bread (1 pt)
2 pcs chicken (1 pt)
little mayo (0 pts...didn't use much)
pretzels (2 pts)

Dinner-dinner from box mix (5 pts)

Snack-cereal and milk (5 pts)

Total...14 pts...I may have counted too low for cereal and dinner...I didn't get any exercise, but walking all over the school with Jack and shivering :cold: had to have been at least a little exercise!! It's COLD here!!!


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