I can do this...Karyn's journal to lose 20!

Hi Karyn,

How did the tacos turn out????

Congrats on the weight loss!!! That is great news!

Hope you had a great weekend!

Keep up the good work
Yay, congrats on the loss! Even though you went over your points a little, the things you were eating were not that bad.

Great job, I'm glad you are coming out of your slump! Keep it up, you are doing great!!!! :cool1:
:flower: Okay, I have hidden for 2 days, and now it's time to fess up. DH (gotta love him) brought home some leftover pizza on Sunday from drill. My idea of "some" is 1 pizza. His idea of "some" is THREE LARGE PIZZAS AND BREADSTICKS!! I couldn't resist. It's like I wasn't in control of my own body! I did manage to freeze 2 of the pizzas before I inhaled them. I paid for it on the scale this morning. Back up to 133. I am going to try really hard today to get back under control. It was not pretty over the weekend. Tacos were great on Saturday. DS is finally starting to eat something other than PB&J sandwiches. I was more than happy to make him tacos. It did go downhill from there, though. He wants tacos again, so I will probably make them for dinner tonight. I browned the meat (98/2%) on Sunday and rinsed all of the fat off of it before I put it in the freezer, so the meat will be extremely low in fat. I just need to stay in control all day!

Breakfast-2 Eggland's Best scrambled eggs (3 pts) and 3 pcs of microwave bacon (3 pts)

No plans for lunch yet. It won't be pizza!! :flower:

I just finished catching up on your journal! Whew!!!

First- about the food slapper. Didn't anyone tell you about the strike? They formed a Union and demanded higher wages, vacation pay and a health care plan. Negotiations are still ongoing but it is looking like they may be back on the job real soon. :chat:

Second- No SC jobs huh. OK. You guys can't go to SC. Let's move the SC family to IOWA! Start talking IOWA up really big. Then start suggesting how they might like to live there as well. If that does not work then when mom comes to help after the surgery don't bring her back to the Amtrack station. You guys have basements in Iowa right? Make her a nice place down there and lock her in. Eventually the other family in SC will have to come looking for her. You can nab them one by one. pirate:

Third- An enlarged Uterus ought to be worth at least 7-8 lbs. Doesn't WW always tell us muscle is heavier than fat!!! Well the uterus is a muscle and yours is bigger than normal. So get that puppy outta there and you may reach goal by the time you get home. :cheer2:

Seriously- I hope everything gets much better for you. Good luck with everything, especially your surgery.
Good Morning, Karyn! How is Iowa today?

Sorry to hear about your surgery, but glad your mom can come.

Has she taken Amtrak before? DD and I have ridden it a lot, and LOVE IT!!

Hope you have a good week!
:rotfl: :rotfl2: :rotfl: :rotfl2: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

Cindy, you're killin' me!!!!!!

Karyn, what a great job putting the pizza in the freezer! And tacos are not that bad for you, especially since you used the lowest fat meat. Taco shells are made from corn tortillas which do not have a lot of calories (compared to flour). Sprinkle a little meat, reduced fat cheese, lettuce & tomato into a couple shells and you have a decent meal! I don't know what that works out to in WW points, but I eat tacos all the time and they do not kill me with calories.

That scale will be back down in no time. It is in pizza shock right now! :teeth: You can always do what Cindy suggests and think of some other dense organs to get removed... :rotfl: :rotfl:

You can stay in control ALL day today! Just take it one hour at a time - YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! :cheer2:
Oh my goodness...I haven't laughed like that in a long time! Thanks Cindy and Amy!! :rotfl2: These "wonderful" family members that I miss so much sent me a bag of chocolate covered pretzels in the mail. Lovely, huh? I have eaten a few here and there today. I will allow myself a few a day and maybe I can keep from eating all of them for breakfast one morning! The last time I had chocolate covered pretzels, my DH caught me licking the inside of the empty bag. Not an attractive sight.

Breakfast-eggs and bacon (6 pts)

Lunch-3 taco shells (4 pts), ground beef (4 pts), cheese (1 pt) sour cream (2 pts)

Snack-pretzels (4 pts)

Total-21 pts...could possibly be a little higher than that, but not too much...too full to eat dinner...I will take some water with me to DD's ballet and tumbling practice.
It's times like that where you just don't open the bag and send them to work with DH! I have brought TONS of stuff like that to work (my dad likes to send packages EVERY holiday of course with all the holiday food goodies). I do it because I know I can't control myself around it. Good for you for rationing them out every day! You can do it!!!!

Have you been getting your walking in? Hope you're having a great day today!
I'm so sorry to hear you are still having so much discomfort. I'm glad to hear your mom is going to be able to come and help you out and be there. That will be great for you to see her I'm sure. Probably raise your spirits a great deal as well!!!!! Very cool.

You really are doing great, even when you haven't been feeling well it sounds like you haven't done too bad. And I consider not doing too bad from getting back on it when you've gone off. That in itself is a complete accomplishment.

Keep up the good work and hope you get that surgery scheduled soon.
Keep on :banana: :banana:
Yeah to family coming over!! :cool1: :goodvibes :cool1: :goodvibes

Mm...chocolate covered pretzels. Though i've never understood why the salt the pretzels first. oO i dont' really like salty chocolate. But yeah to rationing!

Hm, it doesn't sound like your doing too badly! I believe in you, stay strong and away from the kitchen. Pizza is good, but you can always try my toast/cheesestring/ketchup mini pizza's! :rotfl:

Get motivated for exercise in the house in tiny steps! Yesterday my goal was to climb up and down my 13 step staircase 5 times. Maybe just do easy stuff like that. And in no time you'll be on the threadmill or outside taking a walk! You can do it! :cool1:
Hi karyn!!!!

Hope you are having a great Thursday!!!! Way to go on not eating the whole bag of pretzels!!!!

Keep up the good work
Hi karen,
I haven't been very good at reading journals. Just wanted to stop by and see how you're doing. Great control with the pretzels!
take care,
Hi karyn,

Just wanted to stop in and say hi :wave:

Hope you are doing well and having a great Friday!
Karyn & Amy-
Thanks for the kudos. I get my smart-alecy sense of humor from my Dad. He kept us rolling-God bless him. He'd say "I gotta laugh to keep from cryin' " He had alot of other sayings too- most of which are un-postable.

Did your DH really catch you licking the empty bag?? :rotfl: Mine would NEVER let me live that down. I guess my worst was cutting open the bottle of Magic Shell when I had gotten out all I could with my finger. ;)

Good for you for rationing. I never have enough will power for that. I have to have DH get rid of it.

Hope you are having a great Friday!!! :flower:
I guess I "forgot" to journal what I ate yesterday. OOPS! :blush: I will try to catch up and remember what I ate.

Yesterday I ate out TWICE!! Not good...

Breakfast-omelette with ham and cheese
hash browns
2 pcs wheat toast

Lunch-small piece of baked cod
salad with french dressing (about half of what they gave me)

Dinner-PB and honey sandwich (thanks Rizel!!)
cheese puffs

Today was a little better...

Breakfast-toast (5 pcs...did I ever tell you how much I LOVE toast??)

Lunch-cheesy chicken casserole

Dinner-2 pcs pizza from Pizza Hut (that takes care of all of the pizza that we had left over!)

Not too bad...I need to get better about vegetables.

No need to thank me xD i think tomorrow i'm going to have a pb and banana sandwich. Yummers! Yeah for veggies! I watched the food network, and this lady was making this sandwhich with grilled zucchini, grilled eggplant, red bellpeppers, onions and mozzerlla cheese with pesto. And whoa it had me drooling and i don't really like veggies at all!

Keep at it! your doing great! :cool1: :cool1: Have a great weekend!
I hear ya on the toast! What is it that makes the bread just SO much better when it is toasted? I have been having grilled sandwiches for lunch the last couple weekends. YUM!

You need to make veggie soup again! Not that it is starting to cool down (it's only going to be 86 today! :sunny: ) I am going to make another batch.

Keep it up, you are doing great!
Hi Karyn,

I've been so bad about not getting to people's journals, but wanted to wish you well, hope things go smoothly with your surgery. Did you get that scheduled yet?

Have a good day! :sunny:
I feel like I am rolling down a hill and can't stop!! Things have been crazy here the past few days and my eating has been out of control. We ate at McDonald's on Sunday and got Hardee's biscuits yesterday. I can't seem to get back under control!! I have tried harder today, and so far I have done okay.

I went to the surgeon yesterday, and I am having laser surgery (laparoscopy) and a D&C on Monday. Not a hysterectomy like the doctor had talked about. I am relieved, and I hope this works! The downside is that my mom will not be coming because it is outpatient. If this doesn't do the trick, a hysterectomy is the next step.

Breakfast-WW pizza (7 pts)

Lunch-pineapple and cream cheese sandwich (4 pts) and cheese puffs (5 pts)

snack-handful of croutons (4 pts)

See??? I am already at 20 pts and HAVEN'T EATEN DINNER!! I have got to get back under control!!


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