How to know if someone is vaccinated...

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When was the last time you asked to see someone's polio vaccine papers?

We aren't talking about polio, a vaccine cured that disease. We are talking about a virus that has put public health at jeopardy.
No one knows until they contract it if it will kill them, cause permanent health issues , cold symptoms or nothing at all.
It's one scary virus and it needs to be stopped.
What? I'm just trying to clarify what the case really entailed. No one made him get the small pox vaccine. He was instructed to pay a fine and he refused, so he ended up in jail. The case went to the supreme court who upheld the constitutionality of imposing the fine. I think some people think he was taken to the doctor and force vaccinated, which isn't what happened at all.
Not what I said at all. I said he decided to die on stupid hill. Even if he didn't get smallpox look at the hassle he put himself though to not prove anything. We know that smallpox killed millions of people, his not having one was risking the health of others, WHICH NO COURT OF LAW SHOULD ALLOW, What did he achieve by doing that. The vast majority of people knew it was a good thing, just like the polio vaccine was. He was not a hero nor did he have a large grouping on his side. He created a whole lot of publicity for himself but was never considered someone that did anything for the good of himself or humanity in general. So in my mind, he was stupid. The sentence that followed it was sarcasm.
Meh, still a red herring.

But I've had to show vaccination records 4 months ago when I enrolled my son at the junior high. I had to do the same with my daughters - and before that when they started elementary school. While not a vaccine, I just had to provide my employer with proof a negative TB test. Medical staff often have to provide proof they've gotten the flu shot.

But if you want to do the history of time, there were vaccine passports for smallpox. So it has existed.

Now if we're talking on a personal level, I've never been asked had to prove it to a friend. But I doubt you have either. I did have a friend confirm my family had either had chicken pox/vaccine when she was diagnosed with shingles 3 weeks ago, in an effort to protect us. But I don't actually think friends are asking each other to prove anything. In fact, I find most people, on both sides, are willingly volunteering that information.

But people need to stop acting like vaccination proof is new and acknowledge that this is public health crisis. Eventually this will go the way of flu shots and people won't be discussing it anymore.

I have lost count of all the times I have had to provide proof of vaccinations... I find it hard to believe that all these folks have NEVER had to show proof of immunizations to do activities before Covid.

For my kids... public school entry, summer sports camps... girl scout camps.... dance camps... admission to college... .... over the years I have had to show it so many times I keep a hard copies on file

For myself and my husband... TB tests for employment... immunization status for work. As an adult I have had to show it much less than I have had to for my kids over the last 25 years....but I have had to have employment mandated rabies vaccine administered for my employment... We are all vaxxed now against Covid, but here in Mass we will need to show proof I expect for school/college in the fall. No big deal... just like I have had to do all along before Covid...
"How to tell is someone is vaccinated?" With the technology we have, it's pretty easy, put walk thru scanners in the entrance doors, you know, like the metal detectors you have to go through at the airport, WDW and to see a concert, when you walk through it, it turns either green for being vaccinated or red for not by reading that chip they implanted when you got the vaccine. :rolleyes::rotfl2::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
In my district we have to get a doctor's note if we're absent on a Monday, Friday, or the day before or after a vacation. No note and they dock you $600 for each day.

I had the stomach flu the Friday before President's Day in 2020. I'm never absent and I don't take days off. My doctor was really cranky that I had to go in and get a note. He even wrote on the note how ridiculous the policy was.

Best thing about this, HR lost the note so I got docked anyway. Thankfully my principal had his secretary make a copy of the note before it was sent in.
My last doctor was willing to do phone call visit then fax/email. Doctor note. It’s silly to tie up the resources if you have the basic common flu for corporate paperwork.

video visits are going to come in handy for this nonsense.
One thing I have wondered is if the cards currently being used for those entry requirements is available on the internet or have they been seen to be counterfeit?

And for those of us in the U.S. we have our CDC cards but I would think for travel we'd need a completely different card as the CDC cards don't appear to have been designed with signatures and stamps (like for passports) in mind.

I agree the concept is super easy
The card you got is basically a pdf, most of our state pod vaxxed centers where basically signed by health department worker, lot number and date, your name.
Anyone can make these forms extremely easy to fake, heck durning the pods the database of data entry would go down too. Such horrible data keeping. People that showed up but not in the system if they had shots where given shots and possibly database entry later.
virtually no flu at all this year, We might want to consider masks on airplanes permanent. I get sick on airplanes all the time.
Never gotten sick from on a plane, on planes why to much lol, pre Rona season there have always been people that choice to wear mask.

planes have one of the best in flight air filtration systems ever. You odds are higher from getting your illness @ the airport then on a plane.
The card you got is basically a pdf, most of our state pod vaxxed centers where basically signed by health department worker, lot number and date, your name.
Anyone can make these forms extremely easy to fake, heck durning the pods the database of data entry would go down too. Such horrible data keeping. People that showed up but not in the system if they had shots where given shots and possibly database entry later.
I know the CDC card has been faked that's kinda what prompted my question (although I don't think counterfeiting the CDC covid-19 card is rampant at the moment). I was wondering about the one like yellow fever (or other ones) that the poster had been talking about with other vaccines required by certain countries. I'm not normally prone to thinking about counterfeits like this but the motivation for lying about yellow fever is probably pretty small. The same cannot be said for covid-19, so I guess that was where my comparison came into play.

On my covid-19 CDC card the place I got both doses at used stickers so there's actually not much room for boosters to be listed should that be needed except for 1 of the 2 "other" slots. The back is just about the reminder for the 2nd dose plus other explanations. The sticker has the initials of the place I got it from (AHSM) and the spot for the clinician just has the time when I got my dose for the purposes of the observation time. So I guess I was thinking a whole new document (and one that hopefully has better security on getting it) seems more likely because there really hasn't been uniformity in how places have used the CDC card although it would be an arduous task to do new cards. I mean the stickers for mine I could print off at home if I wanted to (it has the date I got the dose, the vaccine's name, and the lot number on the sticker) but it's really just those address label ones you can get and I got my vaccine at a mass vaccination site that does weekly clinics so a lot of people in my area would have the same thing as me.

If a foreign country that requires proof of vaccination or proof of vaccination allows for reduction or removal of other requirements and the country takes my card so be it but I can see that it's not really formal looking and covid-19 is just of a different caliber right now than what previous vaccinations may have been required in recent years. Maybe that will fade in time over the worry about is it a real card or not. Right now I'm not even sure places have said exactly what they will require. For some reason my husband has been heavily looking at Greece and sent off expedited service for his passport renewal in case we end up going somewhere international this year as his passport expires in October (I blame Aerial Greece show lol) and Greece has said if you can prove that you've been vaccinated you won't have to do a PCR test to get there but as of several days ago how you should show that proof has not been formally advised.
I'm sure parents when polio came around discussed amongst themselves and newspapers discussed the importance of getting it,
My MIL recently recounted her polio vaccine story to us. She’s recently starting having trouble with dementia but recalls this day vividly. She was 10yo attending the large school system in Passaic NJ. It was a huge celebration! The children were marched right out of their classrooms, the sidewalks filled with lines of excited kids singing happy and patriotic songs, all going to get their shot right now today. It felt like a huge victory to the community. They were the fortunate.

There probably was some quiet concern but overall the community was very enthusiastic. The vaccine clearly felt like a better roll of the dice to all the families she knew. She was a child so likely shielded from conversations questioning risks but ultimately everyone she knew got it, and happily so.
My MIL recently recounted her polio vaccine story to us. She’s recently starting having trouble with dementia but recalls this day vividly. She was 10yo attending the large school system in Passaic NJ. It was a huge celebration! The children were marched right out of their classrooms, the sidewalks filled with lines of excited kids singing happy and patriotic songs, all going to get their shot right now today. It felt like a huge victory to the community. They were the fortunate.

There probably was some quiet concern but overall the community was very enthusiastic. The vaccine clearly felt like a better roll of the dice to all the families she knew. She was a child so likely shielded from conversations questioning risks but ultimately everyone she knew got it, and happily so.
Thank you for sharing her story :)
The card you got is basically a pdf, most of our state pod vaxxed centers where basically signed by health department worker, lot number and date, your name.
Anyone can make these forms extremely easy to fake, heck durning the pods the database of data entry would go down too. Such horrible data keeping. People that showed up but not in the system if they had shots where given shots and possibly database entry later.

Not only that you can print it right off of some state government's websites. Probably in case they run out of them, they needed to make it handy to access.
I haven't read the entire thread, but you know what makes me laugh about this entire argument? The people who are angrily invoking their "civil rights" regarding their data are doing so from the tracking devices they willingly attach themselves to for 16+ hours per day. Seriously, if you have a smart phone, participate in public forums (like, ya know, this one), use any form of social media, or have ever bought or booked anything anywhere online, big data already knows everything there is to know about you. Get over yourselves.
I haven't read the entire thread, but you know what makes me laugh about this entire argument? The people who are angrily invoking their "civil rights" regarding their data are doing so from the tracking devices they willingly attach themselves to for 16+ hours per day. Seriously, if you have a smart phone, participate in public forums (like, ya know, this one), use any form of social media, or have ever bought or booked anything anywhere online, big data already knows everything there is to know about you. Get over yourselves.
They would need to acually read the TOS of any of these things to acually know what rights they gave up..
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