Hi, I'm natale and I'm Healthy! I finished the Princess Marathon!! Need a new goal.


That was fun and HARD!! Can't wait to try it again next week.


I think taking a week off was the best thing I could have done. I felt awesome in spin today. In the 60 minute class I burned 676 calories.

Only a few more workouts until the 1/2 marathon!!!! I'm going to go for one more run tomorrow or on Monday.

I will be running the 1/2 marathon in one week!!!

The only problem is...
TODAY'S WORKOUT - sucked!!!

I forgot to eat this morning I used our treadmill in the basement for the first time since I joined the club and I only spent a mile on it. I didn't enjoy it at all. I was planning on doing 4 miles but after a mile I gave up.
This was my last scheduled run before the big race, now I feel like I need to do at least one more.
It was really all in my head today. I just didn't want to do it.

TODAY'S WORKOUT - Rocked out a 5k

You heard me!!! I ran 3.1 miles. Well I guess I walked 1/4 mile cause I stopped a few times to drink water. But it was awesome!!! I felt so strong!

I have no idea why today went so well and Sunday was so bad. Hopefully next Sunday won't be a repeat of this Sunday. :headache:

What Piloxing? Wow good for you a 5K! I'm so proud! Can't wait to read your TR about the 1/2 marathon~~~
SUNDAY'S WORKOUT - 1/2 Marathon

Good time!!! It was amazing. One of my friends that did the marathon with us busted her knee around mile 4 so we did some waiting around for her and took an almost 15 minute potty break (the line was CRAZY).

I'll be working on my video really soon and post a link when it is done.

We had a great time and I can't wait to do another one!!!

If felt so good to get back to the gym and even better to lift weights. I can't believe how much stronger I feel then when I first started working out in November. Plus look at my mini biceps!!!

Felt like I haven't going spinning in weeks.... humm... I think it had been weeks!! Good times.

I just got the chance to watch your trip report--its GREAT!! I may have to see if I can do a solo trip in Feb just to run the princess 1/2, it looks like a great time! Congrats!!!
I just got the chance to watch your trip report--its GREAT!! I may have to see if I can do a solo trip in Feb just to run the princess 1/2, it looks like a great time! Congrats!!!


You won't be disappointed with the princess marathon. BUT - if you can convince a friend to do it with you, you'll have even more fun!!

TODAY'S WORKOUT - Weight training

I stayed home from the club today and taught my own class to my DH. :thumbsup2 It was fun! We have some weights at home so I tried to remember what we did in class and made him do it with me. :)
The best part was when he was struggling, and he is an athletic guy!

TODAY'S WORKOUT - Back on the Treadmill

I'm not planning on running as much as I did before the marathon. At most 6-8 miles a week. Unless I am going to start training for another one.

I told my DH this morning that I'm just not as motivated to go to the gym on days that I'm not taking classes anymore. He said it was because I wasn't training for anything. I agreed and told him that I better sign up for the food and wine 1/2 marathon so that I can stay motivated. :thumbsup2
Can you believe he just laughed at me!!!! :laughing:

Busy weekend.

TODAY'S WORKOUT - Sculpting.

I've increased my weights and I feel it. I can't tell you how amazing it is to get and feel stronger!!!
Sure there are people out there who focus on weight loss and all they do is drink more water and cut calories. Sure they get smaller, but not really toned or stronger.
I'm slowly getting smaller but feeling stronger just is AWESOME! I can do things now that a few months ago I couldn't. That's a great feeling!

Stay strong!
Hey Nat! Way to motivate yourself and the rest of us.

After looking at my princess pics I realized, yep I am fat.....well I need to lose some weight also, 5'4" and 165, not ideal by any means. Funny how my medal picture makes me cringe...the princess training got my legs looking great, now its time to move up the body.

Anyhoo, good luck! thanks for the motivation.
Hey Nat! Way to motivate yourself and the rest of us.

After looking at my princess pics I realized, yep I am fat.....well I need to lose some weight also, 5'4" and 165, not ideal by any means. Funny how my medal picture makes me cringe...the princess training got my legs looking great, now its time to move up the body.

Anyhoo, good luck! thanks for the motivation.

I don't feel like a motivator. This morning I almost stayed in bed. I did get up however and have an awesome work out.

Don't look at your medal picture and cringe! That was a life changing moment, you should be so proud of yourself. Most people would never even attempt to train for a 1/2 marathon, let alone finish. Look at that picture and realize how far you have already come and just don't stop!! :woohoo:


It is a class that involves treadmills. The instructor has you increase / decrease your speed and incline during the 60 minutes.

It was so much fun. By the end of class I had gone 4 miles and burned almost 600 calories. :thumbsup2 It was so hard to get out of bed today but I'm glad i did!!!

Have you guys ever heard of MyBodyGallery.com ?http://www.mybodygallery.com/photos-2999-body-shape.htm#img
It is a very cool web page. Women post pictures of themselves and also post their weight and body shape. It is cool because you can see what 170lbs at 5'8" really looks like. OR 130lbs at 5'5".

Really cool!!! There are some pictures that are obviously fake, but most of them seem legit.

Crazy week...

TODAY'S WORKOUT - Walk/Run outside!!!!

My right ear hurts.


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