Hey, I wanna be healthy! (Pictures of winter formal :))

Congrats, Megs!!! That new clippie looks FINE on you...and did anybody notice the doggie smiles?? :dog2: :pug: :dog: :paw:
Hey, Meg! LOVE that new clippie you are sporting! Congratulations, kiddo! :grouphug: :wave: :cloud9: You are going to feel so great going back to school having accomplished so much this summer. And NOT just the pounds, either! Think of all the amazing HOURS of exercise you have put in :cool1: :banana: :bounce: :Pinkbounc :fish:

Congratulations and keep up the great work! ONEderland is missing a sunshine kid :sunny: -- you'll be there soon! :cheer2:
Thanks everybody! I'm so happy! It was just the way to take the stress off from last night!
You're welcome. You deserve every minute and every positive thing said to you!!
Way to go on the weight loss Meg!!!!!! And good luck with the counseling - I feel bad for your cousin. I'll tell you - I lived in a household with a very thin mom and a heavy dad. I began gaining weight early in grade school and my parents never did anything about it except call me fat and ugly - more when I got older. If I did anything wrong, my mom told me I did it because I was too fat. I was very verbally abused when I was a kid and as I got older. So weight has always been an issue for me - always. And that led to very bad self-esteem issues as I got older. So I'm glad you are going to counseling to deal with your dad!!!! You are doing and awesome job and don't let anyone else tell you that you aren't!!!!!!

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Thanks everyone! :grouphug:


I was kinda bad over the weekend. :blush: But oh well, TOM will be leaving soon and I can get my tastebuds/head back to normal! :rolleyes:
Work today 9-1!

Woooot, I moved so much yesterday!

I helped my friend mow our other friend's lawn, I never knew he had such a big yard :faint: We started at 10:30 and didn't get home until 1:30! They have a dirt pile in the backyard, and they wanted us to weed it, I think not.

And then I mowed my grandparent's back yard. I got $10 from them and $20 pending from the Schleys. Overall, I'm a very happy Megan :cheer2:

Emma and I went to the gym yesterday, they kicked us out! Not really, but we thought it closed at nine and it was really 8 :rotfl:

Onward and downward!

I just got back from camp! I was really really good, and I officially resigned from the Clean Plate Club! :cheer2: I didn't snack much, had no cookies/devil dogs :goodvibes and swam most of the time! My family was telling me how good I looked, which made me happy! :cool1:

But I'm really glad to be home! :thewave:

I'm working all week from 9-4, which will not only keep me from snacking, but keep my mind off the fact that Izzy/Ryan aren't home, which makes me sad :guilty:

Ok, I'm really close to my 2000th post, so I'm going to update on what I had for lunch :)

Healthy Choice turkey sandwich with Whole Wheat Bread, and Mayo :)
100 calorie pack of cheezie nips!
Fat free pudding!

And my favorite, Diet Pepsi! :cool1:

1 banana

PB&J on whole wheat bread

Apple Juice

But that was short lived because I got sick :guilty:

I hate being sick! :sad1:
Sorry to hear you are sick - I hate being sick too. Hope you get to feeling better soon!!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Cruise04 said:
Sorry to hear you are sick - I hate being sick too. Hope you get to feeling better soon!!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:

Thanks! I do feel better today, but I didn't go to work all the same, don't want to take a chance!
Laaa, so I'm home! My boss actually said to me, "Have you lost weight? You look great! What's your secret!" :cool1: My aunt said the same thing to me! My secret, I exercise every day/eat more veggies and less bad stuff hehehe :flower:
Congrats on those great words from others!!!! They are finally noticing because you are doing great! BRAVO

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Well, this week I maintained. But I'm going to the gym a ton! I think it's because of muscle build, but I guess I can be a bit better when it comes to eating. I had one binge this week, and I splurged for a hot dog, and a moolatte, and dinner last night/night before. I guess maybe I was bad. Oh well, camping, will be my challenge!
Hi ya!!! How are you? I haven't popped into your journal for a bit, but wanted to stop in and WISH you a great weekend...some SUPER good weight loss, and offer my support and encouragment!!! HANG IN THERE!

Jen :fish: ;)
Megs!!!! THAT's AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!! Doing fabulous...won't Ben ;) be pleased!?!?!?!?
Hehe, Ben wont notice. I called him about his party and he said "I don't know what's going on. I'm going to have to call you back." :rolleyes:

Ryan will though, cause he's awesome :)
Classic case of "Rudemuch?itis"...makes me feel sorry that he caught it. Should I?

I really hope Ryan notices, Megs-you deserve it!


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