Hey, I wanna be healthy! (Pictures of winter formal :))

TigerCheer2009 said:
Classic case of "Rudemuch?itis"...makes me feel sorry that he caught it. Should I?

I really hope Ryan notices, Megs-you deserve it!

Haha, he's not rude, that's just Ben. It wasn't an "Ugh, you're bugging me, I don't know" it was an "Uhhh, I honestly have no clue. But I'll call you back when I know!"

I made a disney Princess earing holder :goodvibes

Today, since it's raining, I'm going to lay around, and listen to christmas music all day :cool1:
Sorry! I interpreted it wrong...when I first read it I thought it was rude...

My bad!! Sorry!

Love that idea of the earring holder!! Have fun listening to Christmas music and I'm wishing I could be there instead of at football games!
Mini Success! :D

I went to AE today, and I actually bought stuff in the store! I'm so excited :cool1:
I haven't posted in a really really long time...I'm down to 203.4, but sadly I have to go to school :guilty: I'll post more when I get home :)
I just had another "wooow" moment. I was playing dressup with my friends, and I honestly didn't think that my butt was that big. YIKES :earseek:

Someone named Megan is hitting the stairmaster very hard tomorrow!
Long time no talk to!!

Congrats on the fitting at AE!!!!! What did you buy? I'm going to wait a little longer before I go to that store again, personally. It's a little farther than I'd like it to be.

It's your choice, but I'm there for you every single step of the way!
TigerCheer2009 said:
Long time no talk to!!

Congrats on the fitting at AE!!!!! What did you buy? I'm going to wait a little longer before I go to that store again, personally. It's a little farther than I'd like it to be.

It's your choice, but I'm there for you every single step of the way!

My entire wardrobe is from AE, lol, I'm one of their favorite customers :goodvibes

I missed you! :teeth:
Awwwww, thanks!!! School has REALLY kept me hopping.

I finally got some jeans that look good on me this year! And I say it's about time!!

I wish AE were closer to us, never been in there, but hope to be soon!!!
Resurecting this thing, because I need to keep going!

Today, I had eggs, bacon, whole wheat toast and OJ for breakfast, the Lucky Charms aren't cutting it to keep me going through the day anymore.

Then I had some wheat thins, and vanilla yogurt at school

When I got home I made myself a BL (Bacon Lettuce) and had some reduced fat chips and coke.

I know I could have been better, but I could have done worse too!

Movement today,very little, it's so cold and blah here today, but situps and lowerabs and pushups before I go to bed tonight! Horrah!
Sounds like you are doing well at keeping on track and congrats on getting down. Good job.

Take care
Keep on :banana: :banana:
Binged. After school today. But you can't stop this all at once, this is the first one in almost two months, they're getting fewer and farther between, which is good....
Them becoming fewer IS very good!!!!!

Have a good weekend
Keep on :banana: :banana:
Well, after a month of no dieting, I no longer fit into the Winter Formal dress I had bought. So, I've decided to join Oprah's bootcamp. I have a friend to do it with me and everything, I'm just so scared about lack of all carbs for the first month. This will fall over my birthday and christmas. I know I can do it, I just have to get over the first three days, and then I'm In the clear :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2:
I'm doing pretty well, I went back to only whole wheat carbs, becuase no carbs was too painful for me, missed my workout tonight, but wasn't feeling well. Sticking with it's the important part :cool1:
Happy Holidays Twinkles!!!!

Hope you are doing well and good luck on the "bootcamp"! Glad to see that you when you realized you couldn't do without carbs you went back to some with some fiber. That is great!!!! Keep up the good work that I'm sure you're doing!

Hope you have a great holiday!
Keep on :banana: :banana:

I'm back :teeth:

Hehe, after seeing my arms in my winterformal dress, and getting pictures back from my birthday, this just is not who I want to be. So, I downloaded some Pilates (8 minute abs, bun and thighs, and "Advanced Body Slimming" [I have to admit, this one's kind of scary]) I'm joining weight watchers next week, after getting a note from my doctor that says I need lose weight. But after my last visit, I'm sure she wont have a problem with telling me I'm fat :rolleyes:

This is what I want.

No, not that body. That bikini. That's my big goal, I don't care if I buy it August 31st and rush to the pool to wear it. I want that bikini! But I probably should make it through winter formal first, 8 days!

Thanks to all of you for all your support in the past, this road's been a bumpy one. Hopefully it's going to get better from here on out :goodvibes
I just stepped on the scale. 212 :eek: Holy cow! (No pun intended!) Wow! Something to work on for my official WW weigh in!
Today, 28 minues of bun, thigh and abs. My booty is burnin!

B - onion bagel with onion and chive light cream cheese, grapes, milk
L - Spaghetti
S - I had a couple of handfuls of baked cheetos and saltines.

So far so good, no water though. I must drink the stuff, as boring and nasty as it is.
Off to a great start Megan!!!

Wishing you luck and sending you cheers!!

Breakfast - Baked Cheetos. Oops.
Lunch - Raisins, baked cheetos, my samich was squished.
Snack - Salad, crackers, cheese, raisins
Dinner - Chef boyardee pizza

Exercise - Bun and thighs, and 8 minute abs when House is over.

Today was just a bad day. And I lost my nalgene :sad1:


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