Have You Ever Formally Protested or Boycotted Anything?

Why would you want to listen to anyone who is burning down your city? Why would you think them to have a sensible argument when they do not have sensible actions?

Take Women's March--if you research and read what it was about for most of the people there, they had a good message. They were marching for some good points that need to get across. But, no one is listening. You know why? Because rather than speak on the issues they laid out on their website, they had a few screaming ninnies up there "speaking" and the whole message got turned off. No one was listening. And now its hard to go back and get anyone see that there ere good reasons to march. (I know they were not rioting)

The students had Berkley may have had a perfectly legit reason for protesting. No clue because no one is listening.

BLM has a message. They have something that needs to be heard. But, because of so much rioting, no one is listening.

I beg to differ. Many are listening. And you are so wrong about the Women's March. Because most of the speakers were calm, intelligent and on point. Just because some news stations focused on loud mouth speakers doesn't mean that they were the only speakers.
I think we also need to clarify what we mean when we say "people are listening". If those people were already in agreement with the protesters, that doesn't really qualify as "listening" at least not in the presumptive "you're changing my mind" kind of way. Preaching to the choir isn't really the same as changing hearts & minds.
I think we also need to clarify what we mean when we say "people are listening". If those people were already in agreement with the protesters, that doesn't really qualify as "listening" at least not in the presumptive "you're changing my mind" kind of way. Preaching to the choir isn't really the same as changing hearts & minds.
Good point.

Can't speak for others really but when other posters have said "people aren't listening" I interpreted it as meaning in the context of you're wanting to gain supporters or at least opened minds up and instead of doing that you've turned people off and they no longer have an inclination to listen. I figured (perhaps though I am being naive about the subject) that those at marches, protests, etc were already the ones listening and were for the cause so to speak. Though I suppose you could also say one attends those types of events in order to begin listening.

I also think we're speaking in generalities..as the saying goes there's always the exception.
I think we also need to clarify what we mean when we say "people are listening". If those people were already in agreement with the protesters, that doesn't really qualify as "listening" at least not in the presumptive "you're changing my mind" kind of way. Preaching to the choir isn't really the same as changing hearts & minds.

I fear sometimes that we've reached a point in this country where there is really no changing hearts and minds. Everyone is dug in on one side or the other and no one hears anything that contradicts what they already believe. But the march and the conversations it started give me some small hope that maybe that isn't the case, at least not for everyone, because it has started some interesting dialogues - some that cross the great left-right ideological divide, and some that are connecting like-minded groups that share a general worldview but haven't really been united in any common purpose until recently.
I fear sometimes that we've reached a point in this country where there is really no changing hearts and minds. Everyone is dug in on one side or the other and no one hears anything that contradicts what they already believe. But the march and the conversations it started give me some small hope that maybe that isn't the case, at least not for everyone, because it has started some interesting dialogues - some that cross the great left-right ideological divide, and some that are connecting like-minded groups that share a general worldview but haven't really been united in any common purpose until recently.

Oh, there's plenty of heel-digging going on. And it doesn't help that on any given issue, most of the "dialogue" comes from the extremes on either side.

As for a united purpose, that's a good point as well. I do think a clear message is important. Agree or disagree, BLM sends a clear message. Agree or disagree, the airport protests sent a clear message. I don't get the same feeling from the recent women's march, and it leaves me pretty indifferent to the whole thing (no offense to anyone who is passionate about it - pro or con). And Berkeley is another story altogether. I think most people get a "clear message", but I bet half the people are "hearing" something completely different from the other half.
I have recently found myself wondering if the uptick in protests is attributable to only the result of an election. Or has it been lying wait and the election results were just the catalyst.

I know BLM predates the election and the campaigns that happened right before it. So I realize my question doesn't apply to BLM. I just can't help but think that none of this would be happening if November turned out differently. Is it really just one person that is causing this? If so, will it all simmer down in 4 years....or 8?
I have recently found myself wondering if the uptick in protests is attributable to only the result of an election. Or has it been lying wait and the election results were just the catalyst.

I know BLM predates the election and the campaigns that happened right before it. So I realize my question doesn't apply to BLM. I just can't help but think that none of this would be happening if November turned out differently. Is it really just one person that is causing this? If so, will it all simmer down in 4 years....or 8?

Oh, it goes back several years. Definitely.

(P.S., if riots happen, it means 'rational discourse' isn't getting anyone anywhere. You can't have rational discourse with someone who isn't listening.)
Doesn't mean, they aren't listening. Sometimes, no means no...don't always get your way.
I beg to differ. Many are listening. And you are so wrong about the Women's March. Because most of the speakers were calm, intelligent and on point. Just because some news stations focused on loud mouth speakers doesn't mean that they were the only speakers.

I am glad to hear that. Most of the world heard only the loud mouths and I found that very sad. There is so much that needs to be heard for women's rights.
I guess the only "protest" I do is with my money. If a company or person is doing something I don't think is right, I don't give them money so they can continue doing it.
I fear sometimes that we've reached a point in this country where there is really no changing hearts and minds. Everyone is dug in on one side or the other and no one hears anything that contradicts what they already believe.

That is what the media on the left and the right want you to believe. I believe the majority are in the middle and are willing to support either side of the issue. What people are reacting to is a constant stream of garbage being spewed by both sides. It is really complete nonsense generated by evil media empires designed to increase profits rather than increase understanding of the issues.
For actual physical, active protests, I stood in line to protest the construction of the Seabrook Nuclear Power Station in NH and protested the Vietnam war (sit-in on Boston Common). I was at our local airport last weekend at a rally protesting the current administration's restrictions on allowing people from certain countries, of a specific religion, to enter our country. I also stood in solidarity with the employees at Market Basket in Newington, NH, several summers ago. I wasn't employed there (a friend is), but I shop there when I'm in the area (my family lives nearby) and supported the employees in their quest to keep their company's leadership intact.

As far as passive protests, I don't shop at Hobby Lobby, Home Depot, or Chick-fil-A or go to BP or Exxon. No sense in giving my hard-earned dollars to companies that actively support causes to which I am opposed.
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I usually write letters to companies/institutions with whom I disagree. I do that also with my elected representatives. Judging from the form letter replies, I doubt it has any impact whatsoever. I also don't patronize companies whose policies I dislike/ disagree with. I'm certain that has no impact. Mokat's refusal to contribute to the bottom line of major fast food retailer or cultural outlet is not even a blip on their radar.

Mostly I take direct action by contributing financially to or working directly with local organizations with which I agree. Sometimes they're not local but their cause has touched me in some way. I find focusing on doing good puts me in a better frame of mind and has a more positive impact. Right now all things political and the hypercharged rhetoric surrounding all the hot-button issues therein (which seems to encompass every issue) makes me glad my causes mostly involve pets.
It's baffling to me how this thread still exists.
Especially in light of.... well, I better not say. I might get more points from the dictator.


The poster you quoted wasntt listening because she doesn't want to. There's always an excuse but it all comes down to just not wanting to listen. I wonder why people have to make excuses for not wanting to listen... Why isn't the real reason good enough that they have to invent excuses?

If I wasn't listening how would I have known what their points were and were not to say they had something that needed to be heard?

You are the one digging in heels here and choosing not to hear anyone but yourself and anyone who agrees with you.

FYI, I agreed with much of what they were marching for. I did not agree with the loud mouths on the mics that were blasted on every news channel and when any discussion of the march has come up irl, it resorts back to what Madonna said and the other person tunes out anything else. If you can't get those that don't understand or necessarily agree to listen, you aren't doing anything.

When they first started reporting that speech, I did wonder "what the heck?" But dd and I chose to research and found the information we were looking for on the march. I am sure others did that too but a very large portion of people tuned it all out with Madonna. Like a pp said, preaching to the choir isn't gaining support.
I am glad to hear that. Most of the world heard only the loud mouths and I found that very sad. There is so much that needs to be heard for women's rights.

I think the world heard and is hearing much more than the few speakers who went way too far. There were solidarity wonen's marches in many different countries that day, and friends we have abroad understand the frustration many here have. Just as rational people here in the States can see past the blowhards and "protesters" who join in only to disrupt, not spread the message, so too can most people around the world. The message is definitely getting through.


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