Harry potter forbidden journey and motion sickness

I think it depends on what type of motion causes the upset feelings which varies from person to person. I have issues with two kinds of motion - high speed rotation and negative G's - and have lesser problems with perceived motion like you get on Star Tours. I can ride it but occasionally find myself having to look down at the floor.

For example, I can't go on spinning rides where I'm close to the center of rotation. I won't go on teacups at MK but Dumbo is slow enough and I'm far enough from the center that it's OK. At worst, I sometimes have to look at the floor of the ride. I also avoid coasters that have significant negative G's or sustained drops. I don't go on ToT anymore because of the sustained drop. I'm fine on Expedition Everest except for the backwards part which makes me queasy for a few hours.

Keeping your eyes closed or focusing on a part of the ride vehicle plus keeping your head from moving (goes along with the staring at the floor of the ride vehicle) is usually the best way to avoid motion sickness.

I was worried about FJ and kept my eyes closed during the first few projector dome sequences. The physical movement of the ride unit didn't bother me. It's fairly smooth and there's no spinning or sustained drops - just a lot of irregular movement. Anyway, about a quarter of the way through I realized I was I having so much fun, I forgot about being sick and had zero problems with the rest of the dome sequences. I don't know if it helped but I leaned forward as much as I could and tried to follow the motion on the screen.

Anyway, I suggest just keeping your eyes closed during the projector dome sequences if you are worried.
Like others have said, it depends on what triggers your DH's motion sickness, and how severe it is.

I get motion sickness on Star Tours unless I sit center row, center of the aisle. I find I have the hardest time with screen-type stuff and any rides that go backwards (I can go on rides that go upside down and do loops or drops, but for some reason the backwards stuff is terrible ... and I can't be in a Virtual Reality headset for more than a minute without being violently ill for a loooong time).

On Forbidden Journey, I closed my eyes after the first screen, and I was okay. The rest of the non-screen-dome ride was great.
I have no problems going on Star Tours at Disneyland, But my wife and I will be making our first trip to Orlando this coming October, So my question is this. If I have no problems with Star Tours. Do you think I will have a problem with Harry Potter or Transformer? Thanks....
I went in 2011 and didn't think it was that bad but then a couple of weeks ago on my recent visit it seemed a lot worse to me!! I had heard they had made it more extreme! Don't think it would be a good idea if you are prone to motion sickness, I am not prone to it at all but this ride made me feel a bit queezy!
I have no problems going on Star Tours at Disneyland, But my wife and I will be making our first trip to Orlando this coming October, So my question is this. If I have no problems with Star Tours. Do you think I will have a problem with Harry Potter or Transformer? Thanks....

Star Tours is really bad for me. I think you should give the UO rides a try if Star Tours doesn't bother you.
Just returned from our first trip to UO and IOA. I do not do well on simulation rides, but really wanted to try FJ. I started taking Meclizine several days before and made sure to eat very well and stay hydrated. No luck. I was so sick I almost did not make it through the ride and that was with my eyes closed for all of thr screen shots. I dobt think I will ever try it again.
Just returned from our first trip to UO and IOA. I do not do well on simulation rides, but really wanted to try FJ. I started taking Meclizine several days before and made sure to eat very well and stay hydrated. No luck. I was so sick I almost did not make it through the ride and that was with my eyes closed for all of thr screen shots. I dobt think I will ever try it again.

This was my hubby's experience. He gets motion sickness very easily (the ferris wheel at the carnival made him woozy!) but was determined to ride FJ. I didn't think he was going to make it without puking. He did but barely. He came off pale and almost green. It took him awhile to recover. HOWEVER he was glad he did it. He wished he could have seen more of it! '

Maybe you can plan to make FJ the last thing you do that day? It is a cool ride. I felt a little woozy afterwards, but I plan on doing it again with my daughter on my next trip (she was too little to do it last time).
Is it like Soaring in Epcot?

Not even close. Soarin would be like a 1 and FJ more like a 8 or 9. I have a friend who gets motion sickness very easy. Soarin doesn't bother him at all and in fact he loves it, but FJ wiped him out. He came off it green and had to sit for awhile with a wet paper towel on his face and still felt a little off for the rest of the day. My husband who has never gotten sick on a ride in his life and loves things like Star Tours, Body Wars, Tea Cups, Mission Space (orange side), Simpsons, any coaster, etc also came off FJ green. Knowing I love it, he will ride it, but only once per day and only after taking Meclizine the night before and again that morning. For some reason though, it doesn't bother me at all and I will ride it over and over and over using the Single Rider line. Go figure, it just affects different people differently. You may not know until you ride it that first time.
I rode FJ for the first time in June. It was the first time in my 41 years on this Earth that I ever felt motion sickness. I am usually one of the last standing on a cruise or boat during severe weather!

It was 7am in the morning and I think it was a bit too early for me!
I've ridden FJ 3 times and felt sick every time, one time so bad I had to rest about an hour after - not fun. Rest of my family loves it, figures...
I'll just walk through with them from now on and skip out on the ride.
I can ride Big Thunder and Star Tours and many others just fine (I will never get on Mission Space or RRC). I have had motion sickness since I was a kid...never really throwing up but feeling pretty icky in the car and on rides. When pregnant with my twins I would have to pull over and fight hard not to throw up in the car. I felt pretty icky on my first few cruises (used to it now after 8 of them).

But, I will say that I truly almost barfed on Harry Potter's Forbidden Journey (only rode it once...August 2012). I had to close my eyes and swallow a lot and work real hard to keep things 'at bay'. I could not wait to get off that ride and hurried outside just in case I couldn't keep things 'at bay' any longer. I had to sit for a few minutes to get it together. We hadn't eaten yet that morning and I was glad for that because if we had...well...it might have gotten ugly.

Like the above poster, my family loved the Forbidden Journey ride. Uggghhh. I will pass from now on.
I'm another person that gets motion sick. I've found that if I take Bonine it helps a lot. I can do Forbidden Journey once a day. I have to close my eyes on the "down" part of Spiderman, but other than that I'm ok. I can't do the Simpsons even with the Bonine.


I also have to close my eyes during the last scene of Spiderman. I take less-drowsy dramamine (which is the exact same thing, same dose as Bonine) with breakfast before FJ
Is Transformers just like Forbidden Journey when it comes to people getting sick/motion sickness?

Transformers is another Spiderman ride. Everything is the same except the movie and decor. The car is pretty much the same. The motion is pretty much the same.

I usually don't eat or drink before riding the Forbidden Journey because I got motion sick riding this ride. I only get motion sickness from two rides so far: Mission Space and The Forbidden Journey.
Transformers is another Spiderman ride. Everything is the same except the movie and decor. The car is pretty much the same. The motion is pretty much the same.

I usually don't eat or drink before riding the Forbidden Journey because I got motion sick riding this ride. I only get motion sickness from two rides so far: Mission Space and The Forbidden Journey.

Spider Man ride doesn't help as I haven't been on that ride. My first trip to Orlando will be this October. The only two rides that I have been that has a screen and the car/seats move are Soarin and Star Tours.
I was excited to ride FJ on my upcoming trip, but now I'm having serious second thoughts. I don't want to ruin my day by getting sick first thing in the morning! Is there anyone who does NOT feel sick after riding this?! Is it even worth trying? I've felt some sickness on other rides like Spiderman, Star Tours, but felt fine once the ride was over. Never tried Mission Space due to all the talk about sickness on that ride.
We went to Universal for the first time this past spring. My oldest (13) son is prone to car sickness and does not like roller coasters at all, however he had no problems with all the simulator rides at UNiversal, including HP FJ...go figure. I ride many of the "thrill" rides at WDW - Space, Big Thunder, Rock n Roller Coaster, Soarin', Test Track - but I will never go to US again without motion sickness medication! I felt "off" for a few days after visiting US and IOA. I sometimes have to close my eyes on Star Tours, btw, and would not bother with it if my kids did not want to ride. My DH was the worst at US. He ended up skipping most of the simulator rides. He rode HP FJ the morning we went to IOA and had to go back to the hotel room for the rest of the day. He didn't throw up on the ride, but felt really awful after riding. It's hard to know how it will affect you until you ride. I was so nervous about my oldest son getting sick and he was fine. I was not surprised my DH got sick since he was prone to motion sickness as a kid, I did not expect that the simulator rides would affect me like they did (getting too old??), however it was never so bad that I had to leave the park.

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Spider Man ride doesn't help as I haven't been on that ride. My first trip to Orlando will be this October. The only two rides that I have been that has a screen and the car/seats move are Soarin and Star Tours.

It is pretty similar to Star Tours in terms of simulation (watching a movie on a screen in a car) but different in terms of the motion of the car. You board a car, and you were taken to several big screens instead of one screen. The car acts like a roller coaster. In each screen and location, you will encounter different motions. For example, you will encounter a screen where you feel like you are being dropped 10 story feet high. Another screen will have a shaking effect because your car is being shocked or punched by the villains. Another effect is spin. The only thing the car does not do is going upside down.
It is pretty similar to Star Tours in terms of simulation (watching a movie on a screen in a car) but different in terms of the motion of the car. You board a car, and you were taken to several big screens instead of one screen. The car acts like a roller coaster. In each screen and location, you will encounter different motions. For example, you will encounter a screen where you feel like you are being dropped 10 story feet high. Another screen will have a shaking effect because your car is being shocked or punched by the villains. Another effect is spin. The only thing the car does not do is going upside down.

Thanks for the info. The ride lost me when you said "Spin".


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