Guess What I Was Just Told?i Have The Long Awaited Disney Perk,WE GET THE AP AND PAP

Originally posted by icy-dog
Never mind. I just looked at the dvcmember site and saw I save $20 on a FL resident AP and 25 on an fl resident PAP. Nothing for renewals because "they are such a good rate already".

Your original question was about the FL seasonal annual pass. Unfortunately, the $20 discount is on the regular FL AP. There will be no additional discount on the FL seasonal pass. Probably because it is already such a good deal.

Those who are fortunate to be able to get a FL seasonal pass should probably continue to get it over the FL regular AP even with the discount.

It would have been nice if DVC gave a token discount of even $5 for the seasonal pass or even the PH to make everyone feel like they can take advantage, but the AP discount is still a nice discount on it's own. Those who can get a FL seasonal pass, is still getting the best deal available even without an additional discount.
Wow! What a fun thread! First we have the drama of the jilted lover, then we move on to speculating about administration of the plan, all of which we have no say over. While some people on these boards might not be able to vacation for long periods of time, obviously they can spend inordinate amounts of time to chat about things over which we have no control over.

I think Disney will issue the discount at a rate and with rules about which they are comfortable. My guess is they did not come up with this perk and then say, "Let's sit back for three weeks and see what all those folks on the DIS boards say to administer it because we can't figure out a way on our own!"
Been gone for a few days and I miss all the fun!! Didn't know this latest exciting news!! Might have to reconsider our plans for 2005 & 2006.

Thanks for sharing all the good news. You guys and girls are the best!!
Originally posted by caracarn
Wow! What a fun thread! First we have the drama of the jilted lover, then we move on to speculating about administration of the plan, all of which we have no say over. While some people on these boards might not be able to vacation for long periods of time, obviously they can spend inordinate amounts of time to chat about things over which we have no control over.

I think Disney will issue the discount at a rate and with rules about which they are comfortable. My guess is they did not come up with this perk and then say, "Let's sit back for three weeks and see what all those folks on the DIS boards say to administer it because we can't figure out a way on our own!"

LOL - ahhh, you take all the fun out of it! :smooth:
Originally posted by caracarn
Wow! What a fun thread! First we have the drama of the jilted lover, then we move on to speculating about administration of the plan, all of which we have no say over. While some people on these boards might not be able to vacation for long periods of time, obviously they can spend inordinate amounts of time to chat about things over which we have no control over.

I think Disney will issue the discount at a rate and with rules about which they are comfortable. My guess is they did not come up with this perk and then say, "Let's sit back for three weeks and see what all those folks on the DIS boards say to administer it because we can't figure out a way on our own!"
If I wasn't aware of the inconsistant way that Disney has administered Refillable Mugs, DVC Occupancy, DVC Non-Smoking Rooms, DVC Member Events, Poolhopping, etc., I might share your confidence that Disney has thought all this through. I'm a firm believer in Pixie Dust, but in this case, call me a cynic.

And, with all due respect, it's kind of odd to go on a discussion forum which is devoted solely to all things Disney - and DVC - and marvel that people are spending time discussing Disney - and DVC. To be honest, since almost everyone here has an investment in the thousands - or tens of thousands (or is considering such an investment), it seems that it's a topic that deserves significant discussion.

Be well!
As I continue to read all these replies I keep thinking - wouldn't richyams have loved this one?
Do you think those who rent out their points should be able to buy their "guests" a discounted pass? I don't think so...

Not that I would wish to do this, but I disagree. Disney Cast Members are allowed to purchase discounted tickets for anyone at all they so desire, including AP's.
DVC was a good deal of my family when we bought it.

There was no discount.

Nice to have it.

DVC is a better deal for my family.

What I can't figure out is how this is 20 plus pages of what if.
Originally posted by DrTomorrow
And, with all due respect, it's kind of odd to go on a discussion forum which is devoted solely to all things Disney - and DVC - and marvel that people are spending time discussing Disney - and DVC. To be honest, since almost everyone here has an investment in the thousands - or tens of thousands (or is considering such an investment), it seems that it's a topic that deserves significant discussion.

Be well!



I guess one of the things that gets under my craw is that the 55% of DVC'ers who are supposedly already buying annual passes are getting a substantial perk for not doing anything but continuing the same behavior. I find it very difficult to believe that $100 more per person is going to be spent in the parks because of this discount. To me, it simply looks like a group of DVC'ers are being singled out to receive a kickback that some of us cannot receive. Sorry, but I think that stinks. The idea should be to encourage future behavior changes, not reward past behavior. Thus, anyone who currently has an annual pass should be ineligible for the discount, as should anyone who has a voucher issued prior to January 1, 2005. Period. To carry it a step further, in order to change people's behavior, why not allow unused days on Park Hopper passes to be traded in at CURRENT value (including a valuation for plus options as an extra incentive) against a discounted pass for some window of time. And, to be fair to everyone, limit the number of discount passes to the members with blue cards, no immediate family, nobody else. This is what would be fairer to everyone. In fact, if they instituted the requirements that it only be members, and only be given to people that had not held an annual pass in the last two years, and made it an annual pass that was not good in high season, then I think this would be a win/win situation that would be fairer to a broader cross-section of members, meet the business need of getting NEW annual pass members, and help to reallocate demand to off-peak seasons.
Originally posted by Doctor P
To me, it simply looks like a group of DVC'ers are being singled out to receive a kickback that some of us cannot receive. Sorry, but I think that stinks. The idea should be to encourage future behavior changes, not reward past behavior. Thus, anyone who currently has an annual pass should be ineligible for the discount, as should anyone who has a voucher issued prior to January 1, 2005. Period.

So following that train of thought, SWA should NOT offer any Rapid Reward tickets to me because I fly with them 6 - 8 times a year. NWA shouldn't let me aquire 50,000 "Rules Buster" miles for future travel. My VISA card shouldn't give me any "perks" for using it. Kohl's shouldn't send me any discount coupons to use.

Where does it stop?

First off, congrats to all who will be able to use this perk. Its a great one for a lot of people and I'm really happy for you all.

Originally posted by jmminarik
Based on this board's population, it probably would but there are thousands more families out there who don't obsess about DVC and are bad at math. It might be in Disney's best interest to leave it since it don't cost anything to do so.


Joe, you may want to check your math. For our family - only going for seven nights every other year, going into the parks every day (except the day we fly out), but also spending at least part of one day at at waterpark, going to DisneyQuest or PI, LOS still works out to be the best deal - if the discounts remain. The PAPs are still alot more money than the APs, and waterpark tickets add up fast. Last I checked, DisneyQuest wasn't on the Hoppers.

There will be years where we decide to squeeze in an extra trip, or even just want hotel discounts (we've had some discussions about maybe just DH and I going for our anniversary this year - not a DVC trip, but a hotel trip - which would make these APs a really good deal for us this year - I think we are ending up at a B&B in Chicago). But most trips we will probably still be LOSers -does that make use Losers?;).

And while this seems like some sort of alternate reality on this board - we really are pretty content with our Disney schedule. Although our vacations aren't as limited as Doctor P's, there are other things we want to do with them. I only have a week I get to choose per year where to spend it - I get another two weeks off, but they are over Christmas and the 4th - and with a huge aversion to crowds, I'm not spending those holidays at WDW.

UPHs also work (with the discount!) for our guests. Since the only guests we've had so far were Disney newbies, the ease of one pass "go anywhere you want while you are here" worked really well. No need to have them count days or pluses.

Although I don't think I'm "entitled," it would be nice to have the LOS discount match (25%) the AP discount. That would make me (and perhaps Doctor P) quite happy. Although I'm happy now, I think DVC is a great deal even if they don't give me any park discounts.
Doctor P. I'm sorry that you're not happy and quite possibly feeling unappreciated. After reading all of the various threads, I don't think that DVC can do anything to appease your feelings or restrictive travel options.

We all joined DVC to solely get great accomodations at a discount. Please take comfort in knowing that we are all getting exactly what was promised.
But no one has answered the basic question: why should people who are already buying annual passes get rewarded by a discount?
Mother of Pearl!!! I go away for my week at work, and all this happens!

Perhaps when I go away next week, mtc fees will be cut in half! :teeth:

Originally posted by Doctor P
But no one has answered the basic question: why should people who are already buying annual passes get rewarded by a discount?

Because DVC says so. ::yes::
They are not being "rewarded", they are taking advantage of a perk offered them.
BTW, there are several things that would make me happy on the part of DVC, even though I would get nothing directly out of these discounts:

1) Make this a DVC annual pass to distinguish it from other annual pass media.

2) Make the passes run calendar year to calendar year (and I will point out that this would potentially harm someone like me who travels over the Christmas holidays, but I think this would be very fair). January 1-December 31 of a given year.

3) Limit passes to a maximum of the number of primary (not associate) members on an account. Require them to be purchased from Member Services, put in the names of the members on the account, and sent only to the address of record in the system.

4) Activation of these annual passes must be done at check-in at a DVC resort on a points stay. The passes are only good if linked to a points stay and will only be usable on points stays (DVC or non-DVC resorts), with the notation DVC ANNUAL MEMBER PASSHOLDER emblazoned on the Key to the World card. Special perks could be attached to this annual pass that are unique to DVC members (e.g., I would think it would be fair to only give the dining discounts to holders of this annual pass and I would not feel like I was being slighted).

With these restrictions, I think I could live with the passes being made available even to those DVC members who are already buying regular annual passes, and I also would feel significantly less slighted, because you really would not be just giving people a discount for something they are already doing.
Originally posted by Doctor P
But no one has answered the basic question: why should people who are already buying annual passes get rewarded by a discount?

Let me answer your question for you.
Businesses reward people who frequent their place. They reward customers so they continue to be happy customers. Happy customers tend to spend more and not take their business elsewhere. Happy customers tend to tell others about the great rewards offered by their favorite business. Happy customers are a good thing. You don't seem to see that.

I haven't bought an AP in years due to cost. I would jump on this new offer in a heartbeat if we hadn't just moved to FL and discovered the seasonal AP's. This discount would have motivated me to become an AP holder again. That is Disney and DVC's goal. Keep old customers happy and pick up some new ones along the way, all the while making a profit. Will they satisfy every single person every time? NO. That isn't possible.

I know you don't like to hear this but if you aren't happy, then you need to look elsewhere. If you weren't happy with the "perks" being offered by your credit card company, would you complain or look for a new card? You can either accept the fact that DVC made a nice gesture that doesn't work for you at this point and live with it. Or, continue to wallow in the whole "whoa is me" martyrdom. Why do you choose the latter?



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