Finished the Minnie 5k and now attempting the Princess 1/2 - Am I nuts!?!

Stacy, to me you are fit and trim! At this rate you will be skinny and svelte! I am so proud of you, that time for three miles is incredible. I bought non cotton socks today, thanks for the tip, I was looking at the fabric content on the selection and dd asked why they had to be non cotton. I told her my friend Stacy knows her stuff and to help me find some!

Have a great rest of the weekend.
Great job on your PR, Stacy!:thumbsup2 You are going to do a wonderful job at the Minnie!:cheer2:

Have a wonderful week ahead!:hug:
Thanks guys!! :goodvibes

Amy, glad you got some new socks -- hope they work out for you (well, not LITERALLY.. LOL) :lmao:

Well, yesterday, thanks to Scott and my bunny teamates, i had my dh drag out my ol' mount. bike from my shed and i cleaned it off (wow, it was a MESS) and brought it to get some air in the tires after church - then i headed off to a wonderful bike path that i have about 10 min away from my house - right along the water - it's beautiful.. anyway, i ended up doing 12 miles and biked for 70 minutes! :banana: Now, that may not be a huge undertaking for some, but i hadn't been on a bike in about 8 years since i had my dd!!! So, for me it felt REALLY REALLY great!! I could have done a few more miles i think, but we had to get ready to go to my nieces Confirmation dinner. And the weather here was really iffy yesterday - looked like it was going to pour any minute.
Now, i am hoping i can go to that bike path at least once a week -- and get 12-15 miles in. I think it will help with my cross training.
I can also bike a lil' bit around my neighborhood -- but no where near 12 miles -- too many hills, uneven roads, cars, dogs, etc... ;) I like the bike path, b/c you can just ride. And not have to worry about anything.

Thats bout it. I am planning on jogging/walking tonight - probably when dd goes to bed - as dh has a meeting at church tonight so he won't be home, and i don't like going on the TM when dd is up, b/c it's in our basement, and i can't hear what she is doing.

I use to feel that i *had* to run the whole 5k in WDW, but now, with the Walk/ Run thing i am doing, i am constantly cutting down my time, and i think i am getting over the fact that i am not a failure if i can't jog the whole 3miles at once.. b/c i am always getting faster. I am just worried about the humidity in FL next mo. - coming from New England where spring has just *started* to show up! LOL
Hi woman,

It sounds like you have your head in the game.;) You have a plan for the 5k. You will do fine, despite the humidity.

It sounds like you had a great time on the bike. Isn't it nice when we can enjoy exercise?

Take care,
Wow--congratulations on the bike riding. Isn't it a great feeling to pick up on that again. Scott deserves a big :woohoo: for that suggestion, if for no other reason than you had a great time.

I also think your RW plan is going to be highly successful at the Minnie, as it will allow you to account for the weather, make good time, and most importantly, enjoy yourself!
hmmmmmmmmmmm, bike riding, huh? :confused3 I don't know. I think I'd be so worried about falling off. :laughing: I'm a bit of a nervous nelly on bicycles. :rolleyes1 But enough about AWESOME that you rekindled your relationship with your mountain bike and had a great time while getting in a great workout! :thumbsup2

You're really doing great, Stacy! :hug:
Sorry I've gone missing Stacy. LOOK at you!!! You have lost 9lbs, new outfit, new shoes, biking...way to go! I am so proud of you!!! You are getting speedy too!

I love my socks! :lovestruc They are Zulu. I get 3 pair for $12 at Fleet Feet. I wear them all the time! Working out or not...they are just more comfy than my cotton Hanes.

For my first 5K I thought I had to run the whole thing too. I know better now. There is absolutely nothing wrong with walking part of it. I find I'm faster too when I take walk breaks. I actually walk more than I run and that may change in the future, but I'm not to terribly concerned about it right now.

You are going to do great at 5K. Look for us. Me, Matt, Susan, her DH and my mom and dad. We'll all have WISH shirts (hopefully)! I don't think you'll be able to miss us! :goodvibes

Keep up the great work! You're doing great!

Stacy, super job on that bike ride! I think 70 minutes is awesome. I am proud of you and it sounds like you enjoyed it so that makes it even better! Hope you got the run in tonight. I'll think of you when I wear my new socks! I'll say hi to Mickey for you and tell him you will be there soon!
Thanks Amy!!! If i don't speak to you before you go -- have a WONDERFUL trip!!!!

As for me, well, on Monday night - i did my 3 miles, finished in 38:22. not too bad.. but then yesterday, i think my legs (specifically shin area) were mad at me for doing 18 miles worth of activity in 3 days when i am not use to that! LOL So, i took a day of rest yesterday. It doesn't feel like shin splints -- they were just kinda sore..
So, i will see how today feels.. thinking i may just take today off too -- mabye do some yoga or something.. and i was thinking of switching up my routine to work out in the a.m. instead of at night - i think in the long run (no pun intended) it will be better..
So, i was thinking of doing something low key today - or just walking a couple miles..
Then, waking up early tomorrow to do my walk/jog 3miler.
Hi Stacy,

Good job listening to your body. The last thing you need is an injury this close to your race.

Have a good one,
Thanks Beth! :goodvibes

Well, i decided to try to change my w/o routine a bit, instead of doing the TM at night, i want to switch over to working out in the a.m. - due to the Minnie being in the a.m.
So, i set my alarm for 5am today, had 1/2 cup of coffee and whole wheat english muffin, and got on the tm at about 5:45. After i let my food digest.

I did my 3.0 miles in 39:48 -- not my best, but considering that i am not feeling 100% well - i feel like a cold may be starting (lil' sore throat, general tiredness, just not myself) - i will take that time. I really didn't want to get up, as i slept awful last night (probably due to the oncoming whatever..) and tossed and turned all night.. so 5am was a lil' harsh. :scared: But i made myself do it.
I did find it hard to really get motivated much on the tm today - due to all this - and found myself sweating more than normal - again, probably b/c i am not feeling 100% - but i pushed thru - so all considered, it wasn't bad.

Today i am in the office all alone - so i am not working too hard. :rolleyes1 Just basically killing time til 2pm.
Gotta take my dd on a girl scout field trip to a local market at 2:30 - then going home and might try to hook up with my mom and go to a water arobiecs class with her tonight at 6 - never tried this before. She said that this instructor does more lighter stuff - more streching and stuff - which is fine by me today, that's actually what i want. Then my mom said something about doing the therapy pool (whatever the heck that is) and sitting in the hot tub for a few..
So, hopefully i will feel up to all that - as i am not sure i will feel like doing much tomorrow - so if i can get it in today, then so be it. :)

That's about it.. looking at my countdown - and getting excited!! 2 weeks from today!!! :cheer2:
Hi Stacy,
That is awesome, you pushed through and you did it.It is hard to push on when not feeling well- the hot tub will be a nice end to a busy day I am sure!

Have good one,
Hey Stacy! Great job getting up early. Seems I can't even roll out of bed to get to work on time!

Just thought I'd mention there is a sticky on the eye2eye shirts if you want a WISH shirt before the Minnie. Have you checked it out? There are 3 different designs. I love the one w/ the castle on the front!

I LOVE my aqaucise when I can fit it in my schedule! :thumbsup2

Hope you have fun!
Great job getting up early and getting that workout in this morning, Stacy!:thumbsup2 I'm sorry to hear that you aren't feeling 100% well. Please be sure and get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids. :wizard:

Have a good evening!:hug:
Hi Stacy

Nice job getting up early and completing that workout! I just cannot function early in the morning so major kudos to you for being able to fit your training in like that!

Be careful with the cold or whatever may be affecting you...better to nip it in the bud now as opposed to prolonging it into next week, even if that means slacking up a bit on the exercise. Remember to drink lots of liquids too...any cold/virus will make you more dehydrated.

BTW, thanks for the props in the Bunny thread regarding the whole bike issue! I'm proud of you for dusting off the bike and getting out there for a's such a great complement to running and can be pretty fun! Glad it worked for you :goodvibes:

Stay healthy!
Great job on getting up early & getting your race-day strategies down. That way you'll know what works for you and what you need to adjust. I agree with Scott (it seems like that happens to me a lot) that you should be sure to take care of any minor illnesses now, so that you're 100% for the big day! :thumbsup2
Scott & Debra, thanks!! :goodvibes I know i gotta be careful not to get sick -- i have been vitamin c'ing this thing all day -- i am refusing to get sick!!

Well, iam officially exhausted tonight -- i had doubts, due to how i am feeling,
But, i went to water areobics tonight -- so that was a 1hr class - my first, and it was fun! Then we (mom and me) got in the therapy pool and "water walked" for another 30 minutes, then got in the hot tub/sauna and shower.. NOW, i am ready for bed..
Tomorrow will most likely be a day of rest -- mabye a walk around the block or two since it's supposed to be 65!! :banana: But, nothing big -- i want to just relax.

I hope to bike either Sat or Sunday and run/walk the other day. :)
Ok, so i basically took the whole weekend off -- i went home sick from work on friday - massive sore throat, and slept for 2 hours -
Took tylonol pm before bed, and it totally did a number on me, i was so groggy on Sat. am when i woke up, and my throat still really hurt - i debated going to the dr. to make sure i didn't have strept throat, but decided to wait a few days.. :rolleyes1
Anyway, i was pretty cranky and tired on Sat. so i didn't do anything.

Sunday was better - but i still didn't feel "great", throat was a lil better though.. I did manage to take my fat yellow lab for a lil' walk - but nothing major. Played outside with my dd a bit too.

BTW, did i mention that my calves were very sore after my water workout!! LOL Who would have thought!! :rotfl: But, it was the "good" kind of sore, like i did something.. ;)

Today i got up at 5am - had a cup of coffee and got on the TM at 6 - i feel like my throat is much better, not 100% yet, but better, but i feel like it's moved up and i am a lil' congested..
I did my 3.0 miles on the TM, not a real great time, 39:40 - but i still don't feel 100% - so i am sure that factored in. And i think i am just getting sick of the TM .. might have to map out a route around my neighborhood or something -
So, that's it.. tonight i will be taking my dog for a walk again, probably with dd in tow, so i am sure it won't be a fast or long walk.. :lmao:
Well, I'm sorry to hear that you spent the weekend sick, but am relieved to know that you took care of yourself & were able to stick to your a.m. plan on the TM. I'm sure your congestion/lingering illness played into your time; you can't discount the importance of breathing, you know! ;)

Also, good plan with mapping out an outdoor route with dog-walking (and DD-walking?) as the incentive! :thumbsup2


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