Fear of Rock N Rollercoaster

Keep your head back on the seat, take a deep breath, and try to relax. Tell yourself it is only one minute and 22 seconds and it will be over. Tell yourself you can do less than 2 minutes-- that isn't so bad-- and remind yourself how many people ride it every single day! I actually prefer the launch to the slow rickety ride up a hill. I like the launch. I'm not a huge fan of coaster upside down loops -- but it is quick and smooth on RNRC. You might watch some video of the launch of the Incredicoaster at Disney's California Adventure. It is outside in the light instead of in the dark so you can see it. The launches are very similar. Rock N Roller Coaster ultimately goes 2 miles per hour faster than the Incredicoaster I think.

Here is a story for you that you can think of that might make you laugh. I think DD was 10. She told us she finally wanted to try RNRC on our trip- she had been scared of it before even though she was tall enough. So we booked a Fast Pass for RNRC in advance of the trip. We used our FP, got up to our turn to board, and she freaked out and didn't want to ride. So we exited. Not 5 minutes later, she changed her mind and wanted back on the ride. Even though we had not ridden, we could not reuse our fast passes to try again and the wait was 60 minutes. She begged to ride it even though the wait was that long- so we got in line. After standing in line for over an hour as we got close to the ride she started freaking out a little. As we got almost to our turn, she started freaking out more, saying she didn't want to ride it, crying and saying she wasn't going to get on. We knew she would like it, if she would just ride it. DH and I told her that she was getting on and we would buy her something she wanted after--- she still cried and DH and I told her she wasn't getting out of it. The looks we got from people around us showed they thought we were mean awful parents. We both knew that if we let her get out of it, 5 minutes later she was going to be begging to get back in line. She had made us wait over an hour because she bailed on the FP and we weren't waiting another hour. She was saying "I don't want to ride, I don't want to ride" as she pulled her harness down and I could see the daggers people were shooting at us with their eyes. She screamed the entire ride. I think everyone around us must have thought she was miserable and we were the worst parents ever. We got off and as we exited the building she grabbed my hand and started skipping and said "Can we get in line and ride it again?"
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I took my then-6-year-old on this on our last trip because I was able to snag a FP, and I had NO idea it looped and corkscrewed! It is right in the beginning and as others have said, it's so smooth and so fast that you almost don't even realize you were upside down - it happened and I actually had a whole internal conversation with myself, did we just go upside down? Oh no, I didn't warn him! Turns out we definitely did - he was so mad at me when we got off the ride, he was like, MOM, that was TERRIBLE, we went UPSIDE DOWN. Lol. I really had no clue. And even in the moment, it was so dark and the ride so smooth that you could have convinced me that we were just going so fast that I only thought we went upside down for a second.

Personally I vote go for it, it'll be over before you know it, and you might even really enjoy it!
I would say it they different styles of intensity.
RnRC is a fast takeoff with 3 inversions. Very smooth. You have the suspense of waiting for the launch. No big drops.
EE has the slow hill climb, multiple drops and a portion where the car runs backwards.
I would say EE is probably more intense just because of the larger drops, and backward section of track.
It is one of my boys favorite rides at Disneyworld. I believe we rode it 13 times (in two days) the last time we were at Disney in 2018. You might get a bit of anxiety waiting in the queue as you can see take off prior to loading but it's a blast and is over before you know it.
My 1st time riding it, I rode with my 7 yr old nephew. I was a ride chicken as a kid but decided to see what I had been missing after I turned 40...nephew was a ride pro who told me, put your head all the way back and hold on tight. I now love this one...the first time is the worst time! After that you know what to expect. Last Disney visit I was riding with a friend and we ended up in the back row. Whoa. Different experience. If you have any hesitation ask to be seated near the front...the back is faster and we both felt we had been beaten from side to side


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