Fear of Rock N Rollercoaster

I like every ride at Disney but won’t go back on RnR because of the launch. I felt like I couldn’t catch my breath or something. DH laughs at me and will go on it 10x in a row if he can.
I don't like the launch....the screaming countdown in my ears doesn't help with my stress over it either. My DH says it's easier to take if you relax your neck and shoulder muscles. That being said, the entire ride lasts, what, a minute? For me, the relief of the launch being over makes the rest of the ride a piece of cake. I always end up with a self-created stress headache though. at 57, I'm becoming a chicken baby when it comes to rides sadly, but I still do them
I love ROTM, but RNR is a touch one for me with the corkscrews. The loop is not that bad and the launch is fun like on the Mummy. My kids swear that there is only 1 corkscrew and 2 loops, but that last one seems like a corkscrew to me. I cannot tell because my eyes are closed most of the time. My advice is hang on tight, it's a pretty short ride.
Xpress is more or less a clone of RNR, but is outside so you can see the track layout. Link to a Youtube video of it. Also, RNR doesn't go twice.
There are 3 inversions-a sea serpent roll and a corkscrew.
When I was a kid, I hated roller coasters! This must have been the 2011 trip (I was 12), I had never ever been on an inverting coaster before then. My sisters were so gung-ho about this ride! I was so scared! We had gotten fastpasses and were originally going to do some sort of rider swap, or I was just going to sit outside, but my parents had thought ahead and gotten a fastpass for me as well. When we got to the gate, I was sort of pushed into it. I was so scared, but ended up really loving it and it broke my fear of inversions! My sisters were crying at the end of it because they didn't know it was going to have inversions/"be like that". They like it now that they're older, of course, but it was funny at the time.
I'm a wimp too when it comes to coasters. I had to talk myself into RNR!
Like others, the launch is a blast and the loops never bothered me as they were super quick, and the music is fun to listen to. It is over really quick, and I am glad I went ahead and rode it, even though I was scared.
I actually don't think it's that intense of a roller coaster, plus it's such a short ride. Keep your head back (which should be easy) and that will help on any corkscrew, but it's really not that bad. I am a ride wimp but RNR has never bothered me.
My son and I did it for the first time in 2019, either it was really dark inside or I had my eyes closed the whole time :D My head bounced around but when I remembered to keep it back that helped a lot. My son liked it but said once was enough. We are planning our next trip and he says we have to do it again so I guess he does like it. He still refuses to try Tower of Terror though.
My son and I did it for the first time in 2019, either it was really dark inside or I had my eyes closed the whole time :D My head bounced around but when I remembered to keep it back that helped a lot. My son liked it but said once was enough. We are planning our next trip and he says we have to do it again so I guess he does like it. He still refuses to try Tower of Terror though.
We've been going to Disney for 16 years now, and I swore I'd never do ToT....EVER! Well, we had a pre-pandemic trip with our adult sons and their fiances, and everyone wanted to do it....so.....I DID TOO, twice! I was so afraid I thought I was going to pass out in the queue. I LIKED it, but didn't LOVE it. The first time had very few drops, but the second time had a lot of FAR drops, and it wasn't my favorite!
I haven't gone on RNR in years and get panic attacks sometimes when I feel constrained. When I did go on I found screaming "STEVE TYLER WOULD NOT LET ME DIE!!" helped. Not sure why. I also found singing along to the songs helped. It might be that singing regulated my breathing & gave me something to think about other than the fear of imminent death.
It's terrific. Here's how to get through it:

The launch might take you a step past your comfort zone, but do NOT tense up during the countdown or hold your breath. Instead, SCREAM, or yell out "Woo hoo!" or something. After the launch, the rest is smooth and exhilarating. (Unlike Space Mountain, there are no quick dips.)
I love ROTM, but RNR is a touch one for me with the corkscrews. The loop is not that bad and the launch is fun like on the Mummy. My kids swear that there is only 1 corkscrew and 2 loops, but that last one seems like a corkscrew to me. I cannot tell because my eyes are closed most of the time. My advice is hang on tight, it's a pretty short ride.
Does the launch feel like the mummy’s? If so, I was expecting worse :rotfl2:!!
My 6 year old loved it if that helps lol
Helps a lot , trust me :rotfl2:
I'm a wimp too when it comes to coasters. I had to talk myself into RNR!
Like others, the launch is a blast and the loops never bothered me as they were super quick, and the music is fun to listen to. It is over really quick, and I am glad I went ahead and rode it, even though I was scared.
What do the loops feel like? I’ve never been on an inversion coaster :)
I don't know if it's available since the pandemic, but there was an option to wait a bit for a front seat. It is much smoother in the front than in the back.
It's terrific. Here's how to get through it:

The launch might take you a step past your comfort zone, but do NOT tense up during the countdown or hold your breath. Instead, SCREAM, or yell out "Woo hoo!" or something. After the launch, the rest is smooth and exhilarating. (Unlike Space Mountain, there are no quick dips.)
Thank you so much for this!!
Does the launch feel like the mummy’s? If so, I was expecting worse :rotfl2:!!
I feel the the launch is a little tamer than Mummy. The Mummy launch is going up hill and RNR is straight. Both are fun. It's the corkscrews that are a little odd feeling for somebody not used to them. I wear a patch so motion sickness is not an issue for me (anymore).
What do the loops feel like? I’ve never been on an inversion coaster :)
The inversions on RnR have enough positive G force (pushing you into the seat) that you really won't even know you're upside down.

I think most people picture it feeling like you're hanging upside down but that is only on very extreme inversions. Most normal loops/corkscrews push you into the seat.


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