"Enchanted:” The E! True Disneyworld Story of a Birthday Princess (UPDATE 4/18)

you are so lucky to be at WDW in just a few short days! I still have 54 days to go. I haven't even bought my "day bag for the parks" bag for the trip, I still need to buy a new autograph book before I go. I did get one thing for my day at the parks, a little fanny pack that has credit card slots and a zipped coin area. It is the same pattern as my carry on tote.

If you could write about all the Belle merchandise you see while you're there.......it'd help me! LOL. (Especially nice writing Pens)
Ahhhh!! The VB is so cute!!

I'm so happy you are almost done with school and it's great you are getting one week paid at work!!

I hope you have a good time watching the "Old Schools"! I cannot believe you've never seen Cinderella!!

Great update!! Start counting down the minutes!

Thanks, Rory! :goodvibes

I'm so excited about getting vacation pay! It's the first job I've had where I've gotten that perk so I'm banana dancing about it. :banana:

Yes, I've never seen Cinderella all the way through. I remember watching some of it at my Maw Maw's house once when I really little, but I definitely didn't watch the whole movie. I remember a few years ago telling my Dad and even HE freaked out. He grew up with four sisters, so even he had seen it, and he was appalled that I hadn't. Oops. :rolleyes1

And we are about 76 hours and 15 minutes from departure! :laughing:

holy cow! how could you have never seen cinderella?! that is like disney blasphemy! :rotfl: i hope you are getting right on that! ;)

your VB bag is too great! I think that is my fave pattern that is out right now. :lovestruc it! ive never ordered one from online. i love the package it came in! :cutie:

congrats on putting some of ur classes behind you! i know that feels good! :surfweb:

i cant believe you leave so soon. im so excited for you! :cheer2:

Haha, sorry, Tarah! You're not going to revoke my DIS membership are you? :eek: Aunt C pretty much had the same reaction since Cinderella is her favorite character and movie. I thought she was having a heart attack. Haha!

I saw my VB pattern on a tote a customer was carrying at work, and I was like, "OMG, that's the one I want!" :lovestruc Wasn't the VB box cute? I'm actually going to save it and use it for...something. :laughing: It was just too pretty to throw away!


I blame YOU for making me go buy a Vera Bradley bag right this second online.:rotfl: Thank you very much.

And 4 days! Ohmygosh you must be just bouncing off the walls!!!

:lmao: And the VB fever has begun! I don't know whether to apologize for giving it to you or congratulate you on your own first VB! I think I'll go with :yay: CONGRATULATIONS!!! :yay: Isn't VB awesome? You just can't help but be sucked in! Which bag did you get? Ooooh, I bet you've told in your PTR by now. I'll pop over there for a looksie. ;)

And bouncing off the walls is an understatement. :yay:

you are so lucky to be at WDW in just a few short days! I still have 54 days to go. I haven't even bought my "day bag for the parks" bag for the trip, I still need to buy a new autograph book before I go. I did get one thing for my day at the parks, a little fanny pack that has credit card slots and a zipped coin area. It is the same pattern as my carry on tote.

If you could write about all the Belle merchandise you see while you're there.......it'd help me! LOL. (Especially nice writing Pens)

Hang in there, soon you'll be just a few days out and wondering where all the time went! :goodvibes Those 54 days will pass like that! Buying your stuff for the parks will help time pass because each time something new arrives you'll be like, "Just a little longer!"

And I will absolutely write about Belle merchandise! Gotta help my DIS friends out whenever possible. :hug:

Hey, now we have the same VB! Only mine's a different print/color. Awesome! :goodvibes

Really? OMG, how cool is that! :goodvibes I love the shape of the bag, especially the really big pockets in the front.

Love that bag! Cinderella is my favorite Disney movie! You'll love it!

Thanks for the bag love! :goodvibes I'm looking forward to watching Cinderella. I think I will feel more "complete" once I do. :rotfl:
aww counting down that hours! how fun! :goodvibes i cant believe how excited i am for you! :cheer2:

you are still one of my fave DIS members! No worries! :hug: Did you manage to get Cinderella in yet though? ;) If my sister lived near you should she would totally kidnap you and force you to watch it that instant. :rotfl: I got Sword in the Stone and Pinocchio the other day for my nephew. I think parts of Pinocchio will scare him... I think Sword in the Stone is safe, but I can't remember entirely. I need a refresher course on some of the movies... :goodvibes

Are you running around with last minute things or do you find yourself ready to go?? :dance3:
aww counting down that hours! how fun! :goodvibes i cant believe how excited i am for you! :cheer2:

you are still one of my fave DIS members! No worries! :hug: Did you manage to get Cinderella in yet though? ;) If my sister lived near you should she would totally kidnap you and force you to watch it that instant. :rotfl: I got Sword in the Stone and Pinocchio the other day for my nephew. I think parts of Pinocchio will scare him... I think Sword in the Stone is safe, but I can't remember entirely. I need a refresher course on some of the movies... :goodvibes

Are you running around with last minute things or do you find yourself ready to go?? :dance3:

Aw, I'm one of your faves? :hug: You're so sweet!

And no, I still haven't gotten around to watching "Cinderella." :rolleyes1 Maybe tonight but if not then, it'll be the first one I watch on Movie Day. :thumbsup2

I :lovestruc Pinocchio! They have a huge display of the DVD at work, and I'm trying to resist buying it until after we get home so that all of my money can go towards Disney. "Sword in the Stone" is one of Mom's favorites, but it's been a really long time since I've seen it.

And yeah, I'm kind of running around like a chicken with my head cut off. :laughing: I just ran upstairs and put away some laundry and threw some more things into my suitcase. Now I need to grab some lunch and work on finishing my homework so that I can get it OUT OF THE WAY. :banana:

popcorn:: getting closer and closer popcorn::

A new face! :goodvibes Welcome, Mia! :wizard:
Love your bag!

I'm so excited for your trip and to hear how amazing everything goes!!!

I don't think I can talk to you anymore until you watch Cinderella though...;)

Just kidding; but, really, you have to watch it soon!!!
Love your bag!

I'm so excited for your trip and to hear how amazing everything goes!!!

I don't think I can talk to you anymore until you watch Cinderella though...;)

Just kidding; but, really, you have to watch it soon!!!

Hey, Heather! It's so exciting...we're leaving tomorrow! :cool1:

I still haven't had a chance to watch Cinderella. You'll find out why in the next update which I'm posting now. ;)
:banana: We are now 24 hours from departure!!!! :banana:

My classes are finished, my bags are (almost) packed, and now it’s just a matter of hours before I’m on my way to Disney World! Words can not express how ready I am for this trip!!!

Yesterday was pretty busy. I was off from work, so I spent the time finishing up my classes, packing, cleaning my room, etc. It was such a nice day outside yesterday (The temp was in the 70s!!!) so I spent a couple hours laying out on the back deck while simultaneously cramming for my Psych exam. I got some studying in, and I also got a little bit of color in my cheeks so I don’t look ghostly pale in Florida. :laughing: I took the psych exam afterwards and got a 95! Woo-hoo! Even better, I also got my grade back for my 5 page art paper on Georgia O’Keeffe, and I got a 100!!!!! :banana: I was SO excited to see that! I feel so relieved that the classes are over. Plus it means that I only have a quarter left before the freedom of summer!

This morning I got up early and tried out my dad’s “shortcut” to campus, and it worked like a charm! I got there with no problems! I did, however, get lost trying to go back home because of all the one-way streets. :lmao: Still, I’m glad that I have my route all planned out for school when we return from Disney. One less thing on my mind so that I can relax! :goodvibes

I’ve also been cleaning house for my mom today since she works all the way up until we leave. It’ll help HER relax a lot more if she knows that she’s leaving my dad and brothers with a clean house. To “Disney-fy my cleaning, I watched “Aladdin” while I folded laundry. I was going to watch “Cinderella,” but my mom has ALSO never seen it (I know, we’re terrible Disney fans…. :rolleyes1 ), so she asked me to wait and watch it with her in the car. So yes, I still haven’t seen “Cinderella.” I will understand if you no longer want to speak to me. ;)

Here’s a checklist of some of the things I still have to do before we leave:

* Pick up paycheck and put it in the bank

* Stop by Wal-Mart, get toiletries and new makeup bag

* Charge camera battery and iPod

* Order textbooks for next quarter from school bookstore (My financial aid doesn’t come available for books until tomorrow. So annoying. :rolleyes:) and Chegg.com (GREAT website where you can rent textbooks instead of buying them. Plus, they plant a tree for every book you rent, buy, sell, or donate, which I think is pretty cool! :thumbsup: )

* Take brother for driver’s test

I’m going to try to stop by Wal-Mart and the bank tonight, and order my textbooks after I bring my brother back from his test tomorrow. So many things to do! :upsidedow

Here are my Forever 21 finds! (Better late than never, right? ;) )


This is kind of hard to see, but this top is sheer so I got a new white cami to go underneath it, and it is SO cute!


This one has straps that go over your shoulders as well as a halter tie so it has all these straps going everywhere that make it really different looking. Plus, I thought the beading was gorgeous!

Close-up of the beading:

Here’s the feathered headband I got:

I’ve wanted a feathered headband forever, and this one was only $4.80! SCORE! I think I’ll wear it to AK.


I love this top, especially the way the straps cross in the back. :lovestruc

Here’s a close-up of the beading:

And here are the headbands I got for $1.50 each. This picture stinks, but they’re really shiny and brightly-colored in real life.

Continued in next post....
I thought I would also throw in a couple more pics of stuff since I’ve been slacking on updates lately….:rolleyes1

Here’s a top I kept from the ill-fated Old Navy order:

Here’s my bathing suit:

Here’s a (blurry) picture of my suitcase (featuring Mickey himself!):


What do you think of my home pedicure? Not bad, right? I did it during American Idol the other night, and I was soooooo distracted. I’m lucky I didn’t have polish on the bottoms of my toes! :rotfl:

Oh! I've been meaning to tell you guys! I told my mom I wanted to color on our trip, and she went to her room and found me an old coloring book she got at the parks a few years back. She likes to color too and had bought it for herself but never gotten around to it. So she's letting me have it! :goodvibes And THEN, I was cleaning my room last night, and I found an old Princesses coloring book at the bottom of one of my "notebook" drawers! So now I'm all set for coloring! :wizard:

I've also decided that I'm taking the "High School Musical: Mystery Date" game I got for Christmas with us to play in the hotel room. My mom and aunt LOVED "Mystery Date" when they were kids, but I've never played so it should be fun. Plus, it's HSM which just makes it even more entertaining! :laughing:

Okay, I should probably get back to house-cleaning. I've put "The Lion King" in the DVD player to listen to while I clean the kitchen. Talk to you all soon! pixiedust:
YAAAAAAY!!!! :cool1: You're so so so so so close!! And isn't it such a fabulous feeling having everything done and just the vacation to look forward to? Love all the fashion finds. Here's wishing buckets of pixie dust for your trip!!pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: Can't wait to read your TR!
Hooray! :cheer2: 24 hours is amazing! :dance3:

Your FE21 finds are too great! I love your taste! :goodvibes

I think your pedi looks cute! Love the color! :cutie: I am an American Idol junkie too.

It is sweet that you and your mom are gonna watch Cinderella together. I suppose that's a good enough reason to put it off. ;) You should tell her that her daughter will be kidnapped if this is not accomplished. :rotfl:

It took everything in me not to buy some Mickey luggage of disneyshopping.com when they had it on sale! I love your suitecase!

I'm glad everything with school is going so well. I know that must be a relief before going on vacation.

When you come back I hope you will not leave us too long before you start a TR. :hug:
OMG. YAY for 24 hours!! I am so excited for you! :banana: :woohoo: :dance3: :cheer2: :cloud9:

Your F21 finds are so so cute!!

Have a wonderful, magical trip! :wizard: We can't wait to hear from you when you come home!!
I'm jumping up and down for you!!

You must watch Cinderella by the time you get home; it's required!!

I love the purple top and the feather headband! Wonderful choices!! I may have to try and check out that headband!

Congrats on your grades, too. What a wonderful way to start your trip!

I can't wait to hear about your trip!!!!

You're leaving today!!!!

I am sitting here at home doing this:
:banana: :banana: :banana: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :yay: :yay: :yay: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

I am so excited for you and I love your new clothes.

Now I am just waiting impatiently for your Trip Report! haha

I hope you are having a wonderful time!!!!
I hope you are having a wonderful time, Em!! Sorry I was lame and didn't get on in time to send you off with some pixie dust!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!


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