"Enchanted:” The E! True Disneyworld Story of a Birthday Princess (UPDATE 4/18)


I've missed you all sooooo much! :grouphug: Thanks for all the sweet words while I was gone! It's so nice to come home and find that you were missed! :goodvibes

We had such a great trip! The weather was amazing, the crowds were manageable, and pixie dust seemed to follow us wherever we went! :cloud9: I took notes the entire time, and between me and Aunt C we took about 3500 photos! :eek: So my upcoming TR may be one of the longest in history, but you guys won't mind, right? :rolleyes1 :lmao:

Today is the first day of spring quarter, but my on-campus classes don't start until tomorrow so I'm just loading pictures and chilling this morning. I have to go to work at 3'o clock though. Ah the joys of coming back to "real life." ;)

I can't wait to share my trip with you all! As soon as I get the official TR up and running I'll post a link here for you all to check out! :thumbsup2

I hope everyone else has been having a good week! Love ya! :wizard:


I'm so excited for your TR! And I'm sure no one minds details, pictures, and length! ;)


I'm so excited for your TR! And I'm sure no one minds details, pictures, and length! ;)

Hey, Tarah! I'm glad to hear details and length won't be a problem! ;) I've got all the photos loaded onto the computer now, and I'm currently working on loading them into Photobucket. :goodvibes




I'm so glad you had a good time.:goodvibes

Hi, Meg! I'm glad to be back! It was such a good trip, and I'm sad it's over, but I can't wait to relive my memories and share everything with you! :wizard: I promise the TR will be up as soon as humanly possible! :thumbsup2

So happy you are home, although I bet you miss the Magic!!!

I cannot wait for your TR!! I am all for tons of pictures and detailed notes! :thumbsup2
I can't WAIT to read your trippie! You should get started today so I'll have something to read while I feel cruddy right now!!!
Cant wait to read your real trippie:)

Your bags and tops are so pretty:) and I'm a huge David Cook fan too:lovestrucI'm actually having issues watching idol this year because no one is as good as he is:rolleyes:

While reading I also noticed you have the same birthday as my dad:):cool1: I hope you had a great 21 birthday
hey Em! hope everything is going well! you better get goin on your TR! I want to read it before i leave! :goodvibes
I'm sure Em will get her TR up soon. Give her some time -- she just started a new quarter @ school and this weekend is Easter/Passover so I am sure she's spending time with family.
Today’s the big day! The big 2-1!!!

We’re not doing anything special today since our March trip is when I’ll be doing most of my celebrating. And since I don’t really drink, I’m not planning on hitting the town and getting wasted like most kids my age. Instead, I spent the day watching Disney movies (I watched “Enchanted,” “Beauty and the Beast,” and “The Little Mermaid.”) and cyber-shopping. I may ask opinions on a new Vera Bradley bag later because I’m thinking of treating myself… Stay tuned…. ;)

My mom got me an assorted cheesecake platter instead of a cake at my request because bakery icing always makes me sick, and I only allow myself to eat cheesecake on special occasions since it’s so fattening. So what better time for cheesecake than my birthday!? We’ll probably also order pizza or something (Pizza Hut! My favorite!) and watch Lost and American Idol. Not much, but I’m not a big “party” person because I get all embarrassed about being the center of attention. I much prefer quiet birthdays at home…with HUGE Disney trips to follow!

Hi, Emily! I can't believe that I didn't find your PTR earlier! Hope that your birthday trip was wonderful, and happy belated birthday! I'm also turning 21 a week from this Tuesday, and I'm taking a quick trip to the MK to celebrate. :cloud9:

I love how you celebrated your actual birthday. Disney movies, Pizza Hut, cheesecake, and LOST sounds like a birthday that's right up my alley, too!! I hope that you'll post the link to your TR if you write one. I'd love to read it!

As for now, I'm going to read the last few pages of your PTR!

Take care!

~ Anna
Hey everybody! I'm incredibly sorry that I haven't been around more these past few weeks and that I haven't started my TR yet. :guilty: Life has been C-R-A-Z-Y lately. Although I'm greatly enjoying my on-campus classes, it has definitely made my schedule more hectic. (Funny story, I missed my very first class on my first day because there are two separate doors to our classroom, and the one a couple of us went to was locked and stayed locked for the whole class. We sat outside and just assumed the professor either never showed up or that we would return home to find an e-mail stating the class had been moved. Luckily our professor thought it was really funny and didn't punish us or anything. :lmao:) I've also been working more hours at work ever since I got back from WDW. We're preparing to initiate a new checkout system for our U-Scan machines next week, and we're all stressing out about it and having to work more hours because of it. Between school and work, I've hardly had time to sleep and eat let alone have any fun. :sad2: But I have this Saturday off from work so I'm planning to spend it here, catching up on PTRs and posting the first parts of my TR! I can't wait to share my trip with you, and I hope you guys don't hate me for not posting sooner. I really hope you can accept my apologies. :flower3:

I'm so excited for those of you who are just a few days/weeks out! I can't wait to catch up on your PTRs and hear more about your trips. Just a little while longer and you'll be surrounded by the magic! :wizard:

Also, it's nice to see some new faces! Welcome to saratogadreamin09 and Anna! I'm glad you've enjoyed the PTR! :goodvibes

I can't wait to have more time to talk with you all! I've missed you a lot! :grouphug:

See you Saturday! :thumbsup2



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