"Enchanted:” The E! True Disneyworld Story of a Birthday Princess (UPDATE 4/18)

Hello!!!!!! :hug: You have indeed been missed Em! I got excited when I got the email about your thread and that it was actually you posting! :rotfl:

That is very funny about your first class! Thank goodness your professor thought so too! I know I've had some before that would have not agreed with the humor there. ;)

I'm sorry life has been hectic! I hope you get more sleep and fun time soon! No apologies needed of course! Life does go on outside the DIS. (or so they tell me :laughing:) We all know that. We were spoiled with your PTR and are excited to hear about your trip!! I am very much looking forward to your TR! Yay Emily! :wizard:

Yay, you're back!!!:banana::banana:

I cannot wait until Saturday! I'm so excited for your TR. :cheer2:

I should add a ticker to my sig: "Countdown to Enchanted's TR":lmao:
Hello!!!!!! :hug: You have indeed been missed Em! I got excited when I got the email about your thread and that it was actually you posting! :rotfl:

That is very funny about your first class! Thank goodness your professor thought so too! I know I've had some before that would have not agreed with the humor there. ;)

I'm sorry life has been hectic! I hope you get more sleep and fun time soon! No apologies needed of course! Life does go on outside the DIS. (or so they tell me :laughing:) We all know that. We were spoiled with your PTR and are excited to hear about your trip!! I am very much looking forward to your TR! Yay Emily! :wizard:

Hey, Tarah! Thanks so much for being so understanding! :hug: I hate when real life interrupts my DIS time. :laughing: A girl needs her DIS, you know? ;)

Missing my class was :scared1: at the time, but now it's just really funny. :rotfl:

You must be so close to your trip now! How many more days? A week? Less than a week? You must be sooooooooo excited! Heck I'm bouncing around in my chair right this second for you so you must be ecstatic! :woohoo:


Yay, you're back!!!:banana::banana:

I cannot wait until Saturday! I'm so excited for your TR. :cheer2:

I should add a ticker to my sig: "Countdown to Enchanted's TR":lmao:

Hey, girlie! :hug: I've missed you so much!!! I can't wait to catch up on your PTR and see what you've been up to! And a countdown to my TR? :lmao::rotfl2: You are too funny! :rotfl:

See you on Saturday! :goodvibes
Glad to see you back!!!

Sorry about your hectic schedule! I hope things calm down!!

Can't wait for the TR! :)
Hey girl! It's good to hear from you. :hug:

I could never HATE you! It's completely understandable to have a life outside of the DIS. :laughing: I'm just so ready for school to be done. The last official day of finals here are May 15th. :woohoo: OMG, that's one month from today. Haha, I just realized that. That's so funny about your first day. Sounds like something that would happen to me.

Can't wait for the TR to start! :yay:
“Enchanted:” The E! True Disneyworld Story of a Birthday Princess

Once upon a time, there was a princess named Emily, who loved the kingdom of Magic in the faraway land of Florida more than any other. This is her story….


Hey everyone!

I’ve read a lot of TRs over the years that I’ve been a part of the DIS boards, but this is my first attempt at writing my own. So if I’m a ginormous failure at this…you’ve been forewarned. ;)

I should probably start by introducing myself….

My name is Emily, but everyone usually just calls me Em. I will be turning 21 years old in just a couple of weeks, which is why we will be taking a trip to the World in March: to celebrate my birthday, albeit a month late. I’ve never really done anything exciting for any of my birthdays, just went out for modest family dinners and stuff. When I was ten, I had a sleepover with a couple of my friends, but that’s about it. So this trip is really exciting for me because I FINALLY get to do something really special for my b-day, even if it is a month late! See, I’m currently in college so I can’t just skip on off to Disney whenever I want to, no matter how badly I wish I could…. Darn it…. So we’re taking this little vay-cay while I’m on my spring break between quarters.

While we’re on the subject of school, I should probably tell you that I’m currently going to a small, local two-year school for now, and I plan on transferring to a four-year school to get my Bachelor’s degree (And hopefully I’ll graduate with little to no debt! Oh yeah! :thumbsup2 ). I’m planning on majoring in either English or English Literature because I love books, and I hope to write them myself one day. In fact, my life’s ambition is to write a well-received children’s/young adult novel. I’m already working on a fantasy novel that I hope to be the first of an epic trilogy. Maybe one day you’ll see my name on the bookshelves of your local bookstore! Fingers crossed!

Other things about me:

- My favorite Disney princess is Belle because she is a lot like me. We both love to read, have brown hair and eyes, hate conceited jerks like Gaston, want adddventure in the great wiiiide, somewherrre! I want it more that I can telllll!

...Ahem. I think you get the gist. :rolleyes1

- My favorite Disney resorts include the Poly, AKL, CBR, and Pop Century.

- I am a total television nerd and movie geek and have a bad habit of quoting lines from my favorites constantly. You will probably see a lot of memorable quotes sprinkled throughout this report. Whoever guesses them correctly gets a cookie! My treat! ::yes::

- My favorite band is The Fray. If you don’t know who they are, LOOK THEM UP! They’re beyond awesome!

- I was born in Tennessee, but moved to Ohio when I was seven. Still, I often have a Southern twang when I talk, and I use the word “y’all” far too much.

- I’ve been to Disney so many times I’ve lost count, but I think this trip will be the twelfth or thirteenth? Maybe? Possibly?

- I LOVE photography. I got a camera for Christmas in ’07, and ever since I’ve been obsessed with picture-taking. And, not to brag or anything, but I think I’m pretty good at it!


Sunflowers in a field near my old job.


More sunflowers….


Lifeguard station on the beach at Clearwater from our July vacation.


Palm trees! :goodvibes


Foggy day outside my house…


Taken outside my aunt’s house before we left for Disney in November….

As you can see, I love picture-taking so you can expect this PTR and subsequent TR to be CHOCK-FULL of pictures. Cause that’s just how I roll. :moped:

Now, onto some specific details about our trip!

The when:

March 21st-27th, 2009

The who:

Me - See above. ;)

Mom - Everybody says this, I know, but…my mom is the best mom EVER! She’s my best friend, and I just adore everything about her. Since we’re the only girls in my house (I have two younger brothers, 19 and 15, and of course there’s my Dad), Mom and I have to stick together. Disney is one of our strongest common bonds. Mom loves the classics, particularly Peter Pan (He’s her absolute favorite, I think. She loves to point out that I’m like Wendy and my brothers are like John and Michael.) and Lady and the Tramp. We also both love the Pirates movies and have crushes on Johnny Depp. He’s SO dreamy! Mom and I often sit around and talk Disney while catching up on our Tivo’ed soaps. Mom is very cheerful and upbeat and always ready to lend a helping hand.

Also, she has a MASSIVE pin collection, which she is always bringing with her to WDW. These days, I think she has one whole bag that’s JUST lanyards and she switches them off every time we leave the hotel room. Meanwhile, I only have one lanyard and I hardly ever wear it!

My aunt Cindy - The first thing you should probably know about my aunt Cindy? Her name ain’t Cindy. But since Cinderella is her favorite Disney princess (and both she and my mom wish to remain anonymous…or anonyMOUSE…:lmao: …sorry I had to….), I thought the nickname suited her. ;) Aunt C lives and breathes for all things Disney, shopping, and happily ever after. Which is what makes her so awesome. She and my uncle couldn’t have kids so she has taken to spoiling me and my brothers rotten, including taking us to Disney at least once a year. She always knows how to make me laugh, and she’s always up for a good time. She’s always let me be in on the planning of our trips and often lets me take the reins completely when she’s feeling lazy because she says I’m such a good planner! It was her who got me and Mom so obsessed with WDW, and this year all three of us have annual passports to indulge our obsession! Woo-hoo! Aunt C also enjoys pin trading but doesn’t bring her large collection of pins with her each trip.

The why:

I’m turning 21!!!! And we have annual passports!!!! :cheer2:

The where:

…..Um….I…have no idea! My aunt booked the hotel, and she refuses to tell me which one she booked because, “It’s a surprise…”

A surprise hotel?! That can mean only one thing…. :scratchin

DELUXE, baby! :woohoo:

So yeah, I guess you guys are just going to have to be surprised like I am because I have no clue where we’re staying this trip! Truly though, I would sleep in a bathtub at one of the All-Stars (which are actually pretty dang cool!) just to be in Disney, so a deluxe stay is just icing on the [birthday] cake! :banana:

Now, with 44 days to go and counting, the magic is starting to fill me up. I can't wait to get to WDW and see Wishes, eat a Dole Whip, smell Splash Mountain, and all of the other little things that makes Disney my favorite place in the whole world. Because even though I'm an "adult" by society's standards, when I'm at Disney, I'm still that little girl who believes that every story has a happily ever after.

As a wise man once said: Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you just might miss it.

IMHO, that's what Disney's for! Stopping to enjoy the little things in life with the people you love. :goodvibes

And so that concludes my little introduction to what I hope will be a magic-filled adventure in WDW. I hope you’ll join me on my birthday quest, and until me meet again….

Faith, trust, and pixie dust! pixiedust:


Next time: princess: A Birthday Princess’s Top 10 “Enchanting” Things To Do While in WDW….princess:

I love your TR! I think we have a few things in common...my name's Emily, and I want to be an English major in college. Small world, huh? (Sorry, I had to)

Betcha I'm the only one who caught the movie quote hidden in there...Ferris Bueller! ;)
Glad to see you back!!!

Sorry about your hectic schedule! I hope things calm down!!

Can't wait for the TR! :)

Hey, girl! Things are starting to calm down a little bit, thank goodness. Like next week I'm down to a normal work week's hours, so that's good. And I'm getting used to my school assignments for this quarter too, so I should be back to posting more regularly in no time. :goodvibes

Hey girl! It's good to hear from you. :hug:

I could never HATE you! It's completely understandable to have a life outside of the DIS. :laughing: I'm just so ready for school to be done. The last official day of finals here are May 15th. :woohoo: OMG, that's one month from today. Haha, I just realized that. That's so funny about your first day. Sounds like something that would happen to me.

Can't wait for the TR to start! :yay:

Hey, Tink! :hug: Thanks for not hating me! :laughing: That's awesome that you have less than a month to go! We go until the 11th of June. :rolleyes: I would so love to go to a school that has semesters instead of quarters.
Hey everyone!

It's finally here!!!! I've started my TR here. I've only got the introduction posted so far, but I hope to have the first entry posted by tonight. I hope to see you all there!!!

Thanks for all of your support! I love ya! :grouphug:


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