Doctor Who

K9 has died several times and each time the Dr rebuilt him. That happened again after the school episode and the Dr gave sarah a new K9. In her adventures he is busy preventing a black hole from spreading so he can't help her too much but he is still going strong!

Have you seeen the wonderful radio controlled K9 - it's about a quarter size and looks great fun!
K9 has died several times and each time the Dr rebuilt him. That happened again after the school episode and the Dr gave sarah a new K9. In her adventures he is busy preventing a black hole from spreading so he can't help her too much but he is still going strong!

Have you seeen the wonderful radio controlled K9 - it's about a quarter size and looks great fun!

Well thank goodness for that! I was disappointed not to see him in Saturday's episode. The radio controlled K9 sounds great, I will have to look out for that.

Wasn't there a rumour Harriet Jones would become a Dalek? Maybe she is already working for them.....
Does she wear red nail varnish? The person who took The Master's ring had red nail varnish on.....

Jackie and Mickey are both back according to the cast list on Wikipedia.
As a bloke I didnt look at the nail varnish but I think thats Harriet Jones, others say Donna

That sounds feasible(well if that is the right word considering the programme!!!). I hadn't thought of that, but there again I never do.
K9( died in a school think it was in a SJ programe
See below its correct he is in a 'cuboard' in SJS room, doing something to a black hole, he came out once at the and of the last SJS adventures.

I just googled it and apparently the guy who was left on Earth at the end of Voyage of the Damned is called Mr Copper. The one who was the fake Earth guide and was left with all that money.
The fate of one person from VOTD will be found out this Saturday
K9 has died several times and each time the Dr rebuilt him. That happened again after the school episode and the Dr gave sarah a new K9. In her adventures he is busy preventing a black hole from spreading so he can't help her too much but he is still going strong!

Have you seeen the wonderful radio controlled K9 - it's about a quarter size and looks great fun!

PS Radio Times has a lot of god info today with 'DAVE' ROSS on it as they call him, (Davros)
Here is 'DAVE'


Dave I have a question, who or what is inside the Supreme Red dalek, and do they have red nail varnish and a ring?
Doctor Who was just featured in the BBC Six news! An interview with RTD on how he kept the story last week and this Saturdays so secret.

Now just in case you are out on Saturday, its 6.40pm for 65 mins Episodes 12/13 will be shown back to back next Sunday on BBC1, as well as the usual repeats on BBC3. You cannot miss these two!
Our family are so excited we have been clock watching all day so far!
Thing is we all have different theories lol.
We are attending a school summer event tonight, but whooooops will have to go after DW I'm sure they will be an influx of school people arriving after 8:30 lol
Wow Wow wow, so so good!

RTD really pulled out all the stops for this one, or should I say Two? Very handy indeed and as the first few posts on this thread said Donna was the series link and pivotal.

Now Mickey can be revealed as joining torchwood.
An amazing finale. It was one of those 'I can't look down at my food for fear of missing anything' episodes. It kept me gripped throughout and didn't disappoint in any way (apart from Christopher Eccleston not re-appearing).

The human Doctor was a genius concept-and it was hilarious how he aped Donna, and ultimately killed all the Daleks-something that the alien Doctor would never do. Actually there are so many things of note to mention, I would be here forever, so I will skip to something that a lot of people thought would never happen.

We are all going to miss Donna!!!!!!!!! Catherine Tate was amazing, and the end of Donna's story was heartbreaking. After the crash and boom of the universe being in peril, it all comes down to a friendship ending and the death of a great character.

And if people missed the finale and just read that last paragraph, all is not as it seems-catch the repeat next Sunday-the best Doctor Who has EVER been!
I'm over in the States.....I'm totally going home from work and watching youtube....HaHa. We have it on SciFi channel but it bites.....I never thought to check over here for a Dr. Who thread...duh! Can't wait to see it. Been trying to figure out all week if "the hand" plays some role in the regeneration....any hints...
I'm sorry to say I really didn't enjoy tonights episode at all.... I think it's because Rose has always got on my nerves.... (Please don't hate me!!).... I just thought it was poorly put together (You aren't meant to be able to touch Daleks are you?) and RTD did his usual trick of wiping the slate at the end so nothing might as well have happened....

....Shame really because I was really excited for tonights episode.

Bob xoxoxox
Thanks for all the contributionns, Yes Catherine Tate has proven many wrong, how good she is and the human Doctor nearly got to say, Face-bothered, bothered face'.

We have Cybermen at Christmas ( reported earlier in the thread) and DT in 3-4 Specials in 2009, to look forward to,

A repeat tonight on BBC3 at 8.30pm, and Next Sunday episodes 12 and 13 back to back on BBC1 5.35pm, and 6.25pm to 7.30pm.
What a brilliant episode. I loved the human doctor who mirrored Donna and Dr. Donna. I wasn't so bothered about the human doctor/Rose story at the end, but it was so sad when the Dr. had to wipe Donna's memory

Catherine Tate has been brilliant this series, and I'm sad to see her go

Any rumours who the next assistant will be ?
I thoroughly enjoyed it last night and was so pleased they even managed to get K-9 in for Laur's/Leela.

Looking forward to seeing who the new companion will be and what direction Steven Moffatt takes the series in.


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