Doctor Who

Did you notice Donna's hand at the end and her ring glistening?

Do you know I did notice that! I keep wondering how Stephen Moffat is going to go on with keeping hold of all of these threads that RTD has set in motion or at least hinted at.

Did you notice Donna's hand at the end and her ring glistening?
This was MAJORLY obvious wasn't it? There's gotta be a connection, although I've read that Donna's ring and the Master's ring aren't the same when you compare them. There's definitely some mischief going on with her ring though.....
No, we didn't see Harriet Jones which surprised me, and we didn't see her or Davros die either.
I'm sure we'll see more from both of these guys sometime in the future....
And from Jennie (that's kinda weird that they're dating, I know they're not really father and daughter but still :lmao:), I liked her character so hope she does make a comeback.
There always seems to be scope for characters (even "dead" ones) to return on Doctor Who.
It's a bit like Heroes and Lost etc, is anyone ever permanently dead, they always seem to find ways to bring them back? ;)

I'm sad we have to wait so long now for some more Who-ness :sad2:
Interesting the different views on this one, the same is on other internet forums,

In part 2 (episode 13) we did see the Daleks kill Harriet , this was a bit of RTD, mischief, I think he re edited it, on reading some forums in the last month and the speculation, to give us a read herring.

He knew everyone would pick up that we didn't 'see' her die in Episode 12 ( part 1) ,so think she was behind it all, but it was a double bluff, as we saw in the last part her die in flash back.

RTD has been good, the issues are correct in his tenure, the following was not in my opinion Doctor Who:-

Turned a bit into a Soap , too much romance less Sci Fi
Too much 'Earth based' everyone would be committing suicide now with so much happening to us. Think of the panic!-In the past UNIT kept it secret.

Steve Moffat has given us some really good spooky dramas hopefully he can do more of that, sometimes RTD, has a joke on Doctor Who itself, yes reverse the polarity is funny, but too many in jokes, IE Spoilers.
In part 2 (episode 13) we did see the Daleks kill Harriet , this was a bit of RTD, mischief, I think he re edited it, on reading some forums in the last month and the speculation, to give us a read herring.

He knew everyone would pick up that we didn't 'see' her die in Episode 12 ( part 1) ,so think she was behind it all, but it was a double bluff, as we saw in the last part her die in flash back....

...Steve Moffat has given us some really good spooky dramas hopefully he can do more of that, sometimes RTD, has a joke on Doctor Who itself, yes reverse the polarity is funny, but too many in jokes, IE Spoilers.
Did we see her die though? I thought we still just saw a flash of light?

We noticed a bit of an in joke a few weeks ago in a Steven Moffatt episode, where a phrase from Coupling was used in Doctor Who (slimmity slim from slimtown slimania from Coupling - was turned into something along the lines of thickity thick from thickania in Doctor Who).
Did we see her die though? I thought we still just saw a flash of light?

We noticed a bit of an in joke a few weeks ago in a Steven Moffatt episode, where a phrase from Coupling was used in Doctor Who (slimmity slim from slimtown slimania from Coupling - was turned into something along the lines of thickity thick from thickania in Doctor Who).

I thought in Episode 13 we saw Harriet Die by the Dalkes in a flashback, when Davros was sayin who had died for the Doctor.

This Sunday 12/13 will be shown again 5.35pm BBC1, a chance to see it again, then BBC3 7PM Monday a full repeat of all the series starts, with 4.1 4.2 and 4.3 on Monday to Wednesday.
I thought in Episode 13 we saw Harriet Die by the Dalkes in a flashback, when Davros was sayin who had died for the Doctor.

Yes, we saw the flash of light, but we never actually saw her die.....It could be another false trail...

Bob xoxoxox
I thought in Episode 13 we saw Harriet Die by the Dalkes in a flashback, when Davros was sayin who had died for the Doctor.
Jennie was also in this series of flashbacks, and we know she's not dead, it's all just people the Doctor THINKS are dead......
I found an awesome youtube vid the other day. Remember a year ago when the Doctor leaves instructions for Martha when he's human, but she gets bored and skips to the end? Well, here's the whole thing unedited. It's very funny actually! :lmao:

I like everyone's theories about 'We didn't see them die'. I'd love to see Harriet Jones again being good. Donna I'd love to come back too, pending Catherine Tate of course. (I had a thought, if she got the Time-Lordy bit, maybe SHE has two hearts and can regenerate... Of course, wishful thinking. ;) )

I'd like it if next year, they found a way to get other time lords bar the Master back. I mean, if Dalek Caan could go back to the time war, surely the Doctor can. Again, wishful thinking. :lmao:

I'd also like to mention that... they never DID explain everything. It seemed rather than having one big word for all the internet forum geeks to find (excluding us of course! :lmao: ) they reinstated random things over and over again and then made a finale from that. In doing so, we never DO know what was a clue and what wasn't!

Steven Moffat will be fun as the next guy in charge and I agree, we really need to get back to the standard Doctor Who we all know and love.. We go somewhere, kick butt, then move on without really much thought. That's the way it has been, that's they way it should be. :teeth:

Btw, Tonight is my (3rd) Prom night, and I was really tempted to get a brown pinstripe suit! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Also, wouldn't it be a bit creepy when Rose's Doctor and her were together and he suddenly came out with a Donnaism? I think that might ruin the moment :rotfl:


Is it just me or were the daleks so much scarier with a german accent?!

I loved the German Daleks, they were so funny! :lmao:

5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. Tardis is go!:lmao:

I'd like it if next year, they found a way to get other time lords bar the Master back. I mean, if Dalek Caan could go back to the time war, surely the Doctor can. Again, wishful thinking. :lmao:

What about the episode with his "Daughter"? She regenerated and is flying around the universe somewhere. Wouldn't be surprised if she comes back! :cutie:
Ok, am I the only one getting withdrawl symptoms from Doctor Who only after a week! :lmao: I tried youtubing but my internet is SLOOOOOOW atm.

I watched the Doctor Who Finale again, again, for I'm suffering withdrawl here, and look what I spyed.. Sarah Jane Adventures is coming back! :goodvibes Not Doctor Who, but it's something!!! :lmao: Look out for it in the Autumn!

And I heard that Captain Jack and the gang will be back in Spring.. It might not be so long after all. ;)

Have a great time at the prom :goodvibes


Thanks! :)
It was great to watch the last two episodes again. I look forward to the Christmas Special - shame it's the Cybermen again. Even now I can be reduced to that 10 year old that used to hide behind the settee when they come on :thumbsup2 :rotfl2:
It was great to watch the last two episodes again. I look forward to the Christmas Special - shame it's the Cybermen again. Even now I can be reduced to that 10 year old that used to hide behind the settee when they come on :thumbsup2 :rotfl2:

:lmao: :lmao:

I think for Christmas I'll have to avoid buying my brother a Cyberman Helmet. I know he'd wear it on Christmas Day, and he's only twenty something! :lmao:


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