Doctor Who Dicussion *Episode Guide on Post 27! Warning: Contains Spoilers*

My DD6 cried for a good 15 minutes as she was convinced Rose is dead !

A very good episode actually that kept the viewer watching from beginning to end!

A great episode, I now look forward to the Christmas show and when he gets his new assistant :)

Glad he told us why he was wearing the 3D glasses ~ LOL
A great episode - fab action and then also very moving. I did shed a tear ;)
Now what Monsters do you want to see in Series three?

I would like to see the spiders from the planet of the spiders who go into your back and control you.

Also if Kate O,Mara is free the Rani would be good.
What a great ending to the series! I was so pleased that Rose didn't really die, even though it was sad all the same and I will openly admit to shedding a few tears. Billie will be missed.

Horrified to see that Catherine Tate will be in the Christmas episode, hope she isn't as irritating as usual....

As for what monsters to bring back, for me as I have mentioned before, it has to be the sontarans!! Come on, Russell T.....

I'd love if they actually tell the Doctor that there are more Time-Lords out there; after all the Daleks were supposedly died in the last series and they came back. Heck, if they really wanted to we could bring back Romana! :)

I'd also like it if they did another ex-companion meet up, after all there are some who we have said fully goodbye too. For example, Susan Foreman we were supposed to have seen again, then again Carol Ann Ford is around 80 so I don't know if she'll want to do it again (but we could always have a regeneration; she is part-time lord ya know).

I hear the Ice Warriors could come back; not sure how popular they were but if they were then yay! :teeth: Otherwise, cool. :)

Oh and Btw, Nice picture Leela. :)
Sontarans!! yes bring back the great big heads with the tougne out, Lyinx was first in Sarah Janes first outing when she though the Doc (JP) was the bad guy.
Then Sarah saw them again with Doc (TB) on Earth after the solar flares, between the space station one with the Cybers or green things.
pokemon_master said:
I'd love if they actually tell the Doctor that there are more Time-Lords out there; after all the Daleks were supposedly died in the last series and they came back. Heck, if they really wanted to we could bring back Romana! :)

I would really like it if it was discovered that there were more Time Lords out there - after all, every time some new evil person appears, I drive my DH crazy asking if it is the Master :rotfl: I think I might have said before that I think they have shot themselves in the foot wiping out the Time Lords and any opportunity of getting back to Gallifrey.

Oh and Btw, Nice picture Leela. :)

Thank you, Master :goodvibes

I think they wanted the Doc 9 (CE) to be a bit bitter, explain his absence and have an edge to him, was very moral, now he can fight, changed from a helper to a superhero.

Rose made him care again gave him back some of is 'human' qualities and this followed on with Doc 10 (DT).

Now I agree it was always a break to see him go back home and see the time lords, the best was the five doctors in my opinion where all (actually four) of the doctors, (TB 'trapped in space, refused to turn up so they used part of a cancelled show, stopped due to a strike).
The odd foe dalek etc thrown in and it was one timelord wanting to be immortal again.

It would be nice to have them back, and an updated Master as well.

In someways its like the old joke, TIMELORDS killed due to unforceen events, if they travel in time, they would have known they would die in a time war, so made a contingency, they did forcee the Daleks so sent the Doc (TB) back in time to stop them!
And what about the Dalek who did the "emergency temporal shift" and so avoided being sucked into The Void? He is bound to put in an appearance in the next series.

As for Rose, there should be a Doctor in the alternate universe too so they could meet again one day....
Halo said:
And what about the Dalek who did the "emergency temporal shift" and so avoided being sucked into The Void? He is bound to put in an appearance in the next series.....
They will always come back Rose got rid of them all last time and they were hidden in the void! Next time they will come back in the shower!
Halo said:
As for Rose, there should be a Doctor in the alternate universe too so they could meet again one day....
Yep they should have their own time lords, but their Doc is still with Sarah-Jane and three kids, Sonic, Kaynine, and Billie!
Andrew DEREK UK said:
Yep they should have their own time lords, but their Doc is still with Sarah-Jane and three kids, Sonic, Kaynine, and Billie!

LOL. :rotfl:

I would love it if they would do another incarnation cross-over again. I mean, I know 3 of the actors who play Doctors 1, 2 and 3 are dead, but that hasn't stopped them before. And, it would give Dr. McGann a chance to do a little more in the show's history (and the possibility of them explaining what happened in the time war/how he regenerated).

Would also like it if they tried bring back some of the minor but recurring old series aliens/villiens, such as the Silurian and the Sea Devils, the Yeti or even (Dare I say it), The Sontarans. It seems that although they are considered some of the most dangerous of the Doctor's enemys, they haven't really had that many reappearances..

We could always dream. :teeth:
pokemon_master said:
Would also like it if they tried bring back some of the minor but recurring old series aliens/villiens, such as the Silurian and the Sea Devils, the Yeti or even (Dare I say it), The Sontarans. It seems that although they are considered some of the most dangerous of the Doctor's enemys, they haven't really had that many reappearances..

We could always dream. :teeth:

Yes, yes, dare to say it, dare to say it! I am trying to drum up popular support!

I found out that the Christmas special is supposed to be a three parter set across the chrimbo period, and that the Doctor meets a "Cyberwoman" (It's from the Daily Star, so the reliablity is questionable. Then again, the tabloids do normally get stuff correct).

Anyone thinking Yvonne Hartman? :teeth: She is the most irregular Cyberperson ever (I know it's Uni-sex Cyber suits, but it does sound convincing). After all, she does retain some emotion after she got upgraded. When my brother saw the Yvonne-bot he shouted "That's NOT how it works!". LOL :lmao:

Oh, and if you remember before I mentioned a friend who hated Who? Well, he is now converted into a Who Fan! I bet the Cybermen would be proud; it took me 14 weeks to do it without any technology to help (probably would of been 1 had I had mind control devices. :teeth: )
I spent the last two days in the tower next to Canary Wharf, now it was so funny how many people now refer it to the TORCHWOOD tower!

Didnt see any Cybers or Daleks going in out out, but there was a massive galaxy cruiser going into the underground car park!!!!! ( or was that into the dock???)
Very interesting about the cyberwoman, and I agree, master, who else could it be except Yvonne? I agreed with your brother after I watched the last episode - surely she couldn't still have some of her own personality traits? But my DH (who is more observant than me) said that it was as if she hadn't been transformed fully as only half of her mouth was lit up when she spoke. I will have to watch the episode again more closely.

Glad to hear that no daleks or cybermen have been spotted in the vicinity of Torchwood Tower, emperor dalek (apart from yourself, of course!)

arieljasmine said:
Glad to hear that no daleks or cybermen have been spotted in the vicinity of Torchwood Tower, emperor dalek (apart from yourself, of course!)

Captain Jack was moving things to Cardiff after their cover was blown, a bit of a giveaway that thousands of Daleks and Cybers were rushing in through the window.


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