Doctor Who Dicussion *Episode Guide on Post 27! Warning: Contains Spoilers*


<font color=peach>Everybody wants to be a Munchlax
Oct 11, 2005
Another thing I have been waiting to see since Xmas; New Doctor Who! I hope Dr Tennant is better then Dr Ecceleston; the previous Doctor was mostly "Oh, my all my people have died" and "Waa I am all alone..". Probably why he took Billie for a spin; desparation. :teeth:

Can't wait to laugh at the Cat Nuns; they look so funny! :rotfl2: My brother is looking forward to the Parrell Universe/Cyberman ep, where as I can't wait to see K-9.

If you can't wait to see it, perhaps you could answer this question. Which is scarier: Cybermen, or Tennant's look on this page ? I am guessing Tennant's look. :rotfl2:
David Tennant: Best thing to come out of Scotland since Sylevestor McCoy, or Haggis?

I am guessing the Latter. :teeth:
Nothing wrong with Christopher Eccleston, he was superb!! I only hope David Tennant lives up to expectations :goodvibes
Chris is alright, but unfortunately he got stuck being the meloncholy doctor.

If Dr. Tennant asks what kind of person he is, the answer is obvious: funny!
I'm really looking forward to the new series, I haven't seen David Tennant yet, but he's got a lot to prove as Christopher Eccleston was so good

I wonder if Sue is in the new series, she hasn't mentioned it :)
mandymouse said:
I wonder if Sue is in the new series, she hasn't mentioned it :)

No Mandy, Im not in the new series, my rates have gone a little too high and when Chris left, a little bit of my heart did too ;)
florida sun said:
Nothing wrong with Christopher Eccleston, he was superb!! I only hope David Tennant lives up to expectations :goodvibes
I agree it will be a difficult act to follow :)
I'll be tuned in with DD6, its our saturday night girls in together (well at least till 8pm :teeth: ). She kept shushing everyone on Xmas day bless her and she has been counting down to this since last series. Seeing as I just rewatched Harry Potter last night I'll probably be watching for polymorphing twitching though :lmao: Can't wait,
Claire xx
florida sun said:
No Mandy, Im not in the new series, my rates have gone a little too high and when Chris left, a little bit of my heart did too ;)

That's the trouble with you luvvy types - you don't know when you're onto a good thing ;) I hope your pal Chris sticks by you though Sue and finds you a suitable role in his next venture :teeth:
AlanUK said:
That's the trouble with you luvvy types - you don't know when you're onto a good thing ;) I hope your pal Chris sticks by you though Sue and finds you a suitable role in his next venture :teeth:

Luvvy Types!!!!!!!! :love: :love: :love: me??????? :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

I had a chat with Chris on the phone earlier and lets just say there are a few things in the pipeline ;) :rotfl:
If you do manage to convince Dr Tennant to let you back onto the set again, perhaps you could give us an insight. :)

If not, Chris will always have work for you. :teeth:

10 Doctors.. 2 Don't belong. Guess which. :teeth:

In case you can't tell by the lame questions, Doctor Who fandom is in my blood. My Bro liked it; my uncle liked it. Looks like I get to carry on the "Family Business" :)
See that block of flats behind David Tennant, Im looking at them right now from my office window.
florida sun said:
See that block of flats behind David Tennant, Im looking at them right now from my office window.

:earseek: Cool!

I wonder if the flat owners in that building are famous now? They must have a "David Tennant was here" sign or something. :teeth:

The answer to my last question was Doctors 2 and 8. Anyone care to say why?
pokemon_master said:
I wonder if the flat owners in that building are famous now? They must have a "David Tennant was here" sign or something
Wonder if there is anything :rolleyes:
The answer to my last question was Doctors 2 and 8. Anyone care to say why?

Why is that?
I can't wait for this either, have sky + it so it will be waiting when we get back from Disney :thumbsup2

I hope David Tennant can live up to Chris - Chris is my second favourite doctor after the hilarious Tom Baker.

ArielJasmine princess:
Woot 2 more days ....must plan....take phone off door...get munchies....eep too little time.
Tiggery said:
Woot 2 more days ....must plan....take phone off door...get munchies....eep too little time.

Lol, so true. I missed a bit of "Boom Town" from series 1 as my bro had friends around who were in the way all the time!

arieljasmine said:
I hope David Tennant can live up to Chris - Chris is my second favourite doctor after the hilarious Tom Baker.

ArielJasmine princess:

I agree with you on that; David Tennant Still has a lot to prove after pulling a "Zero to Hero" act on us. I liked Tom Baker as Dr Who too, but I haven't really watched any of the old series..

Minniespal said:
Why is that?

Doctor number 2 (Patrick Troughton for any major Dr who fans) was orignally brought in because they thought Doctor number 1 (William Hartnell) was too old to continue, and so really you can ignore him being a doctor. Although there was a regeneration scene in the Doctor Who series, A) they annonced that it was more of a replacement anyone and B) The footage is non-existant anymore: the BBC wiped most of the tapes back in the 1970s to make room for new stuff. No-one has any proof to prove me wrong. :teeth:

Doctor number 8 (Paul McGann) only played the character in the 1996 TV movie, and nothing else. No regeneration scene either, so you can't really say that he was a Doctor. (Although you probably can argue for him being a Doctor as Chris mentions in the First ep of the new series that he "turned out OK; pity about the ears though.." so you could say that there was some sort of regeneration at some point. Still, until they prove it I am not really fuss. :teeth: )

I told you guys I had Internal Logic! :goodvibes


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