Doctor Who Dicussion *Episode Guide on Post 27! Warning: Contains Spoilers*

The replacement for Billie has been confirmed by the BBC ,it is as reported a few weeks back....

FREEMA AGYEMAN she played Adeola last week and was killed?????

Newcomer Freema Agyeman is to take over from Billie Piper in the third series of Doctor Who, it has been revealed.
Agyeman, 27, will play Martha Jones in the next run of the drama, due to start filming in Cardiff this summer.

Regular viewers saw her in last week's episode where she played Adeola, a minor character who suffered at the hands of the Cybermen.

The current series of Doctor Who finishes on BBC One this Saturday and sees Piper leaving the show.

"When I first saw Freema Agyeman she had come in to audition for the part of Adeola in series two," said executive producer and writer Russell T Davies.
Andrew DEREK UK said:
MORE on this, why the doctor was using 3-D glasses, Radio Times quotes there is a central reason to why the Doctor is using 3-D glasses, all becomes clear this Saturday. Maybe it is all clear in 3D glasses????????

I was really surprised to hear this - I thought it was just the doctor being his quirky self.

Not as surprised, however, as I was to find out that the new assistant is already dead! I realise that she will be playing a different character, but surely they could have found a different actress for the one in last Saturday's episode?! Pushing the realms of believeability again.....

Leela princess:
I agree; you get one shot and that's it in who!

On the plus side, she is the first Female to break the colour companion barrier (not that there really is one, but you get what I mean). The Sun say she is the first black companion ever, but that's silly since we all know it's Mickey who was the first black companion! Nil points for the Tabloids!
Found out that Cap'n Jack (the Who one anyway) is NOT in Doomsday.. :( That means the Doctor is going to have some alone time for awhile. ;)
according to today's (Thursday) trailer looks like something is going to happen to Jackie
Oh and btw, Marypops! I thought of a nickname for you. :)

I thought we could call you Adric, since you seem to a genius on the computer game world parts of Who. I can just imagine you with a little Gold Badge all your own and multi-coloured PJs! :teeth:

Heres a picture to make things clearer for ya. :)

Neat huh? Plus you get your own smilie. :teeth:

Here you go: ->

I haven't forgotten about you Leela... ;) You can have some Smilies too:

<- Leela 1 - Brown

<- Leela 2 - Blue

Unfortunately, there are no Dalek smilies in existance Emporer Dalek :( Sorry. On the plus side, you can look at my smilies!

<- Old Master

<- New Master

Enjoy. :teeth:
pokemon_master said:
Or, more likely to Rose. :)

Or more likely Rose's Dad, who is in the next episode and who was dead in our reality anyway.... I think the trailer showed Rose saying "Why did you have to kill him?".

WOW, I love my smilies, thanks, master!

Dont call anyone ADRIC, is that a joke? Adric died stopping the Cybermen, now, is that history repeating itself, or just Rose off to another dimension with Mickey, his Aunt, and Roses mum and Dad?.

Question What is in the box that the Daleks are looking after so carefully and had to keep in the void for a long time????

Captin Jack will star as the head of TORCHWOOD spin off, leaving little time for Doctor Who.
Don't question my logic Emporer Dalek. ;)

I am the Master! (Of all Nicknames!) Muhahaha!!
So the ending is...

Who do you think you are....
I said who do you think you are,...
The Doctor Doctor who?...
Am I bothered? Am I bothered?

Glad Catherine tate is only in it for Christmas Day.

Anyway excllent episode really ties up all of the loose ends good effects, even felt a tear coming on at the end. So good.

Only problem is half the cast cannot come back now, so they need a all new support, and after Daleks in two seasons and Cybers, What can come next??

I am bothered really bothered.
:sad1: That was such a sad ending... Oh well, she wanted to go. But still... :sad:

The thing I found out was that she said she wanted to leave since Day 1 of the new series, and was paid a lotta money to stay on. They LIED! How rude are they.... Just like they sorta lied about the whole Freema being a new companion thingy and that DT was going to be the new Doctor..

Looks like we have a temporal companion; Catherine Tate!! :teeth: As long as she doesn't say "Am I bothered?" every 5 minutes I'll be OK....

The game looks good; It's Cybers VS Daleks Game. I wanted to be a Dalek! No Fair! :furious:

Oh, and in question to the whole "Who would win between Daleks and Cybers" it looks like the daleks one. I mean, there were only 4 of them and they totally kick butt!

Don't worry about this thread folks; I'll still keep it open for all our talks about Who. But, when Torchwood comes along, I think we shall shut down and move over there. Until then, let's talk about Who somemore. :)
They just said on BBC3 she said from day one this series she would go at the end, she planned to help keep the series going with the new doctor, shes done her bit now and knowing she would go RTD added bits to all of the sripts from Sarah Jane to Queen Victoria saying it would end in tears.

Freema being a new companion was reported on Sky news a few weeks back they were correct but gave it 50/50 with the x-Corrie girl. Its said that RTD was so impressed with her work on last weeks show she offered her the part.
Well I was move to a tear, I have to admit, great episode and I felt really sorry for them both in the end, reminded me a bit of Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze in ghost ;)

I do hope that Catherine Tate is only in the Christmas special as im not keen on her at all.

Great series, and I am now so looking forward to Torchwood.

Thank you Matt, Andrew and everyone else who kept this thread going through the series :thumbsup2
thought that episode was great :) just waiting for the xmas episode now...

also something random but i go to this place which i think is a club for policemen or something or a univerity actually i have no idea what it is but it's something to do with the police... oh and we go there with family friends where one was a body guard for Princess Margeret and one is a policemen and just ouside near the car park is a police box wooooo :) my sisters have got a picture of them with it (was for thank you messages for their bday gifts they got from their doctor who themed party) so yeah... very random


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