Do Male Disney Fanactics Exist?

You can never do too much for them. We moved up to the country and I gave up travelling to the city to work so that I could be with them. The way I see it they are grown up too fast and gone before you know it. Enjoy every minute you can with them and enjoy it to the fullest.
BTW... Ottawa to CT (well Hartford ( I think it was) CT) is only a 7 hour drive.. *grin*
Unfortunately in my case the fathers are pretty much convenient dads. Only when the kids can be squeezed into their time. Its not very often either. DD is 14 and DS is 5. To be honest, it does not matter if they ever see them again. They are the ones who are losing out. My kids are my life and hopefully one day we will complete the Disney family with my Prince.


It only takes us 10hrs. to get to Disney also. I love my Disney road trips. How far do you think Virginia is from here? I am in Metairie, right outside of New Orleans.

Thanks for the compliment. Matt is 18 and starting his first day of college today (local so he is still living home). I have had sole custody since he was 10. I consider being his dad one of the greatest joys of my life. I waited until he was 16 before I started dating because I wanted to be sure he had at least one full time parent. His mom had a lot of emotional issues (enough said on that issue). Needless to say he and I are very close.

Hi Dizmom,

Its about a 10 hour drive to Disney :sad1: But that doesnt stop me from going at least once a year. I agree that I may need to start looking further a field to find my Disney Princess princess: I have not had much success in my area either.



You are bringing tears to my eyes. What a wonderful dad, your son is very lucky. Congrats to your son for his first day at College. I hope all goes well for him. I know what you are talking about when you say that our children are the joys of our lives. See, I do not have children but my sister and I are extremely close and they even call me their second mom. They are just precious to me, they our my life besides my husband. My husband absolutely adores them. My sister is moving with us in about two years and our goal is to move to Florida where it's warm and of course DISNEY ha!ha! Better choices of Universities for the children depending on what they decide to do in life. At least now, she has goals in life because with her EX, no goals, no ambition. Well enough of that and now she starts a second chapter in her life which is better for the children anyway. It's nice to see that there is good dads out there.
You couldn't have said that any better. I too, want to move to Disney in the next couple of years. It was soooo hard to share my goals and dreams with someone who thought they were ridiculous. Onto my new chapter......
I have had sole custody since he was 10. I consider being his dad one of the greatest joys of my life.

John, That is so beautiful... that's exactly what I think... I give them everything... my time, my love everything and my soon EX said that I was maybe doing to much for them... I don't know,it just comes naturally for me.

Maybe your soon EX is my soon EX. He said the problem with me is that I made my children my life. Is it just me or.......:confused3
Unfortunately in my case the fathers are pretty much convenient dads. Only when the kids can be squeezed into their time. Its not very often either. DD is 14 and DS is 5. To be honest, it does not matter if they ever see them again. They are the ones who are losing out. My kids are my life and hopefully one day we will complete the Disney family with my Prince.


It only takes us 10hrs. to get to Disney also. I love my Disney road trips. How far do you think Virginia is from here? I am in Metairie, right outside of New Orleans.

That is so sad to see that there are people out there that way. Just convenient for them. Well, you know what, your children don't need that at all. You are better off not seeing them ever again. They do not deserve that treatment from them. I am getting frustrated, sorry.
Maybe your soon EX is my soon EX. He said the problem with me is that I made my children my life. Is it just me or.......:confused3

No it's not just you, it's them the problem ha!ha! They have huge problems in their head, they need to grow up and smell the coffee.
Vent away....sometimes I use the boards to do it. What is crazy is that I truly do have two wonderful kids. We are so much better off now. We have our rough times just like every other family but for the most part we are pretty happy.
Vent away....sometimes I use the boards to do it. What is crazy is that I truly do have two wonderful kids. We are so much better off now. We have our rough times just like every other family but for the most part we are pretty happy.

My sister also have two wonderful children. Maybe you should meet each other for a coffee at Disney one of these days. The boy is just brilliant at school, he won two years in a row the public speaking, I bought him a nice glass trophy to congratulate him, he was so proud.
Actually my brother in law raised his 2 boys himself also. My *ex* sister in law didnt want to have anything to do with the boys. She walked out on them when they were 2 and 8. Barely even sees them for 1 weekend a month, they cut in on her time, they are 17 and 11 now. My brother in law did/does a great job raising them. So we know there are some great dads out there!

WOW, how can a mother leave her children at such a young age :confused3
I dont know but she did. When the judge offered her joint custody or custody of 1 of the boys she didnt want it.
Thanks for all the warm compliments about my situation. It is so sad to see parents that want nothing to do with their children. I for one can not understand that at all! I have been very melenacholy (spelling?) this year. Matt is grown and does not want to do as many things with me. I understand that and accept it. But I miss my little boy! At least he is still really enthusiastic about doing Disney with me.

Dismom I am about 16 hours from you, I think. My son went on a mission trip with the church this april to help rebuilding homes in NO. I think he said it took him that long.

I would love to chat with anyone who likes to talk about Disney (I do have other interests as well LOL) Feel free to PM me and I will give you my email address.

Thanks for all the warm compliments about my situation. It is so sad to see parents that want nothing to do with their children. I for one can not understand that at all! I have been very melenacholy (spelling?) this year. Matt is grown and does not want to do as many things with me. I understand that and accept it. But I miss my little boy! At least he is still really enthusiastic about doing Disney with me.

Dismom I am about 16 hours from you, I think. My son went on a mission trip with the church this april to help rebuilding homes in NO. I think he said it took him that long.

I would love to chat with anyone who likes to talk about Disney (I do have other interests as well LOL) Feel free to PM me and I will give you my email address.


I think that one of your interest is fishing, am I wrong LOL, I will definitely tell my sister to chat with you, she needs a lot of friends at this moment.
I love that fishing mickey on your signature. And what else is there besides disney, fishing and the great outdoors??? lol Sorry the great outdoors is my way of life. We live on just under 600 acres so spend a lot of time enjoying it.
I love that fishing mickey on your signature. And what else is there besides disney, fishing and the great outdoors??? lol Sorry the great outdoors is my way of life. We live on just under 600 acres so spend a lot of time enjoying it.

Where is Bellair beach
My hubby is a disney fanatic. i'm the researcher-he's the "When's our next trip, honey" guy. As soon as I plan one trip, he's thinking of when we'll have the moola for the next one. He's so funny.
I wish mine were, I'm lucky enough to get in a week at Disney this time. Bellair Beach is between Clearwater and St. Petersburgh in Florida. Its beautiful, right on the Gulf of Mexico, Miles and Miles of beach.

Here is to a new chapter in everyone's life.... let's be positive and live life to the fullest.


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