DIS scrappers**Warning**

I would have accepted a response of I liked those LOs and wanted to lift them and didn't realize I put them in my gallery instead of my favorites, or I didn't know how else to keep them together since I got them from various sites, but it's hard to believe that she did that many uploads of images not her own without realizing it.

I've never uploaded to 2peas, but I have uploaded at a large amount of digital scrapping sites and at the most I have seen is being able to upload 5 images at a single time, so to upload the 20+, would have at least taken 4 or more upload screens.

And to add in the fact that she entered them into challenges, and added the journal text in her upload text, like many of us do to ensure that viewers can read the journal text, just makes her story even weaker then it does on it's own.

Plus she claims that she had no internet access the day it happened, BUT Kelly found that she posted here at DIS that same day. :confused3 :rotfl:

I'm going to try to forget this happened, we'll never know the whole truth, and the images were removed, so I'm not going to waste my karma thinking about it anymore. But I was really mad that first day!
I've never uploaded to 2peas, but I have uploaded at a large amount of digital scrapping sites and at the most I have seen is being able to upload 5 images at a single time, so to upload the 20+, would have at least taken 4 or more upload screens.
Actually to upload them on to Two Peas site like they were would have had to been done individually. You can upload more than one at a time, but they would be connected. To upload over there takes some time and while you are uploading you are shown a small thumbnail as well as a fullscale preview. I think that is why a lot of people aren't buying the story because you would see that it isn't your work. And as you said, she put some of the journaling in the comments.
here's my attempt at a watermark. got the info from twopeas in the photo message board on the "does someone want to make me a watermark" thread. :) also there is a tutorial on www.escrappers.com that isn't too bad. maggie

GREAT photo Maggie!! Love it.. and that watermark looks good!!! :)

BAMB, keep me posted on what you find.. I plan on looking around tomorrow...in between sports practices, book rental payment and volunteering at the MS book rental night...
It was bad enough.. 90 temps an a 2 hour meeting for PTO!
GREAT photo Maggie!! Love it.. and that watermark looks good!!! :)

BAMB, keep me posted on what you find.. I plan on looking around tomorrow...in between sports practices, book rental payment and volunteering at the MS book rental night...
It was bad enough.. 90 temps an a 2 hour meeting for PTO!

K, I'll keep looking. not sure how much I'll get done though.
We have another chiro appt tomorrow. Our regular DR is on vacation so we are seeing the other, whom I don't care for, he's more aggressive. Nice guy and all but I'm always sore after seeing him.
here's my attempt at a watermark. got the info from twopeas in the photo message board on the "does someone want to make me a watermark" thread. :) also there is a tutorial on www.escrappers.com that isn't too bad. maggie


OMG! Is that a baby turtle? What a great picture! (and nice job on the watermark too) :love:
thanks. :) yup we kind of crashed the turtle troop walk at vero beach in july and they were digging up a nest that had hatched the night before, there were 3 baby turtles still in it so the fish and wildlife people picked them up and put them on the beach so they could go into the ocean. They move fast! cute little things. :) maggie
thanks. :) yup we kind of crashed the turtle troop walk at vero beach in july and they were digging up a nest that had hatched the night before, there were 3 baby turtles still in it so the fish and wildlife people picked them up and put them on the beach so they could go into the ocean. They move fast! cute little things. :) maggie

That is an amazing photo.
I pulled the few layouts I had posted back when Kaboose bought 2 Peas and am glad that I did it. What this person did was just plain wrong and her excuses aren't holding.


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