DIS scrappers**Warning**

What an odd thing to do. If she isnt honest about her layouts imagine how she is at her job as an accountant.:scared1: I wouldnt want her to do my taxes.

I scraplift all the time - ideas not the actual entire page itself.

that is just weird. why would ya? that kinda freaks me out. passing it off as your own work, when it's someone else's. :confused3
Wow, that is just weird. I scraplift all the time, but for personal use. Never post pics and claim it's all mine. She just copied and pasted the original pics.

Can't imagine what she was trying to do, or why. Hope she is banned...that's just wrong. Those people could get her for copyright infringement if they wanted to.

Very skeevy!
It's one thing to scraplift the idea and have a similiar photo..but that was the whole posted layout..jornalling and all..

Sad, sad, sad... very sad... :(
That's the weird part. I can see taking a LO and putting in your photos & journalling. (but you are making the page, unless it is digital) I can even see taking general photos, like the castle & parade shots, I may need to borrow some to complete my album. BUT to take the journalling??? That is so weird. Why would you want someone else's memories?
I'm guilty of scraplifting and taking little bits of what I see for inspiration but that's just downright wrong.
That's really spooky - why would someone do that? I get ideas all the time from other layouts, but the pictures and journaling tell my story - why steal someone elses? Twopeas is a very popular site - did she think no one notice?? :confused:
Holy cow! I'll admit to scraplifting ideas here and there, but I don't copy the whole layout, pictures, journaling and all, and I try to give credit if I can. That's just wierd, though. She adds in the side notes that the layouts were from here 2002 trip.
The "It ain't illegal unless I get caught" mentality is really interesting to me.

She stole other people's layouts--didn't just scraplift--and posted them as HER own. I can't believe she was stupid enough to take some that had been posted on 2peas already! Evidently she was in a hurry--for a contest or challenge???--and did not bother to check the original poster on 2peas. I suppose a person could have different user names, too, so she couldn't check or it wouldn't show up. (I know I have another user name for a group of sites I am on--old name I don't really like, but just don't change). More than likely she figured noone would remember them???

How was she caught? Did someone recognize their pages?

How sad!:confused3
From what I read, I believe a Pea was looking through the gallery and found her LO's claimed by said individual. :(
I just think it is awful.. just rude and unimaginable.. I mean some of the photos even were of some of the members children.. :(
Did anyone else notice that the castle page she says is hers from a 2002 is decorated for the Happiest Celebration on Earth which was in '05-'06? OOPS!
It's one thing to admire someone's work and use some of the ideas for your own, but to feel the need to " pilfer " the work and claim it as your own suggests some obvious issues with lack of guilt!
Not only do I feel badly for the scrappers whose work was taken but for this person who did the taking!
Did anyone else notice that the castle page she says is hers from a 2002 is decorated for the Happiest Celebration on Earth which was in '05-'06? OOPS!

I read that on the other board; I missed that though.. .off to look again... I thought something was amiss but could figure it out.. we were there in 2005... so I have photos of the castle just like that! :)
Living in FL, I'm lucky to go often and I can tell you that the castle didn't have gold accents in 2002.
that's really just odd. I totally scraplift all the time BUT if I am posting my layout on 2peas that I've scraplifted I will say something like scraplifted from xy or inspired by xy... maggie
You know what would be a cute several page LO... the different castles decorated.. Remember when it was a birthday cake? Golden accents, ....That would be really cute...
I try to forget it was a birthday cake. That horrible thing was there during my Grad Nite in 1997 and it was awful. I think I was so upset that I didn't even take a picture of it!


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